Canton Coverup Part 337: Brian Tully Sent Grand Jury Summons To Lexus, TD Bank, And Verizon For Records In Failed Attempt To Prove Karen Read’s Family Paid Turtleboy For Favorable Coverage


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We received more discovery in my witness intimidation case today, and it’s astonishing to see all the time and resources the State Police have put into investigating Turtleboy, while neglecting to investigate the murder of Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe. They sent a grand jury subpoena to Verizon, and told them to bring in all of my phone records to testify on January 4.

They did the same for Karen Read’s old phone, which she no longer uses.

They were doing this to see how often her and I spoke because a scorned woman/fake victim who pretended to be pregnant told them that Karen Read was the real mastermind behind Turtleboy’s alleged “witness intimidation.”

They got ahold of all my bank records by sending a subpoena to TD Bank, who refused to testify in front of the grand jury.

Tully is desperately trying to prove that I am paid off by Karen Read to expose the fact that he and other corrupt cops are covering up the murder of John O’Keefe. He was told this by the fake victim, despite the fact that she has zero credibility. It’s pretty troubling that the government can just go through a private citizen’s bank records this easily, but I have nothing to hide. It’s even more troubling that this is what our tax dollars are going towards. This is how incompetent the murder police are in this state.

I’m kind of glad he saw my bank records though. He must’ve felt pretty stupid after going through over a year’s worth of statements and seeing that all my income is legitimate. It probably hurts him even more to see that a “blogger” makes more money than him, and that my success is a direct result of exposing how corrupt he is.

They also got the cell phone records of Jon Silveira, a family friend of Karen Read.

Jon is a huge supporter of Karen Read, and someone I’ve messaged with periodically. Tully wants his records because he’s looking for evidence that I communicated with Karen through Jon, as part of Tully’s never ending crusade to charge more people with “witness intimidation.” Jon, a private citizen, had absolutely no idea that Verizon handed over all of his phone records to the State Police.

But perhaps funniest of all is that Tully also sent a subpoena to Toyota and Lexus of Northborough, demanding to see the purchase and sales agreement for not only my 2023 Lexus RX 350, but also for Nathan Read’s Lexus GX 460, and Bill Read’s Lexus ES 350. He sent them a subpoena to testify in front of the grand jury too. Tully did this because the fake victim told Tully that I told her that I got my Lexus for free as a gift from the Read family as a form of payment to give them favorable coverage and intimidate witnesses. Tully didn’t seem to mind that his star witness was bitter about being dumped, and has a long and documented history of drug abuse and lying. So he followed up on her tip by sending this to Toyota:

Yes, that’s right – Tully asked for all documents pertaining to receiving a car from January 29, 2022 to the present. In other words, he believed that on January 29, 2022, Karen Read killed John O’Keefe with her vehicle, then immediately contacted Turtleboy and offered him a free Lexus in exchange for favorable news coverage. Turtleboy allegedly accepted the bribe, but did not begin writing about the case until April of 2023.

And they call us conspiracy theorists.

I now know way too much about the Read family’s personal finances, since Toyota gave them every car payment ever made by the Reads.


Unfortunately for Tully all he found out was that I purchased my car from Lexus of Northborough, which is not the dealership Nathan Read works at, and that I paid cash from my own bank account.

We had a good laugh over it at the September 15 court date.

And since they have access to my bank account they will see that I didn’t receive a dime from the Read family, therefore the car was purchased by me with income I earned through my award winning journalism.

We have court tomorrow at 2 PM in Norfolk Superior Court, courtroom 2. This should not conflict with the Read case if the trial begins tomorrow because they are only going half days on Tuesdays. All are welcome to come, as we have some explosive motions we’re going to be filing.  


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