Canton Coverup Part 317: Auntie Bev Reprimands Meatball Morrissey But Denies Motion To Disqualify His Office From Karen Read Trial


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Judge Cannone denied the defense’s motion to disqualify the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office yesterday, but gave Michael Morrissey a bit of spanking in the process.

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Much of the defense’s motion revolved around Meatball Morrissey’s August 25 press conference where he vouched for the credibility of the McAlberts and claimed that Michael Proctor was an upstanding detective who didn’t know any of the “witnesses” in the case.


Obviously we know that this was all a lie.

  • Jennifer McCabe Googled “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM, then deleted all of her phone calls and text messages from 5-9 AM, so she was clearly part of a conspiracy.
  • Brian Albert never came outside after a dead body was found on his lawn, then got rid of his family dog, replaced the basement floor, and sold his generational family home for $50K less than asking price. Clearly he was part of a conspiracy.
  • They were never suspects in any crime because the lead detective, who happened to be a close family friend, never treated them as suspects.
  • Proctor did in fact have a personal relationship with many of the witnesses, which has been proven by the FBI investigation.

According to Auntie Bev, Meatball’s comments were “clearly inconsistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct, and his comments vouching for the credibility of the McAlberts were “more likely to have a prejudicial effect on the proceeding.” His comments about Karen Read’s third party culprit defense “runs the risk of heightening the public condemnation of the defendant.”

Cannone said that his statements “crossed the line,” but despite all that she said that dismissal of the indictments isn’t warranted because the misconduct wasn’t “egregious” or “likely to interfere with a fair trial.”

The problem with the word “egregious” is that it’s subjective. What one person considers egregious another person might consider only slightly wrong. Either way, she said that Meatball made this comments so long ago that it wouldn’t taint a jury pool. So apparently if he made these comments last month it would be grounds to get rid of him, but because he made them in August it doesn’t matter.

Auntie Bev also said that Meatball’s office didn’t have an interest in the outcome of the case other than the interest of justice.

Which is laughable, because a conviction would completely destroy the allegations that his office was involved in a coverup.

Finally she ended the denial in the most c***y way possible, by taking a shot at Alan Jackson.


“who has the privilege of practicing in this state on a temporary license granted to him by this court.”

Be a bigger c u next Tuesday. You can’t. Auntie Bev HATES this guy because she’s a provincial townie on a power trip who isn’t going to let some hot shot LA attorney come into her courtroom and accuse the DA’s Office she works with every day of being corrupt. Even though she herself noted in the footnotes that she recognized the “serious misstep” of Meatball Morrissey.

Auntie Bev knows that Morrissey violated the rules of professional conduct, and she knows that the DA’s Office should be disqualified from the case. But allowing this motion would be an unprecedented decision that only a judge with balls and fortitude would allow. Beverly Cannone is not that kind of judge.

Barring some sort of arrest or indictment of a major player in the coming weeks, it certainly looks like this shindig is going to trial. That’s unfortunate for Karen Read’s family, as I can’t imagine the stress it’s going to cause them. We all know Karen is innocent and a jury will acquit her. But after I’ve now experienced the anxiety that comes along with an impending court date in which your freedom lies in the balance, I can only imagine what that feels like while facing murder charges. I have faith that no jury will ever convict Karen Read, and that the people who murdered John O’Keefe will be held accountable.


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