Canton Coverup Part 324: Michael Proctor Assigned Lead Investigator For Murder In Weymouth Despite Being Under Internal Affairs Investigation For Lying To Grand Jury


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A missing 56 year old Weymouth woman named Christine Mello was found dead in her home yesterday and police suspect she was murdered:

A woman in Weymouth, Massachusetts, that was previously reported missing was found dead in her home, and now police are trying to figure out what led to her death. Christine Ruth Mello, 56, had been reported missing before her body was found Monday in her home on Lake Street, according to the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office. While details about the discovery weren’t released, authorities said her death is being investigated as a homicide. After she was reported missing, neighbors say police showed up at the home on Saturday but it’s unclear if the officers went inside the home. Two days later, her body was found. A neighbor who lives next door said the last time he saw Mello was in late February. So, he sent her a text about 10 days ago and she responded.

“She apparently responded but we don’t know if it was her. The texts were wonky, they didn’t look right, it was weird. Not how she’d respond,” said Anthony Arredondo.

Neighbors said the 56-year-old was living with a man. It’s unclear at this time if that man is part of this investigation. No arrests have been made and the district attorney’s office said there’s no threat to the public.

Look who the responding State Police detective was.

Does that license plate look familiar?

Hope they don’t charge me with another felony for pointing out that car sits in Michael Proctor’s driveway.

Why is the Norfolk County DA’s Office continuing to allow a man under internal affairs investigation to lead murder investigations in Norfolk County? Does the victim’s family know that the investigation into their loved one’s death is being run by a man who admitted to a federal grand jury that he lied under oath to a state grand jury in order to indict an innocent woman? What happens if and when Michael Proctor is indicted? Will every case he’s worked on be thrown out? Doesn’t the victim’s family have a right to know about and object to Proctor’s involvement in her murder case?

In no other line of work can you be put under investigation and continue to go to work like nothing happened. When a teacher is accused of misconduct by a student they are put on paid leave until an investigation is completed, because that’s the safe thing to do. I don’t object to Proctor being paid to sit at home while he’s being investigated, but I do object to him still being assigned murder cases!

If Christine Mello’s family or friends is reading this I would recommend they immediately call the Norfolk County DA’s Office and demand to know why they are allowing this criminal to continue to taint murder cases: 781-830-4992.



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