Canton Cover-Up Part 285: Dear Brian Tully – I’m Just Not That Into You


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Dear Brian,

I know that you’ve been thinking about me a lot for the last nine months, and I wanted to let you know that although I didn’t think about you as much as the other McAlbert minions, I have been thinking a lot about you lately too. As you know, I’ve been in jail for the last 41 days and it’s given me a lot of time to reflect on our relationship, particularly your obsession with me. So, I wanted to put pen to paper to examine how we got here and try to figure out why you are so drawn to me.

Let me start by saying that I don’t really mind jail anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I did at first, so you won that round. But the war was far from over and you spiked the ball too early.

My time in jail is limited and coming to an end. On the other hand, you must wake up every day in a cold sweat, not knowing what your future holds. I know from the questions that Lindsey told me you asked her, that you live in constant fear and paranoia about whether you are being investigated by the Feds. I can’t imagine what that must feel like because, unlike you, I don’t cover up murders.

On the one hand, you could get away with this if the Feds want bigger fish. On the other hand, you know that you helped cover up the murder of Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe. The Feds just arrested some of your coworkers for getting free driveways. I don’t really like your chances to be honest. You must suspect that you are a target, which is what led you to ask my jilted sidepiece those questions. You know that they’re not going to let you get away with this. I know that I will be out in 19 days, at the latest – an exact amount of time. Maybe even this week. But you could spend anywhere from zero days to decades in federal prison. I think we would both agree that you and I would both rather be in my position.

It must bother you to see hundreds of people show up for me at court, cheering for me like The Beatles. You know that if and when you are in my position, there will be no one there to cheer you on. You will be jeered and looked at with contempt by your fellow officers, for your unforgivable sins. You desecrated the thin blue line by doing what you did to John, his family and Karen.

Lindsey showed me text messages on December 23, of Krusty Panties saying that Jen McCabe would direct you not to subpoena Lindsey’s phone. What does it feel like to take your marching orders from a cop killer like her? Lindsey couldn’t believe that you, a state police lieutenant, could be so easily controlled by a woman who conspired to kill a fellow officer, whose brother you played college football with. I took diligent notes on that during my last night of freedom, and it’s all been handed over to the appropriate authorities.

Jail for me is just an inconvenience. Norfolk County is the richest in Massachusetts, so this is probably the best jail to go to. The hardest cities are Quincy and Randolph, and I’m not exactly worried about the Wellesley or Medway Mafia.

Jail for you, if you go, will be much different. You won’t get hundreds of supportive messages a day to lift your spirits, like I do. You won’t be able to communicate with your kids, like I can. Your canteen won’t be filled, like mine is. You won’t have your comfortable job to go back to, If and when, you get out.

But me? I’m going to be rich and famous, and it’s largely due to your weak, incompetent attempt to incarcerate me. I have documentarians reaching out to me, and reporters from national publications looking to interview me. I have publishers in my inbox asking about book deals. I will be able to hold live events and parties that will sell out in minutes. They do entire segments about me on Court TV. As Karen Read becomes famous, so will I. And it’s all because of you. None of this would have happened if you didn’t have me arrested and charged. Hell, you may single-handedly get the Witness Intimidation statute overturned. Your abuse of government power has made headlines and will be used as a catalyst for reform. Thank you for being so transparently corrupt for the world to see.

I’d also like to thank you and Michael Morrissey for putting your full faith in Ken Mello to have me tried. I’m sure it was hard to find someone stupid, corrupt and desperate enough for work, to take on such a losing case. I know that over a dozen honorable attorneys passed on it. Who in their right mind would ever agree to try a popular, award-winning journalist on such flimsy charges? Peaceful protests and YouTube comments? Good luck with that.

It must be frustrating to watch Mello do his thing. “He wore the plaid suit again?” must be something you ask yourself at every court date. At my arraignment, he said I made 5 million dollars. That should have been a sign that you hitched your train to the wrong wagon. Then there was the time he showed up to court without a response to our motion and had to be talked out of winging it by Judge Krupp. Or when Krupp asked him what authority he had to put stay-away orders in place, and Mello looked around like he wanted to phone a friend. Or when Mello showed up to Dedham District Court without mandatory discovery on January 25th. Or when he told Judge Squires-Lee he couldn’t bring “the whole internet to court.” And he got tongue-lashed for not bringing any evidence. That sure must have inspired your confidence in him.



But my personal favorite is how Mello didn’t even respond to our SJC petition to release me from jail before the sixty days are up. What’s your plan now? Ask for 10 points off if you pass it in late? Our argument for release is that I’m not dangerous, and Mello didn’t respond to it. How’s that going to look to Justice Kafker? If I was a dangerous rapist or batterer, surely the Commonwealth would write up an opposition to my release. But Mello just didn’t feel like doing it, so how can you expect Kafker to believe I’m a danger to the community. Maybe you’ll win anyway, and I will be in here until 2/23. But if your plan is to not let the lead prosecutor speak at all, I don’t like your chances in the long term.

Brian, we both know that I am not a physical danger to you, or any of the so-called witnesses. Neither is Karen Read. You just want us both temporarily behind bars, because you know that the only thing we are a danger to, is your freedom when we are free.  Look at the truth Karen and I have been able to get out to the public about you and your co-conspirators. Heck, I even kept the content coming while I was at jail, which is why you, Kenny, and Lindsey tried to take my phone away. Sorry it didn’t work out the way you hoped.

I got to be honest though – your obsession with me creeps me out. I know you went to Ashley Bell’s house to harass her because Krusty Panties told you she was an angry mistress too. Sorry she told you to fuck off, but I’ve never even hung out with her. This led you to deal with mentally unstable lunatics like Natalie and Lindsey. It must suck that a once proud detective has to rely on psychotic “witnesses” with no credibility.

When I first saw the charging documents, I was flattered at how much you think about me. You’ve spent so much time since June watching my show, spying on kids in my neighborhood, and even monitoring my phone calls. You even drove all the way to Holden to personally arrest me. It must have been a dream come true.

But I got to be honest – I’m just not that into you. I was way more into Michael Proctor, Jen McCabe, and Jill Daniels, who somehow manage to be saner than the last woman I slept with. You were just the guy who looked like a freshly circumcised penis and signed off on all of Michael Proctor’s false police reports. You were just an afterthought.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew you must be corrupt because you let this all happen. You’re Proctor’s boss.  You knew that he lied about his close relationship with the McAlberts. It was your job to discipline him. In any other profession, the boss would come down hard on an employee who broke the rules like this. But you just let it happen because you’re just as corrupt as he is. And for what? To protect a punk like Proctor? Hope he was worth it!

Anyway, the next couple weeks will be interesting. David Yannetti says the discovery dump is supposed to be coming the first week of February. Looks like I could be getting out at the same time you’re going in. Instead of wasting so much time on me, you probably should have figured out who was driving that Ford Edge. Just kidding, you already know who was and so does the FBI.


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