Canton Cover-Up Part 25: Colin Albert Posted Videos Threatening To Knock Out Multiple People, A History Of How To Stay Protected In Canton

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Colin Albert’s family and friends have gone to great lengths to make the public believe that he had nothing to do with John O’Keefes death, and that he was not in the house the night that O’Keefe died. But we know from grand jury testimony, and phone calls that Colin made at 12:33 AM looking for a ride, that he was there. Colin is an out of control 19 year old who feels the need to highlight his masculinity by posting images on social media of himself giving the middle finger, putting his fists in a fighting stance, and making comments about his “gang.”
And for all intents and purposes the Alberts and McCabes are a gang that runs the town of Canton and knows they are untouchable. So untouchable that they can get away with murdering a Boston Police Officer, and blame his death on an innocent woman.
Colin is a proud fighter, who seeks the approval of his older family members (like Brian Albert) by appearing to be a tough guy. It is my OPINION that Jennifer McCabe intentionally lured John O’Keefe to 34 Fairview Road that night on behalf of Brian and Colin Albert, who wanted to teach him a lesson for messing with an Albert. O’Keefe lived on the same street as Colin, and Colin tormented him by trespassing on his property in order to provoke a reaction out of O’Keefe.
Colin often posts videos on social media threatening other people. Here he is using a newfound urban accent, calling an unknown male a “bitch,” and threatening to knock them out “BANG BANG!”
Here is another video calling out what sounds to be a group called “your advantage boys,” and promising to “beat all your asses” and “f*** you all up,” before telling them to “pull up bitch.”
This is a violent and dangerous person who regularly got into fights and was raised to believe that this was the way to gain the approval of the males in his family. His Uncle Tim made similar threats to anyone who “f***ed with” an Albert.
Think about the culture this young man was raised in. He was raised to believe that he was part of the most important and dominant family in town. A family that no one was allowed to mess with, including high priced attorneys like Alan Jackson and David Yannetti. Now imagine if some low ranking Boston cop with no political pull started mouthing off to him, telling him not to speed in his neighborhood, and telling him to stop throwing beer cans in his yard.
Who did John O’Keefe think he was? He wasn’t born and raised in Canton like they were. His father didn’t make mediocre chicken parms and get elected to town office despite not knowing the first thing about how a town government functions. His uncle Kevin is a Canton cop. His uncle Brian is a Boston Police Sgt on a bootleg COPS show. If he was ever pulled over drunk driving he would have no chance of being arrested. If someone like me threatens to write about him he knows that his Dad will write to them and intentionally use the word “unfortunate” in an attempt to sound like some sort of mob boss.
The women in his life are no different, and have known each other since they were kids. His mother Julie is a townie, just like his old man.
Julie Daniels Albert graduated from Canton High School in 1994, and was one of the cool girls.
Her yearbook shows that her besties included Meg O’Toole Kennedy:
She is the Stoughton High School guidance counselor who told me that unless I was born and raised in Canton like her, I could never understand why it was so important to cover for murderers.
Colin knows that people like her will always have his back when outsiders like Turtleboy, Karen Read, or John O’Keefe mess with them.
They also graduated with Mary Teague Albert, the wife of Canton Police Officer Kevin Albert.
Why would any of these people travel the world or try to meet someone new when their soulmates all live in Canton? Mary’s sister Carrie also dated Tim Albert. Because the goal of every young woman in this town is to one day marry an Albert and own a pizza shop so you can throw out the first pitch on Little League opening day.
And finally, the Queen B of Canton High School Class of 1994 was none other than the Google Princess herself:
Jennifer Weeks McCabe. Just to review Jen’s family and friends:
- Sister Nicole married an Albert (Brian)
- Good friend Julie married an Albert (Chris)
- Good friend Mary married an Albert (Kevin)
- Mary’s sister dated an Albert (Tim)
- Meg Kennedy married outside the Albert family but lives in town and defend Alberts whenever someone criticizes them on the Internet
Here they all are (left to bottom right), Mary, Jen, Julie, and Meg.
Here’s Jen and Mary (Kevin’s wife).
Here’s Jen and Julie (Chris’ wife).
Jen McCabe is the youngest of 4 daughters, and like Colin Albert she grew up believing she was untouchable. Somehow despite looking like some sort of possessed demon, she was voted Most Attractive senior year.
She and her 3 sisters grew up in the home on 1473 Washington Street that was later sold to Brian Albert. Because why would they sell their home to someone who wasn’t an Albert?
The goal of every woman in this town was to marry an Albert and have Albert babies. (Jen had to settle for a McCabe, but she was rumored to be in a swinging relationship with Brian, who is reportedly separated now from his wife.) They knew that if any Albert got into trouble it was their duty to protect them. They’d likely been in trouble many times before, and although a dead Boston Police Officer in their house was a much more serious kind of trouble, their duty was still to protect all Alberts involved.
There was absolutely no way some hot shot cop like John O’Keefe was gonna be permitted to mess with an up and coming Albert like Colin. Jen knew he had to be brought down a few notches, which is why I believe she lured him to that house, had him go into the basement, and was taught a lesson about who he could and could not mess with in town. They knew that they had the State Police and Canton Police in their pockets, but they never thought that a blogger from Worcester would one day expose them for what they really are. We won’t rest until the charges are dropped against Karen Read, but that alone is not sufficient. We won’t stop exposing these maggots to the light until the people responsible for killing John O’Keefe are charged and sentenced to prison.