Canton Coverup Part 323: Helena Rafferty Blames Car For Hitting Elderly Man In Crosswalk, Says She Notified Canton Officials And Probably Should’ve Made Statement Before Being Exposed On Turtleboy  


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Yesterday as a result of our reporting Canton Police Chief Helena Rafferty was forced to issue a public statement admitting that she hit an elderly man in a Wrentham crosswalk in February while driving a town-owned vehicle:

“First and foremost, I want to express my sincere and continued concern for Wrentham resident Michael C. Barry, whom I accidentally struck on the evening of February 16th, 2024, as I was driving to my home in my town issued vehicle through the Town of Wrentham.

Apparently the chief has a stipulation in her contract that she is allowed to drive a town owned vehicle for recreational purposes because she is “always on the job.” I guess the taxpayers of Canton don’t mind shelling out some extra cash so Helena Rafferty doesn’t have to pay for her own gas.

As the report filed by the Wrentham Police states: I was driving on South St. toward the center and came to the intersection of Creek St. where I needed to make a left-hand turn.  As I proceeded to make the left turn onto Creek St., the vehicle lights caught the reflective vest of a person in the crosswalk. I immediately applied my brakes, but unfortunately, the car made contact with him, knocking him to the ground. I immediately exited my vehicle to render first aid and called 911.  I remained on scene with Mr. Barry until the Wrentham Police and Fire Departments responded. At that time, I answered questions, and upon my request took a breathalyzer test which read 0.0% blood alcohol content.

The car made contact with him? The vehicle lights caught the reflective vest of a person in the crosswalk? I’m sorry, does the car have a mind of its own? This is her way of deflecting blame away from herself. There is zero reason a driver paying attention to the road should hit a man who went out of his way to wear reflective gear. It’s not the end of the world that Rafferty accidentally struck him, and it doesn’t make her a bad person for doing so, but at least take ownership of it.

Upon the arrival of first responders, Mr. Barry was alert and conscious, and was transported to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment. I stayed on scene until the scene was cleared.

He was transported to a hospital in Rhode Island, and then spent more than 3 weeks in painful rehab after undergoing 9 surgeries.

The investigating officer issued a Massachusetts Civil Citation for Chapter 89 Section 11, Marked Crosswalks/Yielding the right of way to pedestrians, which I have paid.

My vehicle sustained no damage, with the exception of a scuff mark on the right front corner, therefore no tow was necessary. Upon clearing the scene, I immediately notified Canton officials as to what happened.

Newsflash – it’s not “my vehicle.” It’s the taxpayer’s vehicle. But the fact that she claims that she notified Canton officials immediately is interesting. Who did she notify? Was it the Board of Selectmen? Is there documentation of this? If so, why haven’t they made a statement?

This was an unfortunate accident. Upon further reflection and considering the amount of attention that has been focused on Canton, I should have issued a statement sooner.”

Translation – I was hoping this could get swept under the rug, but unfortunately Turtleboy wrote about it and forced me to issue this lame statement. Her town is at the center of a national murder case, and that the citizens of Canton voted to audit her police department four months ago, yet somehow it slipped her mind that it might be important for her to be transparent about running a man over in a town-owned vehicle.

Just a reminder, these are all Helena Rafferty quotes:

360 degrees of transparency is required for her position. Yet she was the exact opposite of transparent when she failed to make public the fact that she hit an elderly man in a crosswalk.

The way to bridge the trust gap is with “effective and healthy communication.” Yet she failed to effectively communicate the fact that she put an elderly man in the hospital for 3 weeks due to her reckless driving.

I agree with Helena that people like her should be held to a higher standard. So I guess the next question is, when is she going to resign? How are you holding yourself accountable if you’re not disciplined at all for your lack of transparency?



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