Canton Cover-Up Part 186: Attorney Timothy Bradl Hired As Counsel For Turtleboy Defense, Files Immediate Motions For Bail Review Next Week

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After much searching I have finally decided on who I’m going to have represent me for the fraudulent charges of witness intimidation in Stoughton District Court. Last night I hired Attorney Timothy Bradl from Hingham, who has 32 years experience, including 11 years in the Suffolk County DA’s Office.
Attorney Bradl has worked hundreds of cases, including dozens of murder trials, from all over eastern Massachusetts to Springfield. He’s defended wrongfully accused defendants before and gotten not guilty verdicts, and taken on local colleges and universities by defending clients against unjust investigations. He follows Turtleboy, has a good relationship with Karen Read’s Attorney David Yannetti, and was excited about the prospect of taking on this case. He knows, like we all know, how baseless and ridiculous these charges are. We plan to mount an aggressive defense that will not only fully exonerate me, but expose the corruption used by the Massachusetts State Police and Norfolk Count DA’s Office to persecute me. It is completely unethical for the same police in the Norfolk CPAC to mount a fraudulent investigation into me, and then come to my house, go through my devices, and find out information I had about them from confidential sources.
We have already begun filing motions and will have a hearing next week sometime in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham. We will be asking for bail review to modify the conditions of release when it comes to the stay away orders, which are designed to prevent me from doing my job as a reporter. We have asked for a taint team to go through my seized devices, in order to ensure that privileged and unrelated communications and files are not accessed by police. Although I’m quite positive by now they’ve already done that. As you will be seeing soon, we have evidence that Brian Tully and the State Police had leaked confidential information from my text messages within hours of my arrest.
I am ready for the fight of a lifetime, and will be announcing all upcoming hearing dates, which are open to the public. If you would like to donate to the Turtleboy Legal Defense Fund you can click here. Every dollar counts and enables us to mount the most aggressive defense possible.

Let the games begin!!! Go Get them!!!!
Tully, the POS, needs to have his rights violated in the same manner. I’d love to see what that fucking dirtbag has on his phone. Probably coffindyker nudes, yuk. This is a travesty of justice
Aidan, please make sure the cryptkeeper gets sued for deformation too. You could call her a c u next Tuesday and be ok, can’t be sued if it’s true, right?
Hate to say it but if feds or someone don’t intervene they are going to use scourge every kb of data to find something to put tb away. His financials every website every on there will be scrutinized. They want his ass doing at least t 15 years. The court is no one intervenes he will be going to jail.this is the era of tyranny
Shut up Bill. You’re talking like a dummy.
You don’t think when police seize your shit they go through everything to find a crime? That’s thinking like a dummy
Where is the lie?
Bradl will dog walk Tully and the boys right from the stand to their new homes……jail cells. 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
Stay strong! Happy you have great representation! You got this!
Who did they leak it to? I knew they where gonna do that. Unfortunately it did happen. Was it anything pertaining to the KR case or personal? If personal you could have your attorney get their phones to show collusion to damage your reputation, an then they will be involved in your civil rights lawsuits. Keep going brother…….
I just looked the lawyer up and his reviews are exceptional! He is a true fighter for justice and his client! TB is in great hands and I can’t wait to watch what he does in court to these disgusting traitors who call themselves police…DA….and investigators! They messed with the wrong turtle!
The cops are gonna go through all his shit read related or not surprised if more charges in the coming weeks
There is gif images of him walking of floating around online. What do h simpletons think is on his hdd. He’s shitting his pants not from fake witness intimidating charges but from what they extract from his “most intimate possessions.”
They already leaked some of his text messages. They may give his PC back but not before they clone the hardrive
You should rename yourself to Turtle Douche!
Not a smart chess move.
Lots to think about there.
Stay strong and keep up the good fight.
Truth always prevails!
Believe in Aiden, ‘We got no quit’! Come out winning and put those loosssaahs away!
“We ain’t got no quit”
Lady justice is weeping at this total mockery of the criminal justice System. It’s amazing what the MSP can do when they want to. Wouldn’t surprise me if MSP told McCabe to drive and park in front of Proctors house, knowing someone would run the plates. This is pure desperation. Stay strong, stay the course!
Justice for one wrongfully accused person is justice for all of us!! I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep on saying it: Nobody ever fought corruption by staying quiet about it! Go get ‘em Aiden!!
Well you’re a douche . Ask him how Scott Morrison is doing ?
Great choice! Let’s hope Benzo Bev isn’t behind the bench for this one. I have confidence that you and your legal team will pre ail. Behind you 1000000000%. Daddy ain’t got no quit!
You picked a defense attorney that wears yellow suits to SJC appeals to lose. No bueno
Records request into Tully, Proctor, and Bukkakes’ work phones …
Who leaked the text & how much is this costing?
It’s paramount to know who the leak is, as they really think they can fool us all into thinking Turtleboy is a criminal.
Can we all be witnesses to the McAlbert’s harassment and violence from their supporters?
Can we all claim intimidation from Morrissey’s unbelievable message?
This is all unbelievable.
Brian made all this happen.
So many lives now in turmoil.
Mellow Yellow teeth looks freaky in a bad way
The Corrupt MSP are going to try and find what State TB called Lucky from and any voice recordings from that call to charge TB with wiretapping. Don’t be surprised if the Corrupt MSP “investigators” plant or falsify evidence like Annie Dookhan did.
ps running supplies into a war zone as a member of the Corrupt MSP is just fine.
Ya Aiden is screwed. They aren’t gonna stop with outing his sources. He is going to have the eye of sauron on him just like Trump. But have a feeling trumps pc is cleaner than Aiden’s just from how perverted the guy is
Must be nice crowdfunding a defense. Face it your going to jail . They want to make sure you go to jail. They don’t slap someone with 8 felony’s if they are not planning on sending you to jail. The jury will be unfair to Aiden Kearney but he knows this. Feds are not stepping in the grand jury has been over and no alberts indicted. Aiden needs to move to Russia and apply for asylum. He is facing the corruption machine that is more powerful than any lawyer he could buy
Yeah, there doesn’t appear to be any way that Aiden is NOT going to jail at this point. If Bradl is indeed a Turtlerider then he’s seen Aiden in action and knows exactly what he’s dealing with, so chances are he’s only doing this for the press and the (crowd-funded) money.
Anyone who’s watched the videos of Aiden’s antics outside of D&E Pizza, or at the Canton town meeting where he holds the signs, or the lacrosse game video, or any video where he yells “Cop killer! COP KILLER!” at people who haven’t been charged with a crime…well, even the best lawyer on the planet is going to watch those and say “Yeah, Aiden, I think we need to work on a plea, because you’re clearly harassing these people.”
Aiden makes terrible choices when it comes to picking lawyers. He was all gung-ho about the the attorney representing him in the Meija case and now they’re trying to settle that out of court (which, face it, is a tacit admission of guilt). Shit, he may as well use Laura “DeLaguna” Hayden, at least he might get to see those titties one last time before they slam the cell door shut.
Given Aiden’s small physical stature and propensity to run his mouth, I imagine jail is going to be a nightmare.
“I’m good at court!” – Aiden Kearney. Newsflash: you’re not.
You should be using a hardened Linux device that is completely encrypted to the highest available standards. It would’ve been very sweet for the MSP to take all your devices, only to discover that it would take years to crack the encryption on them.
I can’t wait for this fight to begin and the results that will follow. DON’T POKE THE TURTLE!!!
Go get ’em big guy! Freedom of Speech!!!
Please tell me you didn’t hire an attorney who wears cream-colored suits in the courtroom. Please tell him to stick to navy blue or charcoal gray suits while handling your business. Look at Alan Jackson as a shining example of how a lawyer should dress for court.