Canton Cover-Up Part 256: Hundreds Show Up In Canton To Protest Police Weaponization Of Witness Intimidation Statute, Mainstream Media Completely Misses The Point


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On Sunday at least 250-300 people showed up in Canton for a protest at the police station, which was peaceful as usual. The protesters were not just there for Karen Read this time, they were to protest on behalf of the Canton 9 and Turtleboy, who have been targeted by the Canton Police Department and had the witness intimidation statute weaponized against them in order to silence their First Amendment rights.

This was the headline from the Patriot Ledger:

“Supporters of woman accused of killing Braintree native protest outside police station.”

This is the best description of the event the mainstream media could come up with. They make it sound like we were all there to support some murderer who killed some random guy in Braintree. Except we were there specifically to protest the suppression of First Amendment rights in that town. At no point in their four paragraph story do they mention that.

Imagine if we had to rely on useless institutions like this for our news? It’s scary to think about what the public wouldn’t know about. Luckily the Internet allows anyone who’s willing to put the effort in to find out more details and report the truth. The Young Jurks were at the protest and documented the whole thing.

Our presence in Canton was a big F you to the people who think they can silence us. We stood directly across the street from Tim Albert’s house with the filled in pool, and I made sure to have my measuring tape with me to make sure that the McAlberts stayed at least 100 feet away from me at all times. I know they get really scared and sad when I get too close to them, so I wanted to respect their safe space.

But it’s really humbling to see all these fine people who up to support Karen Read, myself, and the Canton 9. It’s so encouraging to see the crowds at these events because it’s a reminder that our following isn’t just online, and turtle riders aren’t going to back down in the face of suppression. It was great meeting so many of you, especially all the kids attending their first protest, and I hope to see more of you on January 5 at Karen Read’s next court hearing in Dedham. Thank you to Paul Christoforo, Dana Leonard, and Tracey Murray for organizing this uplifting event.


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