TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 160: Recreating Karen Read Allegedly Driving 24 MPH in Reverse Proves It’s Physically Impossible For Her To Have Killed John O’Keefe


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Last week the Commonwealth changed their story again about how Karen Read allegedly killed John O’Keefe, abandoning the “death by three point turn” theory, and adopting a “death by intentionally being run over from 62 feet away” theory instead. They had to do this because:

  1. If Karen did a three point turn she would have struck John with her left tail light, not right.
  2. Fairview Road is not wide enough to accelerate to 24.2 mph (down from 27) doing a three point turn.

To test this new theory out I traveled to Canton to measure out and recreate Karen’s alleged crime of passion. I wanted to see:

  • Whether it was possible to reach 24.2 mph in 62 feet.
  • How far up Karen Read had to have driven before accelerating in reverse.
  • What it felt like to drive that fast in reverse.

First we measured 62 feet from where John’s body was discovered. This is where she would have been parked before she slammed it in reverse.


According to the Commonwealth, Karen dropped John off at the corner of the lawn, rather than in the driveway that lead directly to the door. John did not object to this, and got out of the car during a blizzard with just a long sleeve shirt on, and instead of running across the lawn to get out of the 19 degree weather, he decided to remain stationary in the street as Karen Read pulled forward.

He then continued to stay in place while his allegedly psychotic girlfriend moved her vehicle in front of 32 Fairview Road, and chose to remain standing in the same position as Karen Read gunned it 24.2 mph in reverse.

I conducted my test three times to see how fast I could go. Until you travel this fast in reverse it’s hard to explain how scary it is. Every instinct in you is telling you to slow down because it feels like you are not in control. On my first attempt I only reached 14 mph and ended up hitting the curb.


Fairview Road slightly curves at that point, so if Karen Read went in a straight line she would have run him over and hit the curb. She also would have hit his left arm, not his right, which had dog scratches all over it.

In that video you can see my hesitation as I begin to gun it. It felt uncomfortable going 14 mph and I let up slightly on the gas. Now that I knew the road curved I tried it again at a different angle and got up to 17 mph. Finally I tried it one more time, laying my foot to the pedal as hard as I could, and I hit 19 mph. It took me 30 feet to come to a complete stop after hitting the brakes.

I could not have possibly gone any faster than that. Karen’s 2021 LX 570 has roughly the same 0 to 60 time as the 2023 RX 350.


It became clear to me while doing this why the Commonwealth had to upgrade the charges to murder – there is no way you could hit someone like this without it being intentional. If they actually believed this then the charge probably should’ve been first degree. Any person who could willingly do this to another person is psychotic and extremely dangerous. Every instinct in me wanted to hit the brakes. I couldn’t imagine what it would’ve felt like to see a 6’2 217 pound man in my dash cam and continue to press the gas.

Notice I had to angle the car away from the spot where John’s body was found in order to avoid hitting the curb. The Commonwealth wants you to believe that John saw Karen’s much larger 3 ton vehicle barreling at him and chose to remain in the road, rather jump to the grass to avoid being struck.

Had she actually accomplished this feat she would have hit the curb like I did.

It would take a world class NASCAR driver to pull off a feat like this. Yet the Commonwealth wants you to believe that Karen Read, who couldn’t back up out of her driveway slowly without hitting John’s parked car, accomplished this:

  • while blackout drunk
  • in slippery snow that hadn’t yet been plowed
  • without causing any damage to her vehicle aside from a broken tail light, which was not discovered by Canton Police
  • without making a loud enough noise that anyone in the house heard
  • without Ryan Nagel seeing it behind her

We are also to believe that when she hit John his body ricocheted 12 feet to the side, onto the grass, defying Newton’s laws of physics which dictate that John would have been knocked in the same direction Karen was driving, and been subsequently run over like a Tsarnaev pancake.

While I was there they were doing work in the backyard and the gate was open. This was most likely how John’s body was taken out of the basement through the bulkhead, and dragged less than 50 feet to his final destination.

This image I took is from where the Ford Edge Lucky Lougran saw parked there at 3 AM would have been.


The Edge was used to block any cameras from seeing where the body was placed, and to deter plows from coming down the road. The large bush on the left provided cover from 32 Fairview Road, but Karen, Jen McCabe, and Kerry Roberts all would have seen John’s body from the road when they arrived.

The Commonwealth is allowed to make up stories as they go along because they have no theory. They planted cocktail glass to make it look like Karen struck him in the back of the head and cut his arm up. When Proctor heard that her tail light was broken from Jen McCabe he changed his plan, and delayed the SERT team search until 5:45 so that he could travel to Dighton, lie about what time he got there, bring the car back to the Canton Police Department, break the tail light, and plant it before the SERT team arrived.

Initially Proctor pushed the three point turn theory because it could still be construed as an accident, and they only wanted Karen Read to take a manslaughter charge. When she didn’t plea to it they upped the charges to murder to force her to.

As time went on they realized that the three point theory that Proctor and Matt McCabe both claim happened, was not plausible, so they abruptly changed their story again. But as you can see, that theory is also provably false and doesn’t explain the injuries to John’s head, the scratches on his arm, or the lack of bruising and broken bones on his body.

It would take an evil, depraved person to do what they are accusing Karen Read of doing. Karen has no history of violence and no criminal record. However, Colin and Brian Albert do have a history of using their fists to hurt other people, and Chloe has a history of biting people. The more the Commonwealth tries to prove Karen did this the more ridiculous they look, and the more their narrative falls apart.


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  1. Yeah, but the big question is will corrupt cop Michael Proctor testify?? It has to end before he gets on the stand, right? Morrissey is not that dumb, is he?

    1. I don’t think this is a jump the shark moment. He used a similar car, clearly TB could go faster in the dry
      and daylight conditions, and he’s not drunk….the question is whether it’s humanly possible to get a 2021 Lexus LX 570 to accelerate in reverse to a speed of 24.2 mph in a mere 62 feet. It looks pretty doubtful. Frankly, I’m sure Lexus can tell you one way or the other.

    2. He gets dropped off.
      It’s freezing out, Its snowing, he has no coat.
      She drives 62 feet away, and what?
      He is just standing there watching her go down the road, and she randomly stops and thinks to herself that he may be standing in the same spot, im going to try to hit him?
      I would be surprised if you could even see someone that far away at night in the rear view.
      Why do people in the house seem to see everything outside the house at that hour except the actual accident when there is no reason to be looking out the windows.
      All the people in the house were there to drink and party.
      There were a lot of people there, I find it hard to believe that they kept having to look out the window for someone they really did not care if they showed up or not.

      Tons of info missing in this case

      #1 Motive
      Court claims Karen did not like JO family commitments.
      Even if that were true…
      They were not married and she could have just broken up with him.
      It was that simple.

      Motive is Missing.
      House full of people that should have seen something did not.
      Cameras on the home should have recorded outside are missing.
      Dog that could have or could not have made those marks is missing.
      Town cameras that should have caught her car driving by is missing the 2 minutes when she would have driven buy.
      Brian Alberts and everyone else’s phone is missing from evidence.
      Proper spelling of potential witness names all missing?
      Recorded interviews of potential wittness’s missing.

      If they Albert’s got into a fight with JO and he was in bad shape they could have called 911 and gotten him some help. Maybe there would be some assault charges, but nothing that could not be worked out by cooler heads.

      They left the kid to die.

        1. This video was made not for trial but to show everyone on here that it is impossible to drive in reverse in the snow 62ft and get up to speeds of 24 MPH with all the safety features working especially with a few drinks in her. NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!!

    3. What proof does the prosecution have that this is the way it happen? NONE. This video shows how deceitful the Prosecution and State Police are for making up such a story that’s even worse than the 3 point turn

  2. There is no way Karen good have reached 24 MPH. With an inch of snow on the ground and a slight turn of the wheel and she would have lost control and the car would spun out of control. The good Doctor lost control and hit the curb on a nice day

  3. How does Lexus Sefety Sense factor into this as well? What if you put up a 6’2″ cardboard cut out of a person, stand it up in the road and attempt to go in reverse. Would the Lexus even let you hit it? If the brakes are automatically applied, would that event be recorded in the Lexus computer for a forensic analysis?

    1. If automatic braking had occurred because an object was detected, then I believe that the Toyota Safety sense system would record that as an “event”.

  4. Anyone think to look at camera footage at the canton police station, the morning the car was towed there? I know for a fact that there are cameras all over that parking lot. What are the chances they were off line??

  5. That is pretty amazing, and his cellphone was found under his body.
    Lally will probably go on to say that she sat outside 32 Fariview Rd. doing her taxes like most people would do, then drive home.

  6. I don’t have a Lexus 570, but my wife has a 2021 Toyota Sequoia and I can tell you for a fact, unless you disable ALL the safety shit on that vehicle, #1 the traction control limits the engine when the wheels slip, (your foot can be to the floor, but the computer limits the power) #2 it will sense an object behind me and set off an audible warning and apply the brakes! (I’ve backed up and it sensed a trash barrel and slammed on the brakes) I doubt very much that the safety systems on a Lexus, which is Toyota’s luxury line are less than her Toyota! NO FUCKING WAY THAT HAPPENED! Never mind everything TB pointed out, for it to even be plausible, O’Keefe would have to have stood in the road for like 15/20 minutes minimum while Karen read the manual and figured out how to disable all the driver safety shit on her car!! What a joke, it gets dumber by the day!

    By the way, my daughter is 10, she heard my wife and I talking about this in the car, she looked up from her IPad and said “daddy I thought cars won’t let you hit stuff behind you”. EVEN A TEN YEAR OLD KNOWS THIS DIDNT HAPPEN!!!

  7. Did Karen have Lexus safety connect or some other recording device in the car? Did she have a phone in the car? Some apps record sounds? Did her phone record any sounds?

  8. Turtle fans: John was hit by Karen in the road, then he crawled up onto the lawn, tried to make a call for help… then collapsed due to the head injury… as Karen drove off and left him for dead. Daniel Donovan

  9. Sounds like these azz play freaks were trying to backdoor Karen but everything comes out in the wash and sunlight is the biggest disinfectant.

  10. I’ve read nearly every story connected to this and it has JUST NOW occurred to me how absurd the idea is that she dropped him off where his body was found. Not sure why that never occurred to me. It was snowing and terrible weather. Really, she didn’t drop him off at the driveway? She dropped him off at the furthest possible point from the driveway, where he would otherwise want to be as not to track snow all through the house. That alone makes no sense and defies logic.

  11. The Lexus she was driving has emergency (i.e. automated) braking when in reverse if it detects an pedestrian. “Added to the already commercialized Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS) and Rear Cross Traffic Auto Brake (RCTAB) is the world’s first*3 rear pedestrian support brake, which detects pedestrians using a rear camera, and in the case of a possible collision, helps to minimizes damages by using alerts and brake control.”
    I understand snow, nighttime, etc. lessen the effectiveness of that system, but from my experience (and every Lexus forum on the internet), it’s overly SENSITIVE. it works too well…

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