TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 167: Detective Yuri Bukhenik Got A Warrant For A Turtle Rider’s Phone To See If They Ran License Plates For Turtleboy


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Occasionally I will make a Facebook post asking turtle riders who can run license plates to DM me if I need to find out who a car is registered to. Tow truck drivers, dispatchers, private eyes, RMV employees, and a bunch of other people have access to this. Technically they’re not supposed to do that, but cops do it all the time and no one cares. However, corrupt State Police Detective Yuri Bukhenik is now using his powers as investigator to target people who have run license plates for me, in order to protect the reputations of Jennifer McCabe and Michael Proctor.

On Monday I made a post asking to have a plate run when I was alerted that a Jeep that looked like Jen McCabe’s was parked at the Proctor household at 6 Wentworth Road.

I had over a dozen people reach out and offer to run the plate for H 500, and indeed it came back confirmed as McCabe’s. This was big news because it proved that the DA’s Office was lying when they said that there was no personal relationship between lead investigator Michael Proctor and Jennifer McCabe, who should have been one of the prime suspects in coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder. McCabe’s attorney Kevin Reddington had no comment.

In response to this discovery Detective Bukhenik did an inquiry to see if any police officers or dispatchers had run that license plate, since it would come up in the system. It doesn’t come up for tow truck drivers, private eyes, or other individuals who run the plates, several of who also ran that plate.

However, he did discover that one dispatcher had run the plate, and he immediately applied for and was granted a warrant for the individual’s phone. Yesterday he showed up at the person’s house with the warrant, read them their Miranda rights, and took the phone for 24 hours. He specifically asked about communications with Turtleboy.

Keep in mind, on August 10 Bukhenik and Proctor traveled to Canton to interview Lucky Loughran after finding out that I had interviewed him. He reads everything I write and reacts to it.

But he didn’t visit Lucky because Loughran had information that proved Karen Read didn’t kill O’Keefe. Bukhenik knows full well Karen Read is innocent, and that it’s his job to protect his corrupt partner and the people who murdered John. Bukhenik went there to find out what the FBI told Lucky, because he crapped his pants when he found out that they found Lucky.

Bukhenik didn’t go to visit Lucky to find out who was driving the Ford Edge that Loughran saw parked next to where O’Keefe’s body would be found 3 hours later. Loughran confirmed that story to him, but he’s done absolutely nothing in the 7 weeks since that interview to try to find out who was driving that car, despite the fact that they were clearly involved in John O’Keefe’s murder.

He might not have time to solve a murder in which a cop’s body was dumped like trash on a front lawn, but he has plenty of time to investigate and go after a dispatcher for running a license plate that proved that his partner had a personal relationship with one of the people who helped murder John O’Keefe.

However much you hate these people, it’s not nearly enough. They are evil personified. But we will win, and they will lose.

Let me be very clear to Detective Bukhenik – I am not afraid of you at all. When I look at you I don’t see a cop. I see an insecure criminal with a gun and a badge.

By this time next year you will no longer be a state trooper, and you will be held accountable for the crimes you committed against Karen Read. This latest weak stunt designed to intimidate me is not surprising, given the fact that you’re a corrupt cop, desperately trying to flex what little power you have before your life is destroyed.

Yuri didn’t go to visit Lucky Loughran because he wanted to arrest the people who put a fellow officer’s body on the front lawn of Brian Albert’s house. He went there because he wanted to find something to arrest me for. He knows that my reporting is a clear and imminent threat to his livelihood, and he wants it to stop.

We all read the transcript, in which they interrogated him on whether or not Loughran was wiretapped by me during my interview with him. I’m fully aware that they are trying to arrest me for something at this point. Anything they can come up with. It’s why they’re directing people like Chris Albert to apply for orders against me. Doesn’t matter to me if they do. My perp walk will be legendary, my mugshot will be a best selling t-shirt, and I’ll make bail so fast my soup will still be warm when I get home.

P.S. Michael Proctor’s car is constantly parked at his house, as we have people monitoring his residence almost 24/7 now. His car was almost never there before. Proctor also wasn’t with Bukhenik when he went to the dispatcher’s house. Almost as if Proctor isn’t going to work anymore.


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  1. So I guess that if you want to pass info like this to Turtleboy, it is best to call a friend and have them send the info to TB. So nothing links you to him.

  2. “Public servants” trying to arrest you. Congrats on making the investigative journalist big leagues. Once they try to kill you for your reporting that’s when you’ve reached the pantheon of your profession.

    1. This state as well as the whole country is corrupt as hell. The politicians, FBI, CIA, FDA, biden crime family, etc just do as they please. They break laws and get away with it. Those on the opposite side of the isle get locked up in federal prison for minor stuff. Illegals are being flown into Logan, housed , fed, given ID and drivers licenses, etc…at the tax payers expense. Veterans are thrown into the streets to make room for illegals. The illegals will be authorized to vote everywhere in the country, as is happening in Pennsylvania. We mean nothing to them except the money they take from us.
      Aidan, be careful. These bastards will think nothing of harming you or your family because they know they will get away with it. The laws don’t matter anymore to them. We need you….stay vigilant.

      1. Not only that but I seen a post from Obama that two states just passed that if you have a current driver’s license, you can easily register to vote. He didn’t state Illegals, but anyone with half a brain would know that he’s referring to them. He also encourages other States to follow

  3. Actions apeak louder than words…his actions appear to make him culpable in the coverup of the murder of a Boston police officer and the framing…and destruction…of the police officer’s girlfriend.

  4. As if the plot couldn’t get any thicker!! If only they tried this hard to do their jobs the night Officer O’Keefe was killed!! They should be ashamed of themselves!!

    1. Didn’t get any geofence data, no access to B. Alberts phone, so I guess a dispatchers phone will suffice; complete joke.

  5. If someone gets fired over this, a GoFundMe needs to be set up for him or her. No one should lose their job for fighting the good fight.

    1. At least Yuri got into someone’s phone, Just not B. Alberts, or any geo fence data from FairviewRd,… solid Police work!

    2. Someone will and should get fired. I’m 100% on the same page with most people on this blog about this case but this was such a stupid rookie move. Bad means never justify the ends. That’s how most of the Cantonites in this drama work. Any person trained to use Cori system is well trained in the consequences of this. It was such a rookie move. Just dumb. Everyone already knew whose cars they were. TB- stop asking your viewers to do this. You’re putting their livelihood at risk.

      1. I Have to agree.. partially…..Anyone who is a Dispatcher and uses CJIS to run plates knows there is a button to check off not to notify that the inquiry is being made on the registration; there will be no record of the inquiry. However, if the person running the plate doesn’t check it off, it will record the date, time, and person who ran it, ( might want to try that next time), I wouldn’t be ⁸surprised if this wasn’t a set up by the prosecution; just my conspiracy brain churning …. However, I think there should be an exception in this case where the corruption and inept Police work is so egregious that it should be dismissed in the name of Justice for K. Read.

        1. I’m not a dispatcher but know a little something about this stuff. I don’t believe you are accurate. You may not know it but every inquiry is traced somewhere. Period. There are federal rules that govern this. Maybe it doesn’t show up in some systems to protect someone so it doesn’t look like an inquiry. But it does in the audit system connected to CJIS.

  6. As they say—>Actions speak louder than words.

    This piece of work’s actions appear to make him culpable for
    – the coverup of the murder of a Boston police officer, and
    – the framing…and effort to destroy both mentally and financially…the murdered police officer’s girlfriend.

    There is a place in hell for these folks!

    1. I know it’s highly unlikely, but imagine right now there is someone above this/fed that will stand up to the corruption.
      I’m fairly certain Rollins was eliminated quickly because she may have been okay with calling out her adversaries. What she went down for was BS compared to what so many others have done.

  7. Yuri was flying relatively under the radar until he started going after turtle boy. He has now placed himself squarely as a possible participant if this in fact turns out to be a coverup. Hos many people will throw away their careers or freedom for the Alberts?

    1. The entire Norfolk County District Attorney’s office has been flying under the radar for a long time. Lots of examples of cops getting in trouble and either beating it or getting off lightly thanks to the steering of the friendly prosecution. This was all supposed to be a barely noticed case until Turtleboy picked it up and ran with it. At the very minimum a thorough investigation of not only Karen Read but everyone in that house too. The fact that the County continues to fight properly investigating the people in the house CLEARLY shows the ole Norfolk County Fix is in full effect here no doubt about it. I hope the FBI is doing their thing. Can this be moved out of rotting corrupt sleepy ole Norfolk County and run fair and proper by some honest people? Follow the campaign donations you’ll see who the DA actually works for its not the people who just want the truth.

  8. Yuri’s family had better start thinking about how they’re gonna keep their lives going after he’s in the slammer. He’s as kentucky fried as proctor.

  9. Shouldn’t he be spending his time following up on O’Keefs murder? Who cares about a search of a plate? Is that really important Yuri? You know this makes you look like a fool, right?

    1. Absolutely he should. But it’s politics – it would be better for his career by appeasing higher ups and powerful people if he arrested TB. It’s ridiculous

    2. That’s not what he has been ordered to do.
      Norfolk D A wants this closed.
      They do not care about the truth.
      John O Keefe isn’t their priority.
      Which is so profoundly sad.
      The only priority is saving face. Protecting connected people. They will stop at nothing to do all of that. People should be very very concerned.

  10. These dopes know they can’t arrest TB. They know it, TB knows it, and we know it.
    The tide has already turned on them. Arrest the 1 journalist who is tirelessly digging for the truth to this story, and you will only succeed in handing him (and us) the biggest megaphone under the biggest spotlight possible. Even the lazy-ass mainstream media (who up to now has mostly been echoing the state’s talking points/lies) will be forced to take notice if TB is arrested. The state/prosecution doesn’t like the negative attention they are getting now. They want this to go away. Arrest TB on some stupid trumped up charge, and “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Your move Proctor/Yuri/Morrissey.

  11. Maybe these secret police tactics work in your Nazi -addled Ukraine , Yuri, but in this country you’re not supposed to investigate cases you have conflict of interest or personal investment in .

    1. Do you really want to use the same corrupt tactics the other side uses? Sad case if you do. It was clear whose jeep it was. Take the picture and send it to the defense. Let them do discovery. Might not be good “must see TV” for TB and viewers like me who love the live action stuff. But it’s illegal and will result in some low level person now losing their job snd not ever being able to get a similar one in the future. For what purpose?

      1. Maybe they care more about justice than low level job.
        Happens all the time.
        Anyone with access to database.

  12. 1. Whichever judge signed that warrant should be ashamed of themselves.

    2. I don’t have an iPhone, but Uncle TB’s above screenshot of texts with Mr Reddington also shows date and time stamps that don’t look right either, or non-existant. (Just an observation) Am I missing something?

    1. What doesn’t look right about the date and time stamps from the Reddington message? I believe that’s from Facebook’s messenger app (I can’t say for sure, I’m not a Boomer or Gen X so I don’t use Facebook). The dates look right to me. He last spoke to Reddington over the summer, and then Monday of this week is the latest contact, hence it says Monday since it’s still this week, so no date there yet. Someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

      1. Since when do Gen-Xers automatically have Facebook accounts?
        I was born in ‘79 and I don’t care to view snapshots of everybody’s meals before they eat them, or be guilt-tripped into donating to every “worthy” charity cause under the sun.
        Save your stereotypes for somebody/something you can defend

  13. Hopefully the Feds are going to prosecute all of these bozos under the RICO statute. The Feds have used it successfully over the past few decades to go after criminal gangs. This is now an organized group seeking to cover up the murder of a Boston Police Officer. Essentially, RICO enables federal prosecutors to go after people like Buckanik, who didn’t get his hands bloody the night of John O’Keefe’s murder, but he is operating and participating in a coverup KNOWING that that Alberts, McCabes and all their minions are engaged in criminal conduct.

  14. These buttfuck buddies are really into each other. They put on their blue lights to get to each other’s cribs quicker

  15. This is such a use of force and scare tactic him and his busted wife will be on unemployment line soon enough

  16. What is he planning to charge TB with? I mean the Dispatcher could possibly face disciplinary action in his/ her Department, ( which would be ludicrous), but what is the criminal charge for finding out who the registered owner of a vehicle is?

    1. I’m curious too.

      Surely Bukakke wants this dispatcher to face disciplinary action for using employer-provided tools/time for personal research. But Bukakke also had to inform the judge that signed the warrant, as to who and what specifically the search warrant was for, and obviously which crime/felony he was investigating

      One possibility is Auntie Bev signed the warrant

  17. “did an inquiry to see if any police officers or dispatchers had run that license plate, since it would come up in the system” – this is actually false. As a police officer, you can look up any plate clicking the private button. There is 100% a way to search anonymously.

    1. This is not the case. Period. Whether you know it or not. Every transaction through the CJIs system is tracked for FBI audit purposes. Really not debatable. Even these “private” third party transactions- guess what, they are traceable to the company and by extension the person who requested it. I can’t say that people aren’t able to bypass these systems as corrupt people do corrupt things (see this entire Canton story). But these systems are designed to trace every single transactions and very single persons ever trained to use them know this. Stupid move by the dispatcher. Will 100% get fired. Sad and shortsighted. TB/ STOP asking people to do this. They are watching your site obviously.

    2. Average Joe is right, I’m a dispatcher and every single inquiry made into these databases is tracked and the feds can and WILL audit it if they have reason to believe someone is making an inquiry unlawfully. You cannot access the databases without logging in with your personal credentials. That’s how they track who is running everything. I have seen coworkers get caught and fired for this. And they can also put flags on certain plates so that every time it is run the DOJ is notified so they can verify the validity of the inquiry. In a high profile case like this, I bet all their plates will be flagged now by the feds.

  18. Yuri and his wife Shelby spent an awful lot of energy (and other people’s money!)on the Ukraine scam. Yuri has been over there multiple times. Wonder how he pulled that off with MSP?

    1. Should be researched more.
      Where exactly did the money go?
      Wonderful off it went where it should.
      I have my doubts.

  19. How long before Yuri decides it’s his patriotic duty to return home and fight the Russians? About the time it takes federal indictments to be handed down?

  20. Sgt boocuckie is the WORST supervisory detective in the history of policing!!!

  21. Brian hand over your phone. If you have any information on John’s death it would be wrong to not turn it over.

  22. Is this faggot really Ukrainian? He’s a disgrace to the good men / women of the MSP. Go back to mother Ukraine and join your comrades in their fight against Russia. We all know this cuck wouldn’t make it a day, if he was pushed to the front!!

  23. So the they CAN move quickly when they want to. Too bad it took then over a year to speak to Lucky too bad they’ve done nothing to locate the driver and any passengers of the Ford Edge Lucky saw parked at 3am in the spot JO’s body was found 3 hours later.

    I’m starting to think they want to now pin the whole thing on Turtleboy based on how fast they move when he’s the target.

  24. Learned Doctor: If the coroner determined that John died of hypothermia, it’s not quite accurate to say that the murders dumped his body on the lawn. They beat beat him to an inch of his life and left him to die alone outside in the cold. He might have been saved with 911 and an RN in the house.
    This is more heartless than staging evidence and it means Jen participated in the murder with her google search as much as the assailants.
    Dear Jen, this is not a quibble.

  25. TB, honestly… why would you admit to having a plate run in the first place??? seriously you and your naive followers believe that you are untouchable.. You say you dont care but your silly brave attitude will hurt Karen Read in the long run because you wont be around to continue the fight.. you will be occupied with suits and jail time because these scumbags want you silenced… why dont you stop the foolishness and smarten up.. Alot of us have stand by you but you are getting sloppy

    1. Bro can’t get out of his own way. Whoever ran the plate is getting fired and charged. No real journalist would ever announce how a source is helping. Absolute fool

      1. No real cop would claim a body that appeared to be in a fight, with a missing shoe, and possible dog bites on the arm, and bruising on the hand death by 3 point turn. So there’s that.

  26. Norfolk County turning into Nazi Germany.
    Btw you can also have the records checked on who ran plates.
    Guaranteed you will see names that shouldn’t be the ones looking up!
    (K. A)

  27. That’s a bit ridiculous! Looking up plates happens all the time. Who gives a shit! The only thing Yuri will accomplish is getting someone a slap on the hand. BUT, why is he investigating? Was this assigned to him or did he decide to create an internal investigation on his own? And what’s the purpose of obtaining a warrant for the phone? If the dispatcher admits to looking up the plate and providing info to the press, why would a judge sign a warrant for the phone? My opinion is JO was attacked by the dog, fell, hit his head, and people panicked. Had the right thing been done, getting JO medical help, and the truth told, the worst that could have happened is the dog would be deemed dangerous and be euthanized. The people in the house would be called heroes for getting immediate medical help for JO. Just my opinion. I hope when the bullshit with Karen Read is over, she can recover every single penny from the State and then some. Sadly her reputation is forever ruined and getting her career back will be a long, tough journey. I wish her nothing but a bright and FREE future.

    1. Excellent questions that I’ve been wondering myself. Possibly:
      1. Attempt to intimidate the public from helping. Who’s going to want to run a plate now?
      2. They seriously fear/believe TB is working with somebody, either Fed or State, and they are desperate to find out who. That’s why they kept asking Lucky if he talked to anybody before Doc who asked the exact same questions or if anyone else was on the call, etc. They know they are being watched amd pressured but aren’t sure by who. The JM pic visiting the Proctologist proves it in their minds. If they can figure out who, theyll have an idea what they know. It’s possible there really is a lot more to this whole story than meets the eye.

    2. Why? Really? Because this is an atypical case. Why? Because the state police are monitoring this case and some dope ran the plate of a state police officer. Retired Fed- just about every fed would pursue an inquiry if someone ran your plate and posted it online. Why, really? I respect TB but he needs to stop asking his readers to do this. It’s 100% self serving and puts his readers at risk.

  28. One thing in common with all these supposed tough guys.
    They are all ugly with a strange bodies.
    All are weaker than their wives.
    John. O keefe was everything they wish they were.
    Handsome, strong, good.
    Wasn’t trying to be the tough guy.
    Something none of these assholes can even comprehend or compare to.

  29. Is it possible to get a copy of the request for the warrant? Who was the judge that signed off on something so ridiculous?

  30. A+ for the Silvio Dante reference!

    So let this sink in: according to the government, there was a dead cop on the lawn and parked 12’ away was a Ford Edge and not one law enforcement officer is looking for the driver.

    Yeah, sounds legit.

      1. Maybe, but it was there for some reason.
        Plenty of room in the driveway.
        Yet no officer looking into who’s vehicle!
        The ring camera across the street/Kelliher could answer who”s vehicle that was.

  31. The cops and prosecutors will try everything to lock up Karen Read and her supporters and will do nothing to investigate the Albert McCabe murder klan.

    1. It’s the only thing they can do.
      She will not be convicted obviously.
      Then they will still hold a guilty flag over her and blame jury.
      No one else charged.

  32. Judge I Detective Urine Bukkake request a warrant to search turtle boy’s brain cuz he’s hiding top secrets in his brain and we have to get the secrets back.

  33. When will Auntie Bev reign this circus in? Does Lally have to answer for saying Proctor doesn’t know any of the witnesses. How about the DAs office. Is she ok with detectives on the case trying to arrest journalists for trying to uncover the truth? Who is authorizing Yuri and previously Proctor to investigate TH? Did the DA approve this or are they lone wolves? This is why you investigate first charge second. Only tyrants and communists arrest first investigate second.

  34. I’m a dispatcher and at least where I work this is a guaranteed termination and you can be criminally charged for this. It’s more serious than everyone is making it out to be.

    1. Is it more serious than murder? The people are doing the job police should be doing. So the government gets to coverup a murder but if the people try to expose that that is more serious in your opinion? Fix your priorities.

      1. I don’t disagree with them doing it, I’m just telling you what is about to happen as a result. Instead of being angry at the world you could probably do something more productive like start the go fund me that someone else suggested for them.

        1. Maybe you do something productive and help turtle boy organize a protest outside the agency to protect their job.

        2. Good luck finding a jury that would convict a person for trying to expose a corrupt cop. It’s called jury nullification.

  35. Yuri, I think you need to consider what is important here. Is it people liking you or is it doing the right thing? You are definitely kicking up the dust instead of doing your job.

  36. They taped off the court house stairs.

    They removed protesters from over overpass

    Canton police chief threatened peaceful protesters

    DA makes a false public statement

    Try to get wiretapping charges against TB

    Canton selectmen silence citizen’s

    Obtain a warrent for someone’s phone but do everything to protect a boston cop and his phone

    They do this while covering for the real murders. PEOPLE this is our government using OUR tax dollars.

  37. Out of curiosity I took a ride down Fairview Rd earlier this week. Couldn’t help but notice over a dozen ring cams or security cameras on homes on that street.
    The fact that these troopers didn’t request 3 camera videos in either direction of 34 Fairview Rd tells you all you need to know about these frauds.


    If they had they could have searched any cars going down that street between 12:10 am & 6:30am and got to the bottom of this.

    They would have know exactly what time people arrived, what time they left, who was driving the infamous ford edge, what time Lucky plowed the street, etc, etc….

    Instead they have created the biggest clusterfuck of an investigation the commons has ever witnessed.


  38. Out of curiosity I took a ride down Fairview Rd earlier this week. Couldn’t help but notice over a dozen ring cams or security cameras on homes on that street.
    The fact that these troopers didn’t request 3 camera videos in either direction of 34 Fairview Rd tells you all you need to know about these frauds.


    If they had they could have searched any cars going down that street between 12:10 am & 6:30am and got to the bottom of this.

    They would have know exactly what time people arrived, what time they left, who was driving the infamous ford edge, what time Lucky plowed the street, etc, etc….

    Instead they have created the biggest clusterfuck of an investigation the commonwealth has ever witnessed.


  39. The lies being told and the covering for the guilty in this case make reading about the Theresa Corley case feel very different. That’s what the law enforcement community is this situation has done to me. Great job guys.

  40. This is Police Retaliation by Proxy.
    The only person who can set an investigation into a “media report” is the District Attorney. A detective can’t take that upon himself

  41. TB- running someone’s plate really is a big deal regardless of what you say. And it is a MAJOR CORI audit finding if plates are found to be run illegally. It’s stupid to do as there is a clear paper trail via the computer systems. Whoever did this was stupid. It was a big blunder. It is hard to determine when a plate is run illegally but when a journalist says someone “ran a plate” it cools and should trigger someone looking into it.

    1. Well they should audit every policemen’s plate runs. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. How many police would turn up running plates on ex lovers, potential dates, family/friends, etc. Targeted enforcement to go after a journalist who is investigating you for possible corruption just makes the police officer look corrupt.

      1. You’re missing the point. It can be very hard to determine if someone’s plate is run in ways that are illegal. Sure it happens. Can be hard to find these cases. But when TB asks his readers to publically do this for one of the most public cases in the history of the Commonwealth, does this ask on a public forum that he knows people are monitoring, and then brags he got the info- it will 100% trigger and audit 100% of the time and it’s a crime. A crime that 100% will result in a termination 99.9% of the time. Because you have some sense police “do this all the time” (real or not) does not justify it. Right? Haven’t we learned the ends don’t justify the means lessons on this case. Stop defending TB here 1 he put his readers in harms way and needs to hold himself accountable. You’re better than this. You should know better than this. Please don’t let your head get inflated. Own this mistake and don’t do it again.

    2. Who approved Yuri to take it upon himself to go after an investigative journalist? Can Yuri just go after any possible crime he sees fit? Is he violating conflict of interest rules by investigating a person via proxy who is investigating him?

      1. Prosecutor discretion. The dispatcher should get a raise for uncovering police corruption.

  42. What is the point of getting the phone? Now what? he sees the messages back and forth? then what? if the dispatcher gets fired – then what Yuri? What is your end game? No matter what happens – you have already shown your true colors. You’re a corrupt cop. nothing more. that’s what you will always be. Sad.

  43. If this trooper hasn’t been reported to Ethics Commission yet, as well as his immediate supervisors, something is very wrong & the Inspector General needs to get involved. Any investigation where an officer has a conflict of interest or potentially ulterior motive should result in his immediate removal from the case.

    1. Well we thought the same when it was probed Proctor knew the people at Fairview.
      Yet, here we are.
      My only hope is history will prove how corrupt they Al were.

  44. Ok Yuri, as usual investigating all the wrong people. This is PERSONAL so therefore unethical imho. Not sure how the BPD ethics and standards weigh in on this. Oh yeah, BPD operates without either!

    1. When I worked at the hospital in my early years as a nurse I had more than one cop/patient
      “run my plates” and then go on to brag that they knew where I lived! I always thought it was creepy

      1. That’s right. J walking is a crime. How many people get arrested for that. All the prudes complaining about running the plates to uncover police corruption don’t understand prosecutorial judgment. Not every “law” is enforced. Otherwise we would all be arrested multiple times a day. What he did was for revenge not justice.

        1. Contrary to what you think it’s not a trivial matter. It’s always trivial until someone does it to you and you realize how invasive it is. Hippocrates. The same people who think criminals have too many rights love those rights when you’re accused. The same individuals who say the law “ties the hands of cops” love those restrictions when you’re in the crosshairs. The very individuals who “hate corruption” seem to love it when it’s self serving. Get over yourselves and be consistent. TB created this mess. More real people are hurt because his ego drives him to show how much his followers love him. Personally, I think he’s solid and follow this blog several times a day. But he dropped the ball here and he should just say it. And we should all stop defending it. It’s wrong. Say it and move on. But TB, stop this BS. You’ve proudly said how often you’ve taken your followers down this path and I’m pretty sure you will do it again. Why? Because you can. Disappointing to say the least. That’s one slippery slope and you’re greasing ip the slide.

      2. They all do it, I think the issue is gonna be that the plates of the main witness in a murder investigation, hang on I gotta stop laughing to finish typing, was ran. It’s wrong no matter what, but this could easily fall into witness intimidation! It’s a fine line I wouldn’t want to cross, right or wrong, everyone does it, isn’t gonna matter, what’s gonna matter is they are gonna make an example out of the individual that ran them, and TB if they can!

  45. Has the Norfolk DA assigned someone to target TB or is Yuri investing TB on his own accord? Yuri asked Lucky questions about TB. What did they have to do with JO’s death? Yuri stay focused on the ford edge.

  46. Sargent Kelliher had a ring camera facing exactly where John died.
    In reports it states that he was asked about it and he said he checked and nothing on it?
    Was that footage saved as evidence?
    Why was that not instantly taken into MA state police evidence?
    Why isn’t this discussed more!?
    Did he come out when emergency vehicles there?
    Also his department?

    1. If I were the defense I would definitely call every person that lived in the Kelliher home at that time as a witness!!!
      How many feet away?
      With a ring camera!
      Nothing to see here! Give me a break!
      Have all the residents been questioned?

  47. What happened to the BPD I once knew?
    So Yuri and The other Eastern European cover up the murder of BPD officer O Keefe?
    Good to know there’s diversity, but clearly some resentment?

  48. Serious question, does this clown have any teeth? He looks like some homeless drunk Russian doing stupid shit you see on YouTube!!

  49. Hahahhha! They also coming at you for illegally accessing masscourts. bar complaint filed against the lawyer who gave his log in!!! Tick Tok

  50. So just for the record, this case, and specifically ALL these cops involved directly or indirectly are the reason I will question law enforcement from this day forward. I always knew there were bad cops, but the amount of police involved in this, simply by keeping silent, is outrageous!!! Proctor, toothless Bukhenik, Lank, both Alberts, the spineless Canton Police Chief, and whoever I missed that is directly involved deserve prison, every other cop that is looking the other way don’t even deserve a security job at the Braintree Mall! Even if Karen hit and killed O’Keefe, these fucking idiots actions are apprehensible!!

  51. I guess it was a good thing it was a dispatcher that ran the plate, seeing how old Yuri here protects cops, even cop killing cops! What would Yuri have done if it was a fellow State Trooper, or any cop for that matter? I know many cops, several in my family, ALL OF THEM THINK THIS INVESTIGATION WAS AN ABORTION!! I’m sure there are many cops that would assist TB, or Reads defense provided they can remain anonymous! hhmmmm, I wonder if that’s why Yuri is going so hard after this dispatcher, is he sending a message to anyone in any type of law enforcement TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT?

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