TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 369: Three “Not Guilty” Jurors Eliminated On Final Day Of Karen Read Trial 


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One of the three jurors not chosen to vote on Karen Read’s guilt or innocence is speaking out about her thoughts on the trial in an interview with WBZ News. According to her she would’ve voted to acquit.

Question: How are you feeling?

Juror #3: “Exhausted. Disappointed. I was not in the room where it happens. It was a lot to sit in a quiet room for almost a week.”

Question: Did the Commonwealth meet its burden?

Juror #3: “I approached this trial as if I was taking one of my graduate-level classes. I would get an A+ in note-taking. I believe the Commonwealth did not do their job to convince me beyond a reasonable doubt that Kared Read was guilty of the charges.”

Question: Did Trooper Proctor’s testimony influence your feelings on this case?

Juror #3:  “Even if his testimony had not been included in this case, I still believe there would have not have been enough.”

It’s borderline cruel that they made the two alternates sit in a quiet room by themselves for 4 days after sitting through 31 days of testimony and becoming so involved in the case. The look of disappointment on their faces when they realized they wouldn’t be able to vote on Karen Read’s fate after being subjected to 2 months of “what if anything” was like watching your kid find out his bike was stolen.

Juror number 3 (who I will refer to as juror #13 because I counted the front row first throughout the trial, not the back row) was an educated looking woman in her early 60’s with short brown hair and glasses. She sat in a triangle with juror number #12 and #3, and the three of them would make light conversation during breaks in the trial. The three of them were by far the most obviously in favor of an acquittal. They all made faces showing their disgust when Michael Proctor read his text messages out loud. They looked baffled and shocked as Trooper Paul attempted to explain how Karen Read’s tail light caused the dog bites on John O’Keefe’s arm before causing him to do a 360 and launch 30 feet in the air before the curb caused a 3 inch laceration in the back of his head and he magically ended up 10 feet away from the curb on the grass. One of them mouthed “what?” as she shook her head.

Weeks ago juror #5 was dismissed for unknown reasons. After she was called up by Judge Cannone these same three jurors – 2, 3, and 13 – were also called to speak with Cannone. The three of them reported juror #5 for something she said that led to her disqualification. It’s unknown what exactly they heard juror 5 say.

Coincidentally these same 3 women, the most obviously not guilty votes on the jury, were all eliminated as jurors last Tuesday. First juror #3 was called in front of Cannone after she was reported for allegedly talking about the case at a bar a month prior. They waited until closing arguments to report this to the judge. She seemed very upset and denied any wrongdoing.

It’s notable that the Massachusetts State Police are in charge of juror security. This means that an employee of the same organization that Karen Read’s defense team is framing her for John O’Keefe’s murder, is in charge of deciding who gets kicked off her jury. Michael Proctor, Yuri Bukhenik, Brian Tully, and Joseph Paul could all see the facial reactions of jurors as they testified. Coincidentally it took a full month for a juror, who made it obvious that she was disgusted by them, to be “reported” to State Police and removed as a juror. It’s unknown to everyone, including the juror herself, who “reported” her to State Police.

After closing statements that day a lottery was held to determine which two of the remaining 14 jurors would be alternates. Coincidentally Clerk Jim McDermott drew the numbers for juror 13 and then juror 12. Juror 12 was seen crying when she came into court the next day. McDermott did not show anyone the numbers, including the Read defense team who asked to see them later on.

The statistical odds of the 3 most obvious not guilty jurors, who are the exact 3 who reported another juror for misconduct, being the 3 that were eliminated from a pool of 15, is 455 to 1 (15/3 x 14/2 x 13/1). These odds are slightly better than the odds of two men butt dialing and butt answering each other while one was sleeping and the other was making love to his wife at 2:22 AM, so of course the court didn’t find it odd. Statistical improbabilities happen all the time in the Karen Read case, but you’re the conspiracy theorist if you think a coverup is possible.

We don’t know what the vote count was on the jury, and the list of jurors will not be made public since it was a mistrial. If any jurors would like to speak with me about their experiences they can DM me on Twitter or Facebook, or email [email protected]. If anyone knows more about the jurors they are invited to do the same. All sources are confidential. I am not looking to dox anyone, but as a journalist I would like to learn more about what went on behind the scenes at the most highly anticipated murder trial in the country.


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  1. Jesus Christ dude… you are really desperate to stay relevant. This has to be your most ridiculous article yet. Anytime there is a decision not favorable to Karen it must be “corruption”. So this 50 person conspiracy now has an additional 3-4 people added to it. You are implying the clerk magistrate tampered with the jury and somehow manipulated the selection of alternates. And those alternates according to you must have been in favor of Karen Read’s innocence because of the faces they made during the trial ? That’s your evidence ? The state police are in charge of security for the jury and decide who remains on the jury ? What ? Where do you come up with this stuff.

    Karen Read’s case is a prime example of why we have jury trials and why we in this country determine someone’s guilt or innocence in a court of law with rules and why we don’t try cases in a court of public opinion . The amount of conjecture, speculation and false narratives is disgusting.

    You know absolutely nothing about how any of this works and you know even less about why the jurors made the decisions they did .

    Have some respect for the hard work this jury did and stop speaking for them when they didn’t ask you to . If they want to come out and talk about their deliberations they will. Otherwise it’s no one’s business.

    Common fairness requires the absolute privacy to be preserved for jurors to engage in the full and free debate necessary to the attainment of just verdicts.

    Yet here you are doing everything you can to corrode this process in an attempt to influence and intimidate future jurors when the case is inevitably re-tried.

    1. Fuck you, Oliver McAlbert. You and your entire crew are nothing but an inbred group of white trash.

    2. Hi Brian Albert!😂 Ahhhhmm, he’s actually a million percent correct and has been all along you fucking derelict!! Really! STFU CLOWN!

    3. Only a complete fucking clown who was raised by a single, shitbag mother would think that some of the jury wasn’t coerced or biased. Did you even watch the trial? You lose all credibility when you don’t acknowledge the complete joke of a case that the MSP investigated and the prosecution brought. When the entire country is screaming about the obviousness of this ridiculousness, you should probably shut up and listen.

      1. So you don’t have Anything good to say about Single Mothers, sounds like you’re very angry!

      2. Don’t feed into the trash comments from lap dogs. Please as a woman I’d like to ask you to stop making comments about our appearance, all of you men. Word for word this is what the juror said and TB simply shared the video. The juror seems well educated and fully able to make an appropriate judgement.

    4. As a South African, we are unfortunately confronted daily with cover-ups and corruption.
      I find it difficult to comprehend that anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence could believe that the Commonwealth provided sufficient evidence to prove Karen’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Even our 12 year old granddaughter explained why it is impossible to butt-dial on an iPhone!

      1. As corrupt as South Africa is , this would not get to trial if suspect was Black or White. The trial would be about the police and district attorneys trying to prosecute.

    5. You must be part of the mc albert TRASH, incl the BENT JUDGE, murderers, allow them colluding, Corrupting. TRASH BAGS

    6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      Yeah reporting on the same thing the mainstream media is except they disnt steal TB’s story this time.

      Go piss on your nuts.

    7. Anyone who watched this trial, and the corruption right in our faces, over and over, is completely aware of how far they are willing to take it. What we are desperate for, is truth and justice and protection of our freedoms.
      They showed us how far they are willing to take their corruption in this trial, we would be fools to not see the pattern of blatant deception that didn’t stop at the jury door.
      Corruption of the investigation
      Corruption of the trial
      Corruption of the jury

      They aren’t even ashamed enough to try to hide it. They do it right to our faces. The reasonable doubt was to the moon and back. There was a plant. Of course there was a plant. It takes blind faith to believe they didn’t fix the jury. And they haven’t earned that faith, nor even tried to take steps to build it. Their abuse of power is bad enough to draw an FBI investigation. Are you going to call them ‘desperate’ too?

    8. If Turtle Boy is that bad, then why are you trying to make yourself relevant to him on his own website ? Seems like you are the one who has the problem and are chasing him around. At least turtle boy bothered to go and do an investigation unlike Proctor who’s job is to investigate. But proctor prefered to look at nude photos of the woman that he was trying to stick shit on , instead of the alberts, because according to proctor Brian Albert is a boston cop and didnt want shit to stick to him. Proctor is a failure just like you are.

    9. What an absolutely ice cold, frigid take, all across the board, but I’ll engage. TB hasn’t been publishing conspiracies and conjecture, as so many have known for a long time, but he’s been proven to be right in his facts and highly likely in his conjecture of what may have occurred, although it’s not his, KR or her defense team’s burden to provide an alternative explanation of what may have occurred. It’s irrelevant to the CW of proof, which is the entirety of the case. Regardless, the TB conspiracy theories angle is old, stale, and disingenuous now. The whole world has the facts now, so that just won’t work like it has so far. Sorry.

      LE manipulated evidence, the DA manipulated public opinion, prosecution manipulated evidence shown to the jury, let’s not get into Aunty Bev’s outrageous behavior, like picking the jury foreman before the alternates were even selected, without knowing if he’d even be on the jury, supposedly, asking Lally if he objects, the guilty or guilty jury slip, and so on, etc., in front of the eyes of the world, is it so outrageous to think Jury alternates were selected rather than chosen at random? If so, why not just show the defense? Seems strange to keep it a secret in a trial of this magnitude. It’s not as if the state has acted in good faith, and yet seems to operate as if it weren’t caught trying to rig the system every time they think they could get away with it, and so do many KR haters.

      This is why the FBI investigates public corruption, when officials try to run false narratives, try a case in the court of public opinion, or from the bench, rather than leaving it to an unbiased, reasonable jury to decide.

      There’s no way we’ll know why soms jurors made the decisions they did, because if all jurors made decisions based off facts, evidence, and testimony in the case, they’d all have had reasonable doubt. Any other vote is emotional, biased, or influenced by other means.
      It’s not some complex mystery, how the legal process works. The jury didn’t have secret info we didn’t. In fact, it was the opposite.

      The state police are in charge of security at high risk trials. They are well known for doing lots of things they shouldn’t do, but they do it anyway. There were many failsafes that should have kept this from getting to trial that didn’t. That speaks to the deep corruption in this state’s justice system, so I won’t clutch my pearls at the idea that a secret juror allegation could be false. That it was from a month prior speaks to its jankiness already.

      You do know that jurors name’s are usually made public, so all that common fairness and privacy for a full and fair debate and just verdicts preserved blah blah blah is utter nonsense, along with “future jury intimidation.” That’s rich.
      Bigger outfits than this have gone FAR farther than TB to uncover juror identities, or to reach jurors, both during and after trials.

      Go complain to CNN about ethics in journalism, and while you’re at it, go finger wagging at the pundits on either side of every issue at any news station on TV.

      TB behaves ethically better than many of them, and many of your ilk. Go chastise your buddies about making terror threats to journalists and animal cruelty.

    10. What an absolutely ice cold, frigid take, all across the board, but I’ll engage. TB hasn’t been publishing conspiracies and conjecture, as so many have known for a long time, but he’s been proven to be right in his facts and highly likely in his conjecture of what may have occurred, although it’s not his, KR or her defense team’s burden to provide an alternative explanation of what may have occurred. It’s irrelevant to the CW of proof, which is the entirety of the case. Regardless, the TB conspiracy theories angle is old, stale, and disingenuous now. The whole world has the facts now, so that just won’t work like it has so far. Sorry.

      LE manipulated evidence, the DA manipulated public opinion, prosecution manipulated evidence shown to the jury, let’s not get into Aunty Bev’s outrageous behavior, like picking the jury foreman before the alternates were even selected, without knowing if he’d even be on the jury, supposedly, asking Lally if he objects, the guilty or guilty jury slip, and so on, etc., in front of the eyes of the world, is it so outrageous to think Jury alternates were selected rather than chosen at random? If so, why not just show the defense? Seems strange to keep it a secret in a trial of this magnitude. It’s not as if the state has acted in good faith, and yet seems to operate as if it weren’t caught trying to rig the system every time they think they could get away with it, and so do many KR haters.

      This is why the FBI investigates public corruption, when officials try to run false narratives, try a case in the court of public opinion, or from the bench, rather than leaving it to an unbiased, reasonable jury to decide.

      There’s no way we’ll know why soms jurors made the decisions they did, because if all jurors made decisions based off facts, evidence, and testimony in the case, they’d all have had reasonable doubt. Any other vote is emotional, biased, or influenced by other means.
      It’s not some complex mystery, how the legal process works. The jury didn’t have secret info we didn’t. In fact, it was the opposite.

      The state police are in charge of security at high risk trials. They are well known for doing lots of things they shouldn’t do, but they do it anyway. There were many failsafes that should have kept this from getting to trial that didn’t. That speaks to the deep corruption in this state’s justice system, so I won’t clutch my pearls at the idea that a secret juror allegation could be false. That it was from a month prior speaks to its jankiness already.

      You do know that jurors name’s are usually made public, so all that common fairness and privacy for a full and fair debate and just verdicts preserved blah blah blah is utter nonsense, along with “future jury intimidation.” That’s rich.
      Bigger outfits than this have gone FAR farther than TB to uncover juror identities, or to reach jurors, both during and after trials.

      Go complain to CNN about ethics in journalism, and while you’re at it, go finger wagging at the pundits on either side of every issue at any news station on TV.

      TB behaves ethically better than many of them, and many of your ilk. Go chastise your buddies about making terror threats to journalists and animal cruelty, plagiarism.

    11. Hey Oliver Holmes aka Brian Albert. Your daughter is this generations Jill Daniel’s. Town pass around, pump an dump. Coyote ugly except they don’t spend the night.

    12. Oliver- Aidan couldn’t be more spot on just like he was throughout this entire case while uncovering all the dirty truths! We need more people like Aidan.

      PS- Aidan, I was at a 4th of July parade today (Stoughton) when the Norfolk county sheriffs vehicles went by and you best believe I was booing them.

    13. This verdict is a win for Ms. Read against odds of what the powers that be decided to withhold or present to the jury. They needed better explanation of reasonable doubt. Defense can subpoena Lally, Yuri and Berky to talk taillight. Maybe Feds will dump more evidence at retrial.

    14. I think the process was corroded LONG before Turtleboy, that’s why he got involved..to report what the ;police and news outlets weren’t..its called fair and balanced.They all could spew their facts and poison the town but KR could not. It.s called a level playing field.

  2. I don’t put it past these bozos. The corruption already is exposed is overwhelming to your average citizen. A rigged “lottery” hardly seems like a stretch. In fact, it seems more likely than not from this crew.

  3. The BPD killed john bc he knew about their trafficking ring – KR is the scapegoat. kill the government.

  4. When I started working as a political activist on criminal justice reform in Massachusetts 25 years ago, an older veteran of the reform movement who had been involved in passing laws at the State House and working with the ACLU of Mass pulled me aside and told me, here in Massachusetts, the fix is in.

    The fix is in. Four simple words, if you’re not clever evough to keep up with all the minutiae of TB’s reporting, just revert to those four words. We live in a state that has only one political party – 95% PLUS of the legislative seats are held by the same political entity. It doesn’t matter which “party” it is. We don’t have representative democracy or a multi-party system here. We have Irish political clans that took control of the totally corrupt system back in the late 1800’s.

    Their friends and financial backers from the Vatican raped little boys with impunity for decades while all the police, prosecutors, Boston Globe and Boston Herald and TV shations kept silent. Whacking out some crooked cop is NOTHING for these people….look at their track record of evil.

    1. Proctor is not Irish – TB is Irish. I believe KR was framed but I don’t like your anti Irish, anti Catholic bigotry

    2. ‘Vatican raped little boys’ that was called the GAY priest scandal.

      Are you Jealousy?

  5. Brian Walshe is going to walk free. A real murderer. Thanks to these rouge snakes in the DA office.

  6. “It’s notable that the Massachusetts State Police are in charge of juror security. This means that an employee of the same organization that Karen Read’s defense team is framing her for John O’Keefe’s murder, is in charge of deciding who gets kicked off her jury.”

    That is so far from the truth – stop it.

  7. Big if true! Can’t put it past Tired Bev and the crooked MSP. It’s a disgrace to our commonwealth. Very sad!

      1. I believe a lot of us are trying to do something about this corruption, but those with money and power control the media, the courts, the government, military, etc.
        The corruption is evident at the White House all the way down the government line.
        More of the People need to wake the hell up and fight against this tyranny! God help us.

          1. Have you noticed any changes to your overall health or your ability to comprehend things?

  8. 34 Fairview ave, the DEATH HOUSE for JOHN O’KEEFFE, he walked in, was beaten to near DEATH, SAVAGED by German Shepherd, Chloe, who magically disappeared, JOHN was carried out of that house, dumped on the lawn, chewed up arm, FRACTURED SKULL, all this happened while KAREN READ was at home, looking after JOHNS children.
    Interestingly, 34 FAIRVIEW AVE CANTON was sold soon after, the basement floor removed, CLEANED up, house, like the dog gotten rid of.
    The basement NEEDS LUMINOL SPRAYED in it, I bet it shows plenty, of BLOOD!
    KAREN READ the patsy, scapegoat, FRAMED BY THEM & THE CANTON COPS, & AUNTY BEV, a very good friend of the Mc Albert TRASH, THIS ALL FITS TOGETHER, John was NEVER hit by a car, his Apple watch shows he went into that rats nest, used the stairs to his Fate, into the basement👹👹👹 THIS is how I see it, & MANY MANY OTHERS SEE IT, ITS THE TRUTH,

  9. It’s clear that Bev along with the entire CW was up to no good this entire trial. I feel it’s entirely possible that she rigged the jury pool! She’s despicable just like the Alberts and McCabes.

  10. Thanks Turtleboy for showing how CORRUPT Mass. is.And it’s sad that alot of people there don’t see it.Wait until something like this happens to their family.I cannot believe Aunty Bev jumps down defense team throat then says I’M TIRED LOL.Of what sitting on your ass all day and suppose to get to the truth but is just as CORRUPT??? I’M TIRED SMH

  11. Mr Oliver Holmes, (assuming this is a pseudonym for the family that runs the town),

    I would like to remind you of the high profile case of Alex Murdaugh. I’m sure you remember. The Clerk of court and her attempt to sway the jury one direction. While we all know Alex Murdaugh did do the crime, she was attempting to cement that guilty verdict one way or another. Your comment , “you are implying the clerk magistrate tampered with the jury and somehow manipulated the selection of alternates” is a possibility as in the Murdaugh Trial where the clerk did just that, attempted to tamper with the jury.

    Turtleboy’s article to stay relevant is about the case and not himself. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. There has been no verdict swaying one direction or the other and possibly because the jury felt there WAS “corruption”. If you felt so trusting in the United States Court system, I ask you, why did you sit in on the trial after you testified? Making faces, looking nervous and staring at jurors? There is such a thing as applied behavior analysis which determines to see an increase in positive behaviors and a decrease in negative behaviors. The faces of jurors tells a lot. Those analysts have proven guilt on the faces of numerous witnesses. It’s not crazy to apply some knowledge to facial expressions. Especially yours while you sit in the courtroom of the trusted judicial system you honor, looking guilty.

    I think it’s safe to say that in your comment >>”common fairness requires the absolute privacy to be preserved for jurors to engage in the full and free debate necessary to the attainment of just verdicts”- you stated to Aidan “requires absolute privacy for the jurors” maybe because you fear they will share further corruption with your name on it. So, you want to place fear in Turtleboy not to dig deeper.

    This case stinks and I can smell it all the way in Iowa. Entitled individuals who have their hands in the pockets of the rich and feel their status protects them from being exposed. Kinda similar to Alex Murdaugh and the status THAT family had in his community. Even the CLERK was corrupt and had to resign. Nobody is above the law and it’s time the trusted Judicial system stop giving people a reason NOT to trust. Aidan is revealing corruption not only in the family, but also in the Judicial system. Staying relevant is only personal for him and others because of the lack of “fairness ” you say there should be. It should be fair 100% and not just for one family to cover up their wrongs. YOU are the reason fairness doesn’t exist. Your face shines guilt and your actions, corruption. Your family has guilt written on their face and in their actions. Maybe next time you sit in the very courtroom of a trial determining exactly what happened to a Police officer, that you encourage the Police uniform be worn in a stand of finding the truth of a fallen “brother in blue”. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible for the “blue gang” to do so with a face of guilt and corruption being revealed. The two don’t go together.

    Great article Aiden, lots of incite, keep digging.
    Iowa Girl with her boots on because the sh1t is deep in Boston
    RIP Officer John O’Keefe

    1. A powerful & beautifully written comment, Iowa Girl! Thank you for elevating the level of discussion. 🙌🏼

    2. Great post corn girl. Understand the comment by OWH was written by Kate Peters, trash bag human who permanently lost 2 of her kids to DCF. She hates TB with the power of 100 suns and is truly an unhinged lunatic who should be in prison alongside Jen McCabe. She is just doing her normal shit, Kate seek help, you really need it.

  12. Turtleboy gets the scoop once again! Awesome job! I look forward to hearing about all the corruption uncovered by the FBI and Karen’s defense team investigatiors. Between upcoming terminations, arrests and corruption investigations I can’t imagine the possibility of a 2nd trial. I hope the charges are eventually dropped.

    Free Karen Read
    Free Turtleboy
    Justice for John O’Keefe

  13. First, #freekarenread. Second, please change the title. We (America) are all looking for the official split numbers of the jury daily in the headlines and I read your title as “three jurors voted not guilty.” That’s not good for our cause. It’s good for clicks, but that’s about it. Because unfortunately, others will read it the same way as I did and it will confuse those lemmings into thinking they got something wrong. Even though we’re all in on the same joke. Ie. The truth.

    1. That’s interesting…I knew exactly what the title of the article meant. But sure, the guy who cracked this case wide open should start taking advice from some nobody in the comment section who has issues with reading comprehension. Makes sense.

  14. IF there is to be some Federal intervention
    ( that isn’t blocked by Meatball Morrissey’s cronies in Congress), let’s hope the DOJ includes Judge Cannone & Clerk McDermott in their dragnet. They appeared to do everything they could to tip the scales for the CW & Lally’s piss poor case, including jury manipulation.

  15. I knew this all along! Even a credible psychic said this a few weeks ago and said she kept hearing the words “Proctor’s hands are in it” . This makes a lot of sense now that I know MSP is responsible for the jury security. And Oliver go fuck your self with one of Jen’s crooked bottom teeth. 😂😂 Or Brian’s shaft head lookin ass

  16. turtlefarter, you’re WRONG, and no, she’s not gonna sleep with you. She’s an obnoxious, typical masshole twat, and you’re a moron. Having a blog doesn’t make you any less of a moron

  17. Just saw the deep fake of Karen Read and Attorney Jackson. Supposedly at some “high end” steak joint in Boston. Seriously. 🥱

  18. The Mass Supreme Court set the rules for releasing jurors’ names and they didn’t say anything about withholding them because of a mistrial or lack of a verdict. The court said the jurors’ names should be released at the completion of a trial. Withholding the names is against the law and against public policy.

    1. Up to each individual juror if they speak. Time favors defense who were handicapped by judge as to read backs of testimony and presentation of Federal investigations evidence.

  19. My brother suggested I might like this blog He was totally right This post actually made my day You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info Thanks

  20. The “8” run the town, It appears to me given all the support KR had during her trial the middle class, hard working, honest citizens have had enough of these handful of immoral, corrupt inrbreding of those supposed icons of their community.
    They are exactly what is wrong with society today. I hope their day comes soon and the depth of their unlawfulness has a light shown on it for the whole world to see…You 8 are as well-known as that trump garbage ..well done!

  21. Why the mcalberts still big poopin mad? It’s over. They haven’t seen the FBI yet. Why they still so mad they dumpin roids?

  22. Big surprise that the jury was tainted just like the investigation was. Kangaroo Court was incredibly obvious. The evidence of JO’s injuries alone is enough for a not guilty verdict. A jury of your “peers”….right. What a clown show.

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