Canton Coverup Part 332: Evidence From FBI Investigation Show Brian Higgins Was A Lot More Involved In Coverup Of John O’Keefe’s Murder Than We Realized

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It was a shocking day in Norfolk Superior Court for the final pre-trial hearing in the Karen Read murder case, which is set to go to trial on Tuesday. Here are some of the highlights:
- Auntie Bev said that I am guilty of harassing witnesses, and rejected both the Commonwealth and defense’s motions to prevent Turtleboy from being brought up at trial.
- All jurors will have to get a CORI check, which only picks up people who have been charged with crimes in Massachusetts (regardless if charges were dropped or they weren’t convicted). The Commonwealth is trying to prevent jurors who have been charged with committing crimes because they’re more likely to be sympathetic to the defendant.
- The defense says they have received new information about the Internal Affairs investigation into Michael Proctor.
- Lally claims that Canton Police dash cam at 8:22 AM on January 29 shows Read’s car has a broken tail light at 1 Meadows Ave. However, no one disputes that her tail light was cracked or broken. The question is whether or not 35 pieces of shattered tail light were missing from it. Somehow the Commonwealth has not produced this evidence or leaked it to their propagandists on social media.
- Judge Cannone seemed like she was going to deny Karen Read the right to use a third party culprit defense because she was unaware that they were planning on doing this, despite the fact that it has been brought up at every pre-trial hearing for the last 2 years
- Cannone said that without being able to name a third party culprit she could not use this defense, but David Yannetti snapped back at her and pointed out that this is not necessary
- Nevertheless, Yannetti did have 3 names he blamed as likely suspects – Brian Higgins, Brian Albert, and Colin Albert
- Higgins texted John to try to get him over the house at 12:20 AM
- Higgins wanted to hook up with Karen Read and texted her “ummmmmmmm well?” on the night O’Keefe was murdered
- Higgins did his own extractions of text messages from his phone, but only included texts with John and Karen
- Higgins went to a military base, destroyed his SIM card, and broke his phone
- Higgins and Brian Albert were in the basement before John arrived
- Brian Albert lied about going upstairs to show Higgins around because Higgins said he’d never been upstairs
- Higgins became upset with Proctor when Proctor served him with a preservation notice for his phone
- Proctor, Bukhenik, Higgins, and Berkowitz all had access to Karen Read’s car after it was towed from her parent’s house in Dighton
- The defense has a witness in the Canton Police Department who saw Higgins and Ken Berkowitz alone with Karen Read’s car after it was towed from her parent’s house in Dighton
- Higgins is close friends with Ken Berkowitz, clocked into work at CPD at 1:30 AM the night of the murder, and was at Canton Police Department questioning all the officers who were involved in investigating this case
- Higgins went to 34 Fairview early on January 29, 2022 and called Brian Albert after missing a call from Berkowitz
- Canton Police Department has a camera in their sallyport where Karen Read’s car was towed, but 42 minutes is missing, and there is no footage of Read’s car being towed into the garage
- Lally claims the 42 minutes of missing video is because the camera is motion activated, however, if it was motion activated then it would’ve turned on when Read’s car was towed inside
- Higgins claimed he parked his truck on the street outside 34 Fairview Road, which would mean Ryan Nagel didn’t see it parked there, and Higgins didn’t see John O’Keefe’s body on the lawn when he left at 1:30.
- Lally blatantly lied about Karen making up a story, while in police custody, about her witnessing the Alberts smash John’s head into her tail light.
I think we have a much better understanding of why Jill Daniels asked me “what about Higgins” when I interviewed her last August. Higgins had a clear motive to want to hurt John, and John had a clear motive to have beef with Higgins – Higgins was hitting on his girlfriend. Higgins lured John over to the house, was seen practice boxing with Brian Albert at the Waterfall bar, and acted as suspiciously as possible after leaving 34 Fairview Road.
There is no reason for ANYONE to destroy their SIM card and phone shortly after being inside a home where a dead body was found on the lawn. These people are allegedly just “witnesses,” yet they’ve gone out of their way to:
- Delete dozens of phone calls around the time John’s body was discovered
- Get rid of family pets
- Sell their homes
- Replace basement floors
- Destroy phones and SIM cards
- Lie to state grand juries
- Lie about butt dials after being confronted with their previous lies by federal investigators
This is now how innocent people behave.
There is no way Brian Higgins killed John O’Keefe alone. If he did then the McAlberts would happily throw him under the bus to save themselves after they were accused of being involved. Instead the McAlberts have gone out of their way to insist that Colin Albert wasn’t inside the house, despite the fact that the Commonwealth is alleging that John O’Keefe never went inside the house. Higgins stopped talking to the McAlberts last year after getting a subpoena to testify. He has stuff on them and they have stuff on him. It’s only a matter of time until the whole truth comes out.
It’s more clear than ever that John O’Keefe was murdered inside 34 Fairview Road, and the feds are well aware of that. There is no chance in Hell that they are going to let this slide without indicting people. The only question is, will they do it before Karen Read’s trial is over? The next few weeks will be very exciting to say the least.
I will have a lot more to say about this on tomorrow night’s Live Show at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our channel and join the fun. I will be having on Attorney Marc Randazza to talk about the SJC petition about the buffer zone appeal, which was denied by a single justice at the SJC today.

Today was very revealing.
Now we have Ken Berkowitz, Lank and possibly Kevin Albert all with some involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe. Might be time for the state to take over the Canton Police Department while all this corruption gets sorted out.
Yannetti also focused on the FEDS questioning of upstairs and evidence of something happening in the basement. Makes me wonder if when the FEDS went to the house this past summer did they find some BLOOD evidence? There’s a reason the FEDS wanted clarity on the location of Brian Albert and Brian Higgins on that fateful night.
Yannetti seems to know that Colin Albert, Brian Albert and Brian Higgins are the KILLERS.
And again we get confirmation on what a LOOSAH Chrissy Albert is along with his wife. Chrissy Albert the perpetual underachiever LOOSAH.
But WHY is the JUDGE allowing this to continue?
Canone is a useless judge that is why it continues.
She refuses to see the lies Lally tells.
Professional courtesy extended to an old friend. Absolute joke this is still going on. After part one a year ago I thought it would get tossed immediately. Praying the Feds are just watchin Bev and waiting to nail her, but prob not. So frustrating
The answer is that like all these corrupt and venal pieces of crap, she’s worried about her pension.
The Judiciary in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts needs an Enema. The circle Jerk Retirement party for K. Berkowitz should have raised a lot of red flags. The good old boy network is still alive and well in Corruptachusettes.
Bevs father was a Morrissey associate.
Bevs brother defended Chrus Albert when he killed a man in 1994.
You u think his lawyer wasn’t picked for a reason.
Bev has her Cape cod house we have heard about from Sean McCabe.
Add it all up.
Yannetti was blasting the hell out of Lally today. He hasn’t even started with you yet.
I said just yesterday how surprised I was that Brian Higgins and Kevin Albert weren’t seeded higher in the Ratchet Madness tournament. There’s been something fishy about BH all along and come to find out that he’s a slimy fucking maggot cockblocker as well. I think that these are cocaine cops who do this shit routinely and cover each other’s mistakes. Lock them up already.
It’s bad enough these useless wastes of skin murdered someone but what’s the excuse of Lally, Bev and Morrissey for helping to cover it up. I’d ask how they sleep at night but since they have no conscience, they don’t know how empty they really are. They’re not fit to call themselves human.
They all have something to lose.
Especially M.M.
That’s not a closet of skeletons.
It’s more like a house.
He also talks a lot. I’m sure he’s wondering what he has said about this case to certain people in the beginning process.
Loose lips sink ships.
Bev is connected to the Alberts/McCabes. Her brother was Chris’ lawyer for his DUI murder case! Sean McCabe threatened to bury Aidan under the Cape Cod summer house owned by his “Auntie Bev”
There was also a venmo payment made to Bev by one of the McAlbert kids friends … Julie Nagel? I forget who specifically
the connections run deep in every aspect of this case it’s crazy
You only think your shit doesn’t stink for so long, before others start smelling it. Higgins has been getting whatever he wants for too long. Including trying to take someone else’s girlfriend. Gets a court ordered preservation notice for his phone, and then wipes his fanny with it. The honeymoon is over . Hopefully J. Okeefe and K. Read get the justice they both deserve very soon.
The US Atty is simply toying with the ‘witnesses’ at this point
Yanetti states today “ during the Federal Proffer, Brian Higgins admits that he had been served with a preservation order “
Look up Federal Proffers if you are unfamiliar
The Judge certainly is aware which bodes well for her rulings on todays motions , or suffer the consequences
Brian Higgins is cooperating with the government in exchange for immunity
‘ leather sofa” was correct on both perceived points
Higgins was involved in the murder AND is cooperating with the US Atty
THIS was a good day
That was one of the biggest reveals today.. Higgins and a Federal Proffer
I HOPE SO…..”The Judge certainly is aware which bodes well for her rulings on todays motions , or suffer the consequences”
So John is trying to bang a girl in Aruba while on vaca in front of people if I heard this right.
Naturally she is upset and freaks out.
Karen then sets about showing two can play this game and entices Higgins- he testified to the grand jury she moth kissed him I recall
Higgins then sends a text to John to come to the hose- you follow this?
You don’t seriously believe Higgins on that one, do you?
Higgins is the only one involved that isn’t family. He’s gotta know what that means for him.
At 06:30 that morning just 26 minutes AFTER Karen found John they were already discussing SECTIONING HER!!
Let that sink in!!
There are no times listed as to what time First Responders arrived so take off at least another 6 mins!!
So that is just 20mins!!
Karen is covered in Johns blood after trying to revive him and all she can say is, “Is he dead, is he dead, is he dead”
So on what grounds did they have to section her on when she was clearly so distraught that they didn’t even attempt to question her??
She was on complete and utter shock and no doubt freezing!!
They then tell Kerry Roberstson to take her home and we know for a FACT that Jen McCabe called Kerry Robertson shortly after they left the scene!!
Then suddenly Karen is brought back to the house where they then section her just like they said they were going to!!
They claimed that it was done because Karen was making suicidal threats?? They even claim that she called her dad to voice those thoughts ……so within 55 mins of Karen finding John …..she was sectioned!!
They then took her blood and claimed she was drunk……why would they even think Karen had anything to do with what happened to John when he was found lifeless on a lawn without a coat and minus a shoe??
The only person on scene who was calm and collected was Jen McCabe ….who if what we have heard about from the dashcam spent the entire time talking to the cops!!
Every single piece of “evidence” from that morning was hearsay from Jen McCabe!! And then taken as fact!!
There is zero doubt whatsoever that Karen showing them the cracked tail light …..made them change their plan!!
Karen was their PATSY!!
They have done EVERYTHING in their power since that morning to pin it on her!!
How any woman could do this to another woman who is distraught and has literally just lost their partner …..makes them nothing more than a MONSTER!!
That same MONSTER then befriended the entire family and LIED straight to their faces for over 2 YEARS now!!
And the best of all …..there won’t be a single fundraiser for any of you ……so you will be the ones not able to hire the experts you need ……let alone afford lawyers to defend what callous inhumane creatures you all are!!
Keep on grinning …..that smirk is about to be wiped off of all of your faces!!
Let’s not forget the name of the person who got her sectioned. Another friend from Canton.
Sargent Goode.
Excellent point.
The local police departments NEVER EVER fill out a Section 12.
They decide they want someone to go & try to coerce EMS to take them “voluntarily.”
This is a big deal. This is out of the norm.
The Police do everything they can to avoid writing a Section12.
Proven fact. They never want anything to do with “psychiatric calls.
Big huge red flag.
He wanted to take her DNA & they needed time to expand on their lie.
And the hospital said “why did you send her here….? She’s good to go.”
I’d love to see how many Section 12s Canton PF had EVER filed prior to this.
Probably •zero•
They sectioned Sandra Birchmore …..which then set the scene for what they did to her later!! The usual suspects were first on the scene Lank,Sargent Goode etc ….even in that case they couldn’t even get their stories straight as to what the supposed ligature was, one said a scarf, one said a belt then there were different variations of colour as to those items!!
I’d like to know the particulars of the cases John was investigating prior to his death ….we know for a fact he had a 9 to 5 job in se* abuse cases.
It would be interesting to know if those cases and files are also now ‘lost’
There is so much more to what happened to John than what we actually know ….it goes way deeper than just a fight!!
How many other women have they sectioned in order to silence them or scare them into silence??
Sandra was 3 months pregnant and had even been buying things for the baby she was so excited about …..I don’t believe their curated story for even one minute!!
That whole PD need to be wiped out ….and the new policy should be that locals are not permitted to apply!!
Unbelievable that Chris Albert can be on the Selectboard with his previous crimes and committing perjury on even his business licence …..which the remainder of the board covered up!!
You know, you make a great point here. Even if Karen was making was vague references to possibly hitting him why would she be a “suspect” so soon into this had a scenarios already have been planted. The scenario that she ran into him in a drunken rage and cause such physical damage would not have peaked up as a leading scenario this quickly into this botched investigation.
I’ve been waiting for her perp walk for almost a year. She is the biggest piece of shit in this story and that is saying something. As much as I hate Wendy Murphy and her disgusting rape fantasies for Karen, I find myself hoping Jen gets that treatment. Now, 3 our fathers and 5 Hail Marys for those thoughts.
I hope Jen gets a life sentence with 0 parole and then spends the rest of her worthless life getting raped by cross dressing rapists who say they’re women. I hope the psychological damage from that is so bad her personality splits into 50 different people and she dies having forgotten who she is for the last 15 years of her life.
Nobody deserves that more than Jen McCabe.
The more I think about this it is remarkable. If Lunchbox lied like this in open court. Clearly lied and clearly tried to mislead people in the courtroom….can you imagine how he lied to the Grand Jury? He so casually lied I can only imagine how he lied and mislead to the grand jury.
That obese, mouth breathing Telly-Tubby wants us to believe that a gorgeous, accomplished woman like Karen Read was coming on to him?!?
Okay, bruh. Sure. Sorry, but nobody is interested in your incel fan fiction.
lots of dirty undies…and panties in various laundry baskets in Canton tonight me thinks….fucking rat cocksuckers…tick tock tick tock motherfuckers
At what point does Aunty Bev realise that Lally is a compulsive liar??
He bare faced told the same lie to the court …..not once but twice!!
The first time was in the morning session where he claimed that Karen said that Colin and Brian bashed Johns head into the light Pulverising it ……then claims SHE DROVE OFF AND LEFT HIM!!
He was then told to produce the video!!
So the afternoon session starts and he then REPEATS his previous claim
The video is played ……and it absolutely does not have Karen making that claim … fact the opposite!!
Aunty Bev doesn’t even chastise Lally …..instead reassures him that she will re watch it several times???
This is beyond INSANITY now!!
Aunty Bev just go to Aidens YouTube channel …..he has even done the dialogue for you!!
You went to great pains to tell the court how you had read every document and were aware of everything …..and you still chose to go ahead knowing Lally has lied MULTIPLE Times and is the one misrepresenting the facts and basically gaslighting the entire court!!
If you’re not careful Aunty Bev the Feds will be looking into your Vimno account and your holiday cottage and husband FRANK!!
I don’t think they will fall for your excuse that there is only one E in your name!!
He seriously mischaracterized evidence in open court. Isn’t this a serious violation of rules of ethics? Can’t the defense file for a sanction? His characterization was so grossly inaccurate and misleading it was remarkable, even for him.
They have previously tried for sanctions on him when he disobeyed court orders regarding access to the evidence …..Aunty Bev of course denied the motion!!
She also denied the motion about Morrissey too even though in her written response she clearly states Morrissey crossed the line!!
With all that Aunty Bev has done to date and it’s also notarised by the court reporter there is zero doubt that she too is CORRUPT!!
For her to say that she had no idea about a third party defence is mind boggling ….that’s all the Defence have spoken about for the past 2 years!! And then she blatently threatened Yannetti that she could throw it out there and then only confirms that she is indeed corrupt!!
She allowed every single motion that the CW applied for to be granted regardless of the Defence arguement and has now denied all mention of the Feds, FBI and Federal Grand Jury …..which means that during the trial every objection that Lally makes she will agree with him and overule the Defence at every given opportunity …..this case has never been about Truth its simply abuse of power to lock up an innocent woman to get back to business as usual!!
bev KNOWS lally is lying, she simply doesnt care!!! she is just as connected and conflicted as the others!
Bev is actively trying to screw a defendant out of a fair trial. It is obvious to any casual observor. What really got me was the admission that Julie and Chris Albert were drinking and dancing on John’s property while he was away. Just when you think the McAlberts couldnt get any trashier.
I knew that fat bitch Higgins was more involved. I heard these same rumors over the summer but couldn’t believe because I thought higs and okeefe were pals from the picture. Hope he doesn’t get some immunity deal.
Justice is coming
RICO case
Brian Higgins; Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
-Dean Vernon Wormer 🙂
Unless you’re fat and stupid.
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Great! I’d love a well reasoned answer how John could have gotten those arm lacerations, bruised right knuckle, and a fracture to the top of his skull, from a Lexus SUV going in reverse at low speed. Thank you !
and only 5 droplets of blood in the snow but the front of him was covered in blood
Every single step cast tons of doubt.
One of my fave, and I have a lot of them is when they towed her car.
1. Proctor lied about the time of the tow.
2. You have what “you are claiming to be” the the Murder Weapon, and the probably cause is the tail light? Why wouldn’t you process as much evidence on the spot to preserve it? Why did you not call for the crime lab? Why did you not photograph it in the state that you found it? If it were me, I would want to see if any of the fragments would fit back together. You just towed it away? You didn’t even wrap up the tail light so nothing could fall out of it.
Then, its a Mass State Police Investigation, why did you have it towed to the Canton Police Dept?
One would think there would be more care, urgency, and follow through and that investigating the death of another police officer you would do every single thing to make sure proper procedures were followed.
Ken Berkowitz planted evidence!
Dude give it up! She was Banging Higgins, she hates you, you have no chance
Aidan keeps trying to prove his “manlyhood” with ratchets, after he admitted to ” going through a gay phase” in college”, right before his wife kicked him out of the house (he admitted to it on his livefeed, so do not shoot the messenger).
Word is he knew he was going to be passed around in jail, so he kept crying about it when he got there.
Once he gets a long jail sentence, he may just cave in and be the Beta bottom we all know he is.
I am just wondering if he will put his name on this year’s ratchet madness. He fits all qualities and certainly would make the final four.
Brian Higgins is twice as ugly as Shrek where does that
ugly ass come off thinking he’s gods gift to women.
These new developments shed a lot of light on why Berkowitz was doing drive bys days after the crime and claiming to see more taillight evidence. Higgins and Berkowitz likely helped Proctor do the taillight smashing and went back to 34 Fairview Road ahead of the State Police search team. What is explosive is the 48 minutes of missing video from the Canton PD carport. Unbelievable!
Sickening… these lies a 5 yr old could lie better than these fools
The NY Post had an article on the Karen Read case today. They missed some details but got the basics. The story is spreading like wildfire. Tick tock scumbags
>>There is no way Brian Higgins killed John O’Keefe alone. If he did then the McAlberts would happily throw him under the bus to save themselves after they were accused of being involved.
We don’t necessarily know that. So much is unknown. We don’t know the position of each individual within the police mafia hierarchy, which may or may reflect their positions in the various police organizations.
It’s possible that one of these people, Higgins, Albert, etc. is the #1 don of the police mafia. The primary money-earner and income would be “illegal” drug business. A vast, tightly-coordinated operation with enormous revenue & profit.
If Albert or Higgins was #1, then any slight romantic insult, ripoff, ratting out, etc, could be cause to whack the offender. Remember Pulp Fiction where the guy gave a foot massage to the wrong girl, that was all it took.
The illegal drug business worldwide is about the same size as the oil business…let that sink in for a minute. It’s all underground and invisibile, yet it’s the same amount of money changing hands as all the gas stations, heating oil, etc, businesses in the whole US. There are HUGE amounts of money at stake. And we can see obvious signs of chronic illegal drug use (stimulants) in you-know-how
Its like you read my mind You appear to know so much about this like you wrote the book in it or something I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit but other than that this is fantastic blog A great read Ill certainly be back
Your blog is a beacon of light in the often murky waters of online content. Your thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary never fail to leave a lasting impression. Keep up the amazing work!
Ricky Ball here. Danny Risteen and I know Higgy. Higgy is a good guy. If we werent tag teaming Leigha Genduso, we would have went after Karen too….
Poopy pants must be wide awake tonight. Are they gonna let Karen Read go to trial? Tonight’s the night Poopy Pants Proctor.
If only Higgie and the Alberts read labels:
Steroids and booze don’t mix
And coke but they know that it’s out of their system fairly quickly
Completely agree, and that headlock hug will continue to haunt me
You think Aunty Bev is talking on a burner phone with her Puppet Masters of the deep state within Norfolk County.
TB what is this proffer for Higgins? Dies that men he is exemot from testify and has immunity? How can that be???
I am in shock that charges were even brought with this type of evidence. 17 days in and no actual evidence, much less forensic. All I can think of is this corrupt judge, that doesn’t know how to turn off her mic when she doesn’t need it, is gonna prevent truth from entering the record. The prosecutor is gonna go down as the worst in history.
These “witnesses” are damn suspects that drink and drive while texting and driving and literally destroying evidence. The owners of the house couldn’t even be bothered with a man dead on their lawn, which is at least disrespectful, but most likely because it wasn’t news to them.
There’s no way a car, SUV or not, caused those injuries, and that explains why there’s literally no expert testimony here. I’ve never seen a murder trial where they haven’t even proven there’s a dead body and why. That’s usually the most boring part of the trial, but here the stupid repetitive questions about nothing by the prosecutor is so boring that I’m surprised anyone is awake.
The saddest part of all this is the O’Keefe family still communicates with people that have a part in Jon’s murder and that’s not justice.
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