TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 316: Beverly Cannone Says Dismissal Not Warranted Despite Admitting Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 Google Search Is Legitimate And Michael Proctor Acted Unprofessionally 


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It appears as if we are headed for trial in the Karen Read case, as Beverly Cannone predictably denied the defense’s motion to dismiss. However, there were so notable things in her 24 page rulings that stuck out.

  1. Cannone said that Michael Proctor displayed “unprofessional and questionable conduct,” but that it didn’t warrant dismissal because she can’t see what impact his personal relationships with the Albert family had on the investigation. 

The mere fact that he had ANY personal relationship, and then lied about the personal relationship to the grand jury, is all you need to know. The entire case became compromised at that point. You don’t need evidence that these relationships affected the investigation, but we do have it:

  • Proctor never interviewed Colin Albert until 18 months after Karen Read was arrested, despite the fact that he was admittedly inside 34 Fairview Road that night
  • Julie Albert offered Proctor a gift as a “thank you” gift on the day he arrested Karen Read
  • Proctor intentionally spelled the names of 5 witnesses wrong in one report in order to protect their identities
  • According to Michael Morrissey, Proctor never even went to the crime scene on January 29, 2022
  • Proctor lied about what time he towed Karen Read’s car from her parents’ home in Dighton, leaving him unaccounted for with the vehicle for one hour and 15 minutes


2. Cannone admits that Proctor is under investigation by the State Police Internal Affairs. 

What will happen if Proctor is suspended before the trial? How will he be able to testify? Normally the lead investigator is one of the most important witnesses for the prosecution. Proctor is their biggest liability.


3. Matt McCabe told the state grand jury that he saw Karen’s car parked outside for a long time, and that he assumed John and Karen were arguing inside the car. 

How would Matt McCabe have any idea what they were talking about? He was clearly trying to make it seem to the grand jury that Karen and John were fighting – something he would know nothing about. He previously testified that they were getting along fine and seemed sober at the Waterfall.

More importantly, why does this dude stand in front of the window at parties looking at traffic? He was apparently keeping an eye on them, but somehow didn’t see or hear John getting hit by her car at a high rate of speed. His testimony directly conflicts Ryan Nagel’s statement to police that John O’Keefe was not inside Karen Read’s car, nor was he on the ground outside the car.


4. Cannone said the grand jury testimony about John and Karen’s trip to Aruba on New Years “may have been excessive” and that the “evidence may have been more prejudicial than probative.”

All the stuff about Aruba is just a distraction. It doesn’t matter if John and Karen fought during that trip because it doesn’t explain the dog bites, it doesn’t explain why Lucky Loughran said there wasn’t body on the lawn at 2:30, and it doesn’t explain why Jennifer McCabe Googled “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM. The Commonwealth is hoping that if they paint a picture that Karen Read was angry enough then the laws of physics would stop existing in the town of Canton on the morning of January 29, 2022.


5. Speaking of that 2:27 Google search, Cannone agreed in her ruling that there is no evidence that an independent expert used by the FBI determined that McCabe did in fact Google “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM. She just believes that the fact that the State Police didn’t present this information to the grand jury wasn’t grounds for dismissal. 

“it appears that the more recent report used an updated version of software….that the previous software did not extract.”

She attempted to Lallyspain why the MSP’s forensic expert Nicholas Guarino didn’t find the deleted Google search. But that in and of itself is an admission that the search occurred at 2:27 and was in fact deleted. Nonetheless, it’s a complete lie that in 2022 the State Police didn’t posses the technology to find deleted messages, phone calls, and Google searches. It wasn’t the stone age. Guarino is either completely corrupt or completely incompetent. Either way, if the grand jury was aware that Jennifer McCabe made this search at 2:27 AM there is no possible way they would have indicted Karen Read.


6. Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts sat down and wrote out a timeline of events that occurred on January 29, 2022, prior to testifying in front of the state grand jury. 

This alone shows collusion. Jennifer McCabe has been in control since the moment Karen Read called her at 4:53 AM. She delayed the return to 34 Fairview Road to ensure John O’Keefe would die in the cold. She made sure to speak with every cop who arrived at her sister’s house that morning, beginning to spin the narrative that Karen may have hit him, while Karen Read focused on saving John O’Keefe’s life. She called Michael Lank at 9 AM while Karen Read was in the hospital, to tell him that she suddenly remembered that Karen had repeatedly said, “could I have hit him?” She befriended John’s mother, creating a group called “Peggy’s Angels” in order to keep his family close to her.

I honestly didn’t think that Morrissey would want to go through with a trial, knowing how bad his witnesses would be on the stand. But I welcome it, and I know that there is no way a jury will ever convict Karen Read. The testimony given by the witnesses will be very beneficial to my case, as they are ripped to shreds by Alan Jackson and David Yannetti, and have their credibility completely destroyed.


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    1. I wouldn’t hold my breath. You think Bidens DOJ, including Levy, isn’t corrupt?! Please. They must all be scrambling behinds the scenes to preserve meatball or the hammer should have dropped already. For goodness sake Stevie Wonder can see how corrupt this is.

  1. Anyone find out whose Ford Edge was parked at 2:30am where Officer O’Keefe’s Body was discovered only a few hours later? Anyone…Anyone

    1. That better be something revealed in the trial….I sure hope it’s Colin Albert….that punk deserves to go down, as they all do.

  2. For the life of me I can’t wrap my head around the fact a Sworn State Police Investigator lied under oath to a state grand Jury, and the judges response is the defense should have provided case law? It has been my understanding from those in Law enforcement ,that if you lie, you die! Meaning your career and reputation are ruined. Especially if that lie is made during a State grand jury indictment, under oath ,charging someone with Murder. Proctor would never have to lie if the people who were involved were merely innocent witnesses with nothing to hide.

    1. If anyone has any doubt at this point that this judge isn’t corrupt, they need to have their head examined. This is beyond crazy.

  3. This circus hasn’t even started; let’s prepare to watch Cannone reject as much legit evidence presehted by the defense as inadmissible as she can get away with. Sham trial. If Feds don’t intervene? No guarantees.

    1. She f’d up Officer Chesna’s case by not dismissing the rogue juror and got lucky on the second trial she is nothing but a HACK

    2. A dog walks into a bar and says, “a beer, please.” The bartender says, “wow, you should be in the circus.”
      The dog says:

      _Why!? Do they need electricians?_

    3. I think you may be right. I’m not as optimistic about this as others. The judge has ALL the power.

  4. Proctor also lied about who plowed Fairview Rd. There is no way Trotta lied to Proctor but told the defense PI & FBI the truth. Trotta had nothing to gain from it. Then imagine if Lucky had testified to the GJ and told the jurors that a body was not on the lawn at 2:30am where JO was later found, but that a half an hour later a Ford Edge was parked on the road exactly where the body of JO was later found.

  5. Proctor is a State Trooper who is supposed find evidence to let a Grand Jury know if there is enough evidence to determine guilt. He is not allowed to pick and choose his evidence and witnesses unless it was predetermined and he needed to prove Karen Read was guilty because we all know Brian Albert was fight him the dog was biting him and Colon wacked him in the back of the head with a dumbell. This is where the coverup started. You bet your ass If Lucky said there was a body on the lawn at 2:00 am he would have been called to testify.

  6. On page 9 – Bev referencing Lank’s relationship to the Alberts – sighting Tim Albert and intentionally leaving out Chris Albert paints a very different picture.
    Chris was the one who went to Lank for help at Centerfields with the swollen hand after the fight that night w/ M. Lopilato. Yes, Tim was involved in that situation as well but Bev using Tim’s name here when the significance of this connection is to highlight Chris (Colin’s dad) is another tactic by the CW to downplay the longtime friendship and loyalty here.
    The CW likes to pretend this is a far out exhausting six degrees of separation conspiracy connection using word salad and eye rolls to distract you from the truth.
    There is/was/will continue to be a conflict here. Period. Any suggestion to the contrary is a lie and needs to STOP.

    1. Did you know it was either Auntie Bev’s Father or her Brother who defended Chris Albert when he killed a a young College Student and left the seen and maybe could have saved his live if he stuck around like a descent human being and tried to help him

    2. Curious about her saying Tim and not Chris. I didn’t think Tim Albert was mentioned anywhere in terms of statements, police reports, etc. If he’s not mentioned then how does she mistakenly say the wrong name of someone and use his brother’s name? I thought she had no prior connection to this family?

  7. If / WHENKaren is completely exonerated, does she have a pathway to financial relief ? Or is she supposed to feel happy enough about that in and of itself ?

  8. A man goes to a costume party wearing nothing but his underwear and a woman on his back.
    His friends see him and say, “Hey man, what are you supposed to be?”
    He replies, “Oh, I’m dressed as a turtle.”
    His friends respond, “A turtle? How are you a turtle? Who’s that woman on your back?”
    The man replies, “Oh that’s just Michelle.”

    1. Considering the effort from so many people to help cover up the murder of Officer O’Keefe, pulling something like that with the jury should be expected.

  9. I am getting the feeling that Aunt Bev is not worried at all about continuing to side with lunch box lally and the cw. Aunty has the report from the feds and one would think that if the information aligned with what the defense presented in the dismissal, she would be less cocky?

    The government in this state as well as the current inhabitants of the White House, have gotten away with so much corruption and blatant lies I am concerned that the feds are not going to do a darn thing in this case either.

    I am still hoping that Levy follows the law and puts an end to this sham of a legal system in Mass.

    1. She has the report but not more than what the defense and prosecutor have. I think they were careful in how much information they revealed. Sounds like they revealed enough to acquit Karen Read and it should have been enough to dismiss this case entirely.

  10. Unless Morrissey is arrested by the Feds then he still has power over this case!!

    It’s blatently obvious that Aunty Bev’s sole role is to convict Karen ….with a conviction the investigation into Morrissey and the cops goes away!!

    Aunty Bev isn’t done yet, she still controls the evidence.

    She could ban any mention of the feds, ban any discussion about the 02:27, ban any mention of Morrissey ordering phones to be destroyed, ban initial statements which proved the ‘witnesses’ have all lied ……she can claim its not relevant!!

    She will uphold every single one of the CW objections during questioning, and overule everyone of the Defence’s.

    This trial isn’t about Justice or Truth ….its all about allowing Canton and its corruption to get back to business as usual!!

    Even with the Feds watching Morrissey is trying to get a buffer zone court ordered!!

    Where you cannot even say his name in that 500ft zone!!

    Talk about entitlement, he actually thinks he’s above the law and can control the words out of people’s mouths ….like he has done this past year since Turtleboy started reporting the truth!! Funny that eh??

    Meanwhile he is giving Press releases to media and blatently lying!!

    Trying to control the narrative via Coffindaffer and leaking to Ted Daniels about Karens phones being taken …..without a warrant even being issued!!

    He is behaving like a spoilt brat ….who will do anything and everything to hold onto his power and continue to abuse the citizens rights …..that pay his salary!

    Levy needs to look into Aunty Bev and ask her how on earth she came to her conclusions about why she did not dismiss the case!!

    Her reasoning for every piece of evidence provided is that she knows the thoughts and feelings of every single juror on the Grand Jury …..the same woman that allows Lally to lie to her at every hearing!!

    Cmon Levy …..the time for you to act is now!!

    Karen Read will be in Prison convicted of a crime she didn’t commit unless you get off your ass and do something!!

    1. That’s when the defense can come in with a second motion for Auntie Bev to recuse herself for her bias towards the common wealth being suspiciously pro-mcalbert.

  11. The only thing that makes sense to me is that Judge Bev is CORRUPT and involved with the DA.

    How unusual for a murder case to have the FEDS involved.

    How unusual for the FEDS to release a report stating their expert disproved the Commonwealth’s theory that a car hit John.

    How unusual for the FEDS to prove that the google search by a “witness” did in fact happen at 2:27 AM.

    How unusual for the FEDS to release a report stating that the Lead Investigator LIED to a grand jury.

    How unusual for the FEDS to release information that another “witness” LIED to a grand jury.

    How unusual for the FEDS to release information that yet another person LIED to the grand jury.

    This isn’t your typical murder case. The involvement of the FEDS and the information that they have released should have been plenty for the judge to dismiss this case.

    It’s becoming glaringly obvious that Judge Bev is doing everything she can to interfere with JUSTICE.

  12. I think you’ve got one assumption wrong about this case. I don’t think McCabe’s search was to sort out how long O’Keefe had to be left outside before he’d die from being left beaten in the cold. I think it was to know hos long he’d have to had been seen last before he could be found if they were going to say he died of hypothermia. I believe he died in the basement, was dragged out, and Plan A was to say Lucky hit him with the plow at around 2:30 AM and hypothermia killed him. And as long as he was found around 5:30-6 AM, they’re clear. Plan B, pinning it on Read, was McCabe’s idea after she picked Read up, booze still on her breath, maybe still buzzed, and panicking about “could I have hit him?!?” In a traumatic reaction. The light bulb goes off, they hatch the plan during the family & friends meeting later that morning, and realize it’s easier for Proctor to manufacture evidence with Read’s car than Lucky’s plow. Timeline still worked, because hit at 12:30 is actually more time for hos long he would’ve been out there. The plan crumbled because they were sloppy and just too many young adult witnesses. Just my theory.

    1. That could make sense too but does it matter in the end which one was the reason for the search?

      Both show an intent to murder.
      Both show someone not intentionally not getting help for someone in need.
      Both are very nefarious.

      1. No, doesn’t change anything. Just a detail that I think makes more sense than risking him being dragged out there still alive. If he was found or somehow survived, they all go down for attempted murder. I believe they made sure he was dead before they called Lucky and asked him to plow the road, after which they placed the body outside, because the Plan at that time was to say he was hit and dragged by a plow, knocked out and hypothermia did him in. His injuries would at least be more plausibly described than coming from a tail light during a 3 point turn. But no, neither the intent of the search nor the order of operations change my belief that they murdered him.

  13. See typo in first transcript image above: Footnote 6: “…no suggestion that he knew either of the witnesses or used this language to misrepresent Trooper Protector’s connection…”

    1. Freudian slip? Or just a trashy lush judge? I’m assuming a law clerk types these up, but embarrassing (and ironic) either way. “Trooper Protector!”

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  15. I still can’t get over the fact that Bev did NOT recuse herself from this case when it was not even supposed to be hers after the initial first few hearings.

  16. Jen Mccabe deleted all incoming and outgoing calls on her iPhone 11 from 5:33am to 8:50am, including her call to 911 at 6:03am.
    Why would someone who truly had nothing to hide delete their call log? So weird..

  17. Wake up people of Massachusetts. Your rights are being stifled as we speak. This should outrage everyone. If not for yourself, then for the future of your children. This is America.. let us not regress!

  18. “At this time, no specific evidence cited by the defendant warrants dismissal.”
    -Judge Beverage Cannone

    A glue sniffing crackhead has more common sense than this skunk on the bench

  19. If someone is run over by a car then police call in the crash analysis and reconstruction team. If they are beaten to death they call the homicide squad. So who was called in when John Okeef’s body was found?
    Think about it?

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