TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 228: Twitter Account Used To Harass And Intimidate Karen Read Supporters Identified As Boston Police Wife Jackie Dugal After Accidental Self-Doxxing


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This is Jackie Dugal, the wife of Boston Police detective Karl Dugal.

Jackie and Karl were friends with Karen Read and John O’Keefe. On the morning when John was found dying in Brian Albert’s front yard Karl reached out to Karen, and when she didn’t promptly return his phone call and tell him, “sorry you lost your friend,” Detective Dugal had seen all he needed to see and concluded that Karen Read murdered O’Keefe.

On May 24 outside of her hearing on the courthouse steps, Karl and Jackie interrupted a press conference to harass and intimidate Karen Read, who is also a potential witness in her own criminal proceedings and will likely take the stand at trial.  On their way out Jackie also harassed John O’Keefe’s ex-girlfriend Lindsey, who sits in court in support of Karen Read. Dugal, in her smug, mean girl demeanor, accused the woman of seeking her 15 minutes of fame for having the audacity to look at the mountains of evidence in front of her and reaching the conclusion that Karen is innocent.

Jackie is an unemployed mother of two who runs a “business” called Fit Mom Boston.

On her website she talks about “what it’s like to juggle what can seem like a thousand life commitments on a daily basis,” and how clients need to carve out some time to better themselves mentally in order to become happier human beings.

But it appears as if Jackie doesn’t take her own advice.

There is an account on Twitter that uses the handle @Allamovie2490, in reference to O’Keefe’s badge number.

It is currently using the name Lauren JP, and is one of a dozen or so troll accounts that spends countless hours a day anonymously defending the Alberts and McCabes out of pure hatred for Karen Read and Turtleboy. The difference between Read supporters and McAlbert supporters is that Read’s supporters aren’t afraid to use their real names because there is nothing shameful about the things that they’re saying. On the other hand, the people defending cop killers would prefer to hide behind anonymity while they spew vitriol all day long. The Lauren JP account is one of these, attacking community activists like Rita Lombardi and Angela Chan O’Donnell, on top of incessant tweets about Turtleboy, Karen Read, and random turtle riders who she demeans for their physical appearance. She also seems particularly obsessed with a woman named Olivia Lambo, who she accuses of being Karen.



As you can see, the person behind this account is ugly on the inside, and consumed with hatred of people whose only concern is making sure that the people who murdered John O’Keefe don’t use the machinery of the state to put an innocent woman away for life in order to protect themselves.

Last week “Lauren JP” sent a post card to a turtle rider in Virginia, that contained a couple insults from urban dictionary.


But the real reason behind sending this post card wasn’t to insult and hurt the woman’s feelings as much as it was to tell her “I know where you live, and I can find you.”

Anonymity can be a good thing when it’s used to protect whistle blowers from coming forward with information that they’d otherwise be afraid to out of fear of retaliation. But it can also be used by bad faith actors who want to spew their ugliness for the world to see, without it affecting their lives. People with respectable jobs, families, and good standing in the community.

As it turns out Jackie Dugal is the latter, because she was exposed by herself for being behind the Lauren JP account. Yesterday she responded to a tweet asking for receipts by posting two screenshots of documents from her phone. Except the screenshot contained a reel of other pictures in her phone at the bottom, including one of her driver’s license.


Tweets like this one make a lot more sense now.

Just a reminder, Jackie Dugal claims to have a thousand life commitments on a daily basis that she juggles on top of taking care of her children. She also advises other people about how they can be happy and better themselves mentally.

Yet she literally spends her entire day rage tweeting some of the nastiest vitriol possible at complete strangers, who happen to be really nice people. She clearly is the last person on earth who should be lecturing others on how to be happy or better themselves mentally, since she is miserable, angry, and mentally unstable.

Then again, she is typical of the few remaining supporters of the McAlberts. They know how doomed they are and they know that Karen Read is innocent. But the only thing they know how to do is bully other people into silence and then hide behind anonymity. Twitter is their platform of choice because they can keep creating fake accounts in order to make it seem like there are more of them then there actually are. But there’s like 20 of them, and they celebrate the small victories they have because they know they will lose in the end. Good will prevail or evil, and Jackie Dugal is the face of evil.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Ha! The epitome of “shamy” herself. Isn’t it ironic?! And horse-face runs deep in that circle. Wowza

  2. She spends all this time rage tweeting, when it would be a better use of her time looking for her chin. I’ll keep an eye out for it, too, girl. Muah.

    1. She really digs herself. Doesn’t get that people see the opposite. Especially the ugly on the inside.

    1. How did he do that? She’s not a witness or a family member of a witness. Let me guess conspiracy conspiracy an one more time conspiracy…

    2. Silly human.
      She is the one stating horrific lies.
      She is no victim.
      She is an evil, jealous, vindictive skank!!

    3. 🤦🏻‍♀️ you win donkey of the day! Wait, today is reserved for your friend Jackie. Guess you can be the shit stain on the donkeys ass.

    4. You’re right. Mind you it’s completely evil, unethical and immoral but AK will face more charges and the obvious contridictions in the commonwealths own evidence against Karen Read haven’t stopped any of this from going ahead to the actual criminal trial.

      Why people who (understandably) believe that just because the evidence against someone is ludicrous, they won’t face charges and do prison time should look up White Boy Rick and Douglas Mackey.

      1. Flemmi is the perfect example of someone who defects to the anti-TB side. Had nothing to offer worth a sh*t, but screams into the void incessantly anyway. Just because you think you’re intelligent, doesn’t mean that you actually are. Nobody likes you or your comments because you’re a half-wit posing as a know-it-all. People don’t like that (in case you haven’t gotten the message). And wouldn’t you know it, more negativity towards TB as time goes on. It’s textbook really. Thanks for being so utterly predictable, Flemmi. Go crawl back under the rock you came from.

  3. WOW… What a LOSER this woman is. She’s spending countless hours harassing people for what? Why is she so fixated on Karen Read and spending so much time on social media harassing others?

    She sounds like such a horrible, horrible woman. I wonder what the Boston Police Department thinks about this?

  4. Jizz mop Jackie has zero income and is sooooo busy but still has plenty of time to troll, failing spectacularly with the the anonymous part. Her identity is solely through hubby’s job, the loud mouthed wife of a cop. Will be looking forward to next KR hearing, wondering if JMJ will be wearing a “Justice for JJ” pin.

  5. Boy did her and Kung Fu Karl turn on her. Am I the only one who thinks before the murder Karen in real life was kind of a bitchy twat? Jackie deserves all the embarrassment that’s coming. She’s nasty piece of work.

  6. An indescribably vile person. Imagine having to be in the same room with that thing for any reason whatsoever. I know I said this before, but truly . . . that chunk of filth absolutely deserves everything that is coming her way.

    Do I hope she becomes permanently shamed and ostracized from society, financially destitute, grotesquely disfigured and incurably diseased? I can’t necessarily say that – but she most certainly would wish all of that upon you, me, all Turtle Riders and all of our families.

    If Karma is real, and Mrs. Dugal is repaid appropriately for the malevolence she engenders, Dante’s Ninth Circle will look like one of Jennifer McCabe’s Aruba vacations in comparison to the suffering she’ll endure.

    1. Karma is not real and it has no place or precedent in criminal law.

      She won’t face any consequences because she is not under indictment and neither is her husband. Burden of proof is not required of them because they aren’t under any lawful scrutiny. They’re certainly immoral and foolish people, but that’s certainly not a crime.

      1. What are you, Michael Morrissey all of a sudden? It’s a precatory observation. Read the room; this is Turtleboy News, not a Memorandum in Opposition.

        1. No. I never worked in law or law enforcement. Precatory as defined in commons legal parlance is defined as wish fulfillment. Wanting something to be true and knowing something to be true are two different things. Having truth on your side and competing against a corrupt legal body who doesn’t care about your wish fulfillment is a non sequitur.

          I would ask you to “read the room” but it’s obvious your just here for the entertainment and not the truth. Goodluck with that, I’m sure you’ll get more than enough “likes.” 🤡

      2. Oh sweetie Karma is most certainly real…..your last sentence says “ they are certainly immoral and foolish people but that’s certainly not a crime”……….and you associate yourself with these types of people? If so well chickie that says a whole lot about you! 🤨

        1. Henry Kissinger was an immoral person (according to some) what happens to him? Martin Luther King took part in a gang rape, what to make of him? Bill Clinton perjured himself, Joseph Stalin killed 20+ million people.

          I never claimed these actions were acceptable or moral. I said they are the reality. It wasn’t an advocacy of their actions, but an observation that they went unpunished. Do you not understand the distinction?

  7. So what if someone who was harrassed/bullied by Jackie oh no my husband’s a Cuck Dugal. Called internal affairs an or his supervisor? There’s no way he didn’t know what his wife has been up to an or he may have even posted it himself sometimes. Even if it just goes in his jacket/file. It’ll allways be there. So no chief, or supervisor position for him. For allowing this to happen an continue to happen. Asking for a friend…

    1. Not relevant. She’s not under state charges and her husband is in no danger of losing her job.

      What body is going to charge her with a crime at this point even if she committed a misdemeanor or felony? Let’s say for the sake of argument that she could or would be charged with witness testimony based on her harassment of people and trying to get them fired? Will she ever face charges??

      No. Way. In. Hell.

  8. Ms Dugal, I was hoping to come up with a clever comment or “insult” regarding your character but upon further reflection I knew that your own words are much more clever than I could ever be.
    And your TRUE character is now on display for all to see. Disgusting

    1. There’s a reason she has no career.
      Smart isn’t a word people use when it comes to Ms Dugal. Thank goodness not home schooling.

  9. I remember early on she was posting horrible stuff with a fake name. She didn’t realize she had a picture with Kerry Roberts still up. Not the brightest to say the least!

  10. Sounds like we need to make take some of those commitments away from her. She sounds like it’s too much for her to manage. Anyone wana massflag her pages?

  11. She is so insecure that she insults older people on looks and tries to insult all the younger more attractive women/such as Karen.
    You can see why Karen was an anomaly to these women. She had an actual career and was more attractive and smarter. That really pisses them off.
    They have nothing to offer as far as all that she had. Some whiny bitch that does nothing all day, except jump on social media and make horrible comments.
    Transparency is a good thing.
    It’s a sign you need some work on yourself Jackie. Get some help for your insecurity..

    1. Totally agree – the jealousy that ran through these ignorant women over someone with brains is so apparent. Classic stupid bullies whom only attract other losers.

      1. You can almost hear those conversations.
        “Like, omg, who does she think she is”
        She thinks she so smart well I have to fold sheets and then workout and video it 🙄

    2. The worst offenders attacking physical appearance is usually the uggos. Good looking ppl don’t want to jinx their genetic gift 😉

  12. Hey Jackie,
    Maybe you should worry more about what your husband does behind your back!
    Lots of rumors about that.

  13. Well obviously Karl is gay!! Just because Jack transitioned and calls himself Jackie doesn’t mean he’s a real woman. Look at Jack or Jackie she’s a man!! Those teeth probably Jenn’s little brother.

  14. Maybe she should be more concerned that her husband is so racist he arrested a black man and held him until he proved he was not the right person.
    Karl’s response: “they all look the same” got BPD a nice lawsuit.
    The guy should file civil one against Karl

        1. The comment about him “looking” like a suspects description. This happens all the time. What makes his actions racist???

          Have you ever responded to a criminal or medical emergency? How else are you going to identify or attempt to identify the individual in question or in duress without a proper profile? This is completely illogical and incoherent.

  15. Well done!! It’s why we love you, Aidan! Sadly, this case has opened my eyes to the pure evil, intellectually challenged and poor excuses for human beings living right here in my home town of Canton. We ain’t got no quit!! Good will prevail over evil!

    1. Rita I hope you realize that YOU are inspirational! The new generation of youths, especially young females, would do well to learn from you.

      1) You stand up for what you believe in.

      2) You remain civil, even when others are not treating you with civility.

      3) You are intelligent and articulate.

      4) You will not be pushed around.

      Be careful, Id like to think that people wouldn’t harm someone based solely on their opinion, but I wouldn’t put anything past these people! Unfortunately I think some of their children, which lack impulse control, and have not had good examples set for them by their parents, may do things trying to fit in, or thinking they’re above the law because they’re on the “police’s side”! I don’t think they’d physically harm you, but I wouldn’t put vandalism past any of them!

  16. Another one of the pathetic misfits connected to the Alberts and McCabes.

    So why is she so invested in this? Why spend hours each day trolling online and harassing others? Is her husband involved in this cover up?

    Hopefully the Boston Police get wind of this woman’s behavior and soon.

    Can Karen Read sue her? I hope so.

  17. Hey guys, Rickky here. Say what you want about her, but she is hot. And TB’s supporters are pretty much cigarette smoking trashsters.

    1. Hot? that cunt looks like a Worcester 4 that squeezes the gogurt from the condom trying to lock down the guy who sells weed to high schoolers. It’s in the eyes, Ricky, i know you’re smarter than that.

  18. The PTO at Collicot Elementary School in Milton is not going to like this behavior from one of their “moms”. Would you want this vial creature volunteering around your children? Time to spread the word about this behavior in the Milton community…😔

    Also, parents in Milton are supposed to sign off annually on the Student Handbook which clearly does not condone bullying behavior. Time to write to the Principal and Superintendent to pull this “mom’s” volunteer duties – not a role model for the students of Milton (or any other community for that matter)

    1. Goodluck. Nothing will happen (no saying it shouldn’t). But this is about as useful as saying we just need to vote our way out of the problem.

  19. The absolute insanity of this woman mocking anybody else’s appearance. That’s just rich. Clearly, the cuck family doesn’t own any mirrors.

  20. If anyone finds a chin for Jackie that would be great. Imagine dinner at the Dugal house tonight😂😂 Karl must be like:: I make all the $ all you need to do is make your Bull shit mom videos and now you showed everyone how dumb you are!

  21. Jackie’s bone structure around her mouth looks like a chimp with protruding upper gums and jaw.

    I’ll bet $1000 Jackie makes amateur porn and swings minimum of soft swaps.

    Ps If anyone knows her stripchat handle please share so long as it doesn’t include Jackie pegging Karl (aka little boy blue).

  22. WOW. The amount of hatred in a single individual. Guess she’s not someone who believes in karma. I’d be afraid to get tenfold of that energy back on me. Yikes. Hope she is able to see and accept the truth around the murder of John O’Keefe.

  23. Is this an Obama “big mike” situation, Karl and Jack when up the hill to fetch a pail of water then Karl and Jackie came on down and went to pound town with astro glide.

  24. WOW That wasn’t smahhtt J. Dugal! Going at strangers all day claiming to be sooo mich better HOW ARE YOU ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE PPL YOU’RE ATTACKING? Mean girl should have been over in high school but clearly not all woman mature faster then men ayyy J.D

  25. In one of LaurenJP’s posts from 11/19, she asked, “Karen is it true that you shut off your cell phone GPS after you hit John…”

    Wasn’t JEN in the truck, too?

  26. Jackie a bully? More like a bulldog with that horrendous overbite. An ortho could buy a whole block of vacation homes fixing that mouth.

  27. Of all the people involved in this case – this woman is by far the most beastly. Yikes. Lets start a ‘go fund me’ to find her chin?

  28. This one is by far the ugliest of the bunch. She looks inbred and her poor kids with cave man Carl will also be permanently disfigured. She’s spiraling and scary. What an evil and hateful person.

  29. Coverup is worse than crime. Ms. Read, Mr. Kearney stay strong. Thank God there are higher courts in Massachusetts; the Town of Canton and Norfolk Court are out of their depth. Mr. O’Keefe’s friends and family can watch MicroDots and Thirteenth Juror to see how it was done.

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