TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 339: Canton Pediatric Nurse Expresses Support For Convicted Felon And Supporter Of Mass Shooters After He Harassed Karen Read Inside Court Buffer Zone 


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A deranged felon named Jonathan Lee Riches showed up outside of the final day of Karen Read jury empanelment to harass and intimidate Read on her way into court this morning.

The individual in the red sweatshirt is convicted felon Jonathan Lee Riches, who is now acting on behalf of the McAlberts.

McAlbert supporters are actively raising money for him and appear to be cheering him on.




This appears to be in direct violation of Judge Cannone’s order, which says that “no individual may demonstrated in any manner” outside of the 200 foot buffer zone. Riches was clearly inside the buffer zone. It’s unclear if anyone has contacted the Dedham or State Police, but if any Karen Read protester had done this they would’ve been immediately arrested. I will be calling tomorrow for comment. It also appears to be witness intimidation, and is far less egregious than anything I said or did to be charged with a felony.

It’s not surprising that supporters of the McAlberts would stoop this low. After all, they support people who literally murdered a police officer and framed an innocent woman so that none of them would be held accountable. Jonathan Lee Riches is right up their alley. The convicted felon served 10 years in prison for defrauding elderly people and stole over $1.4 million.

In the early 2000s, when the less affluent, the technologically unsophisticated and the simply reluctant masses were just starting to find their bearings online, Jonathan Lee Riches helped develop the identity theft technique known as phishing. He was in his mid-twenties, living in Florida and collaborating with teenaged chat room acquaintances in Texas, who used spam emails to trick victims into disclosing personal information. Riches’ role was to monetize the data, which he accomplished by seamlessly navigating the online and offline worlds.

In contemporaneous news accounts, investigators described the way Riches would stroll into a bank, flash fake identification and coolly impersonate his mark, convincing tellers to hand over thousands of dollars in cash. The consequences reverberated widely. By the estimate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the group charged more than $1.4 million to accounts opened in the names of about two thousand people. The ringleader remains in prison. Riches’ own parents, who live in a small town in Pennsylvania, served probation for failing to fully cooperate with investigators.

Riches frequently has expressed tacit support for the perpetrators of mass shootings. Three days after the Sandy Hook massacre Riches traveled to Newtown, CT and pretended to be Adam Lanza’s uncle and prayed alongside victims’ families. Leaving his home state of Pennsylvania was a violation of his probation.

He served two more years in prison for that. Now he makes money off his YouTube channel, where he apparently inserts himself into high profile cases like this.

Yesterday JLR harassed and threatened me outside of Norfolk Superior Court, going so far as to follow me to my car before being forcefully removed. He said he knows where I live, knows where my parents live, and vowed to go to their house.

He did this knowing I am a witness for the Commonwealth in multiple criminal cases. This is a violation of Chapter 268, 13b, felony witness intimidation.

Then today JLR came to the home where my children live in an attempt to intimidate me.

This appears to be a violation of Chapter 268, Section 13a – picketing the home of a witness. I do not currently reside there, so this convicted felon was apparently just stalking innocent, unrelated parties.

One of the individuals who expressed her support for this convicted felon is a Franklin pediatric nurse named Kerry Lama.

She works at Franklin Pediatrics for Dr. Mary Lyons, which can be found here.

Here she is proudly showing her support for Jonathan Lee Riches as he harassed innocent people outside the courthouse.

She frequently attacks Karen Read supporters online due to her support for the murderers of John O’Keefe, and proudly brags about being blocked by the victims of her online harassment.

In particular she has shown great affinity for Colin Albert, excusing his videos where he threatens to kill people. It should be noted that she has a son his age who also plays college football, so her “boys will be boys” meathead mentality isn’t surprising.


We have spoken with several parents who have pulled their children out of this pediatric care facility due to the fact that Kerry Lama works there. Her online behavior in despicable, and it’s unclear why a medical provider like Franklin Pediatrics would want to have this woman representing them on the Internet. Do they also condone Jonathan Lee Riches behavior? A man who mocked and trolled victims of the Sandy Hook massacre? Do they support cop killers as well? I certainly hope not!

After I made a post asking for her real name Kerry immediately deactivated her account in shame.

It’s clear that she understands how unprofessional her behavior, defense of cop killers, and promotion of a convicted like JLR is, and is likely embarrassed and worried about losing her job over this. She certainly should be. I wouldn’t want my children under the care of a vile, hateful woman who supports people support mass shooters.


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  1. Wow, a pediatric nurse behaving so toxic. That is just GROSS.

    I hope her employer gets wind of her disgusting behavior.

  2. The law doesn’t matter and neither does the Constitution. It’s gone.

    All that matters is who/whom.

    It’s horrible but it’s the truth.

  3. 617… Boston, you are starting to be annoying with your bi polar comments, so just shut up.
    I usually support TB, but his description of this guys sounds like what he does himself, as an award winning journalist.
    I am just calling a Spade a Spade.
    I rather TB focus in real investigations, instead of going after others trying to do their own investigation. This is why he keeps getting in trouble, he cannot stay in his lane. Can he please do that, just stay on his lane, at least long enough so he does not get arrested again, before the trial ends?
    I want to get my money’s worth from his coverage.

    1. Really? Aidan goes an trys to get a woman who killed her 2 children released? Pretended to be a school shooters uncle? An stole 1.4 million an did 10+yrs for it? Yeah I don’t know what your trying say they sound the same type person, sounds alot different. Do his own instead of going after others own investigation? That “slow down” sign in front of his house JLR isn’t there because hes a investigation journalist. Wtf is wrong with you. So if this dude stole from your grandparents which made them move into your house you would still write what you wrote ⬆️ an say they did the same thing. Did the wet nurse drop you an notbsay anything to anyone?

    2. What?? Hmm… This guy is a nut job, looking for attention, and completely unhinged. Big difference in harassing people just to harass them vs harassing people that are involved in a murder and trying to frame someone.

      What do you mean you want your money’s worth?

    3. Aidan is the biggest hypocrite there is . He thinks the first amendment only applies when people say things he agrees with .

      He’s literally accusing this guy of witness intimidation for engaging in the same exact conduct Aidan himself has done .

      He talks about being this beacon of freedom who defends the constitution but then tries to silence someone who posts something he doesn’t like by doxxing her and calling his mob into action. He believes this lady should lose her job and is taking proactive steps in hopes of this happening because he doesn’t think people should be able to disagree with him .

    4. Fake Bob Weir, the commonwealth fake police never did any real investigation of the murder, just wasting money on harassing innocent people. They already knew what took place and did nothing. Read up on the evidence, dummy.

  4. I thought you didn’t know what doxing is?
    You’re a lying loser scumbag.
    You can’t go to prison fast enough.
    Leave medical this time pussy

    1. Hey Kate, here’s hoping your lying, well penetrated asshole goes right to jail on your RO violation. Then we can get started on your witness intimidation charges. Fuck you, you are nothing but a useless cum recepticle for felons. You are also twice as ugly on the outside as the inside, scary proposition.

    2. You have to be an absolute idiot to think this turtlebitch is anything other then a scumbag grifter.
      Great journalism with this article. Hey Aidan, you’re a talentless, creepy, woman abusing pussy. You’re going to be someone’s bitch when you get to prison

        1. Congrats. You’re the smartest idiot that believes the shit that comes out of this butchers losers mouth

          1. Good to know that Rian Waters is still actually alive. Maybe someday we can meet up for Mandarin oranges?

  5. Don’t get worked up by this maggot. The trial is next week and finally the truth will come out. I have asked hundreds of times to the McAlbert fans, how do you explain that the snowplow driver drove by 34 Fairview at 2am and there was no one laying on the front lawn of 34 Fairview and he went back at 2:30 am and there was a ford edge parked in front right where they found the body of Officer John O’Keefe a few hours later. Case Closed he is the only eyewitness that matters.

    1. They don’t care if KR gets found not guilty, they’ll just blame the jurors and go about their lives, free as a bird after killing a cop and covering it up.

      1. They’d be right to blame the jurors. The jurors heard the evidence, and didn’t believe Lyin Lally, and said not guilty. The killers have been sitting in the courtroom the whole time.

  6. The irony of this article ….

    It’s okay for Turtleboy to engage in the same exact behavior because of his subjective belief Karen read is innocent .

    It’s wrong for this guy to engage in similar behavior because his subjective belief that Karen read is guilty .

    “He committed witness intimidation because he showed up at my house that I don’t live at”

    “I didn’t commit witness intimidation showing up at witnesses’ houses because it’s my first amendment right “.

    “He committed witness intimidation because he followed me to my car leaving court and said mean things”

    “I didn’t commit witness intimidation when I followed Jen McCabe to her car leaving court and said mean things to her because it’s my first amendment right “

    “I’m allowed to post ridiculous articles about people I don’t like and call them childish names because of the first amendment. No one should question me about this because I’m exercising my first amendment right”

    “Let’s dox this lady and have her fired from her job because she said something online I don’t agree with. Anyone who says anything I don’t like should be attacked by my mob of minions and silenced “

    1. the irony is, none of the mcalberts are in fear. AND #2 any time he was not in a PUBLIC space and asked to leave = he left! -1 for you

    2. That’s his whole point!! If he’s being charged, then everyone else doing it needs to be charged too!! I think that went right over your head there pal!!!

    3. I think he is pointing out this guy was yelling and screaming like a lunatic inside the buffer zone, and nothing happened! That’s pretty much my take on it. I wonder is this JLR guy an award winning journalist ? Probably not, nonetheless he should protest outside of the buffer zone.

    4. This article went right over some reads’ heads. Wow.

      I don’t have the patience to explain this to you.
      Just letting you know you’re missing the point.
      Maybe you’ll find it, someday

    5. You’re an intellectual light weight with even less understanding of the law than your useless mother. Maybe she can let you audit a class at whatever 4th tier law school she’s currently bottom feeding at as an adjunct. Go get fucked

    6. Had Aidan never been charged then it’s not an issue. But, Aidan WAS charged so he is pointing out that others need to be charged too.

    7. You missed the part of “Stay 200 feet away” Court Order by Her Majesty Auntie Bev.
      Yes he had the right to do it IF IF IF there was NO court order to NOT do it…fuckin retard.

  7. Truth. Justice. The girl was framed. Officer O’Keefe didn’t stand a chance. His “friend” is covering for in-law and nephew. Welcome to Norfolk County, Ms. Cohen where blood is thicker than melting snow.

  8. It’s far MORE egregious not less than what you did. You really need to proofread your blogs before you press publish.

  9. Anyone who steals money from people like this new McAlbert representative cocksucker needs an attitude adjustment.

  10. According to one of the posts by that nurse, the ER doc who treated JO said they weren’t dog bites. They do look like a lot of dog bites I have seen over the decades, and have spent hours late into the night suturing (it was easier in the old days when the dogma was that you don’t suture dog bites dues to increased infection risk, but that has been disproven). Of course I have only seen the photos. I did not see any physicians on the witness list other than two from the ME office; are treating physicians going to testify? I would love to hear that, but sadly I live far away and can’t rationalize a trip just for curiosity!

    Dr. Fang

    1. I agree wholeheartedly those injuries on Officer O’Keefe’s arm certainly do appear to be dog bites. I have worked as a trauma nurse for many years over my career, and have seen more than a few dog bites. The nurse he spoke of in the article might not have firsthand experience with traumatic dog bites. Just saying.

  11. Isn’t doing this (trying to get people fired) one of the main things you have against the corrupt state police officers wife? Just sayin……

    1. The “State Police Officers wife,” Elizabeth Proctor, is a huge deal.
      As the wife of a State Police Detective, she went out of her way to find individuals on Facebook with differing opinions than those of her husbands…. In the active investigation of a murder. She went so far as to find those individuals workplaces and call to have them fired. She, herself, works for Human Resources.
      You can’t attack people as the detectives wife. Stalk them. Punish them.
      Active murder investigation ….. then they have one of the murderers over for dinner.

      Not similar situations.

      In this case, you have a woman pushing her agenda as well as her job title. Her agenda includes a man who is unhinged and has made a life of creating real victims. And she loves it.

      People have the right to know who’s providing their healthcare. She can express herself and customers can leave, because of those strong beliefs. Especially when they support felons.

    1. You missed the part of “Stay 200 feet away” Court Order by Her Majesty Auntie Bev.
      Yes he had the right to do it IF IF IF there was NO court order to NOT do it…fuckin retard.

  12. That mentality of “Team Mom” is rough…
    McAlberts, this broad, disgraced FBI Agent Coffinander.

    I guess when you’re a “boy mom” your options are:
    Raise a good man
    Raise a predator & forever make excuses for for your sweet little boy who didn’t •mean• to hit John that hard.
    Just showing off for all the older predators…

    Registered Nutjob

  13. TB- you meant to say JLR is far MORE egregious than anything you have done.. not far less. Just want to call it out before others quote you- we know what you meant, but they’ll run with it.. just lookin out for you

  14. Is it some type of law or something… if you are a female McAlbert supporter that you must be uglier than original sin?
    Each and everyone of these hags that come out from under their rocks are just so revolting 🤢

  15. Aidan,
    I don’t know one case you are a witness for.
    No one is giving you a taste of your medicine because you are a witness. They are giving you a taste of your own medicine because you are an awful person. The way you have treated witnesses in this case is far worse. can’t believe no one has tried to take you out already and I don’t mean that as a threat I mean it because of the violence you incite people to do.
    You are such a tough guy and think you can harass anyone you want but when your methods are done back to you here you are acting like a victim. I praise the husbands of the women you have harassed for not kicking your ass. You call people cop callers and murders but cry for Karen Read who is charged with killing a cop when it is done to her. You are awful.
    You organized a campaign to harass witnesses and then organized a rolling rally. And demanded people come out of their homes. You have nerve to talk . You are worse than this man. You will be going to jail soon and we can’t wait so I am glad no one ever took you out because that would be the easy way out. Now go say I threatened you because I never did. I am saying I can’t believe no one has beat the shit out of you or took you out considering the violence you incite on others.
    Karen Read killed John O’Keefe.

    1. You’re right, it is so terrible how the McAlbert clan are referred to as “cop callers”. From the misspellings, lack of punctuation and nearly incoherent rambling I am going to guess this is Jill. At least you waited until 5 to get drunk today.

      PS – The McAlbert clan and their supporters are pussies, which is why the men haven’t done a fucking thing. Anyone can run their mouth and try to look tough in pictures but backing it up is something else entirely. That’s why Brian Albert tucked his tail between his legs when Tom Beatty responded to his bullshit and showed up at his house.

    2. 2 questions,
      1) Do you repeat yourself often, or was this an isolated incident?

      2) I’m thinking you got good grades in gym, however……English clearly wasn’t a strong subject for you. Would it be possible for you to have someone read your posts for grammatical errors prior to hitting the submit button? Perhaps you could write it down first, you know, a rough draft. This gives you the opportunity to have a peer that paid attention in school read it and mark corrections in the margins, giving you the chance to refine it and come across as somewhat intelligent.

    3. “…and then there was Jilly 3 times; we called her Jilly 3 times because she wrote every other sentence three times. That, and she blew me three times driving home from the Cape in high school..”

  16. Sir, you’ve got to find some better trolls than the current crop. Despite Oliver Jones who manages to write in full sentences this one time, your detractors have devolved into run-on sentences with no punctuation marks and halfway-intelligible meanings. At least KP can write a sentence. Is this the best that Canton has to offer? It’s gotten painful to read.

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