TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 391: Turtleboy Interviews Karen Read Juror 


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Two weeks ago I received an email from someone claiming to be a juror in the Karen Read trial. I was immediately skeptical as there is no shortage of degenerates who would spend their days pretending to be a juror in order to feed me misinformation to see if I’d report it, in the hopes that it would damage my reputation. This juror said a couple things about clothing they were wearing and other context clues that helped identify them, but Paul O’Keefe and various McAlberts got to see the same jurors I did, so I wasn’t convinced yet. Luckily this alleged juror agreed to FaceTime me and when I answered the phone I was staring back at a face that I spent 10 weeks looking at. This juror agreed to speak with me under the condition of anonymity. They are very afraid of being doxxed and attacked by the anti-Karen Read mob, but wanted to share with me what they could, without giving up information that would make it easier to identify who they were.

I sent them a list of almost 40 questions, most of which they answered. However, the one thing most people want to know about is something they don’t feel comfortable talking about yet – specifics of juror deliberations. That may change as time passes, but for now I was able to ask what I could, and they answered they could.


1. Why did you decide to come forward and speak with Turtleboy, of all media outlets?

After the trial, I did a lot of catching up across multiple platforms and sources and realized the way news is reported has changed exponentially over the years, no longer coming from mainstream media alone. You’re a gritty and unshakable journalist despite being perceived as a bit rough around the edges. Above all, you seem to genuinely care about the truth. That was the driving force behind my decision.

2. Had you ever heard of this trial prior to being called for jury duty?

I’m sure I heard about it when it happened, but it seemed to be another story like any others you see on the news. I didn’t pay more attention to this than I did anything else.

3. When you got jury duty that day were you aware that the Read case was picking a jury?

I was aware they were picking the jury, but was still surprised when I was chosen from the hundreds of people they brought in during jury selection.

4. Where did you park and what time did you have to get there every day? 

We reported each day at 8:30 a.m. and took the bus to arrive for the 9:00 a.m. start time. I am not going to disclose the location. I assume this location may be used for upcoming trials, and it’s not fair to future jurors.

5. Did jurors have a chance to converse socially during the trial? What sort of things did you guys talk about? Did anyone ever discuss the case?

We never discussed the case. We spent a lot of time together during bus rides, lunch and breaks and tried to maintain some normalcy during this very different time in our lives. Our conversations were social, like you would have with anyone you spend time with, discussing how the weekend was, things we had going on outside of court, etc.

6. Did jurors see protesters assembling outside the court every day?

There were times we could hear them or catch a glimpse from the bus, but we couldn’t see everything going on outside.

7. How hard was it not to go home and read about this case? Did you have to just stay off the internet and not watch TV at all?

To be honest, it wasn’t that difficult.  I went into this completely impartial, and I felt my job as a juror was to ensure that Karen got a fair trial where only the facts and evidence were considered vs information from outside sources.  I took my job very seriously; Karen’s life was at stake, and she deserved the benefit of not having outside information or opinions cloud my judgment.

8. Were jurors made aware that I was kicked out of court for most McAlbert testimony? 


9. Were you made aware that jurors would not be receiving transcripts during deliberations and would have to rely on their notes?

Yes.  We were told at the beginning of the trial that no transcripts of testimony would be available, and we would need to rely on our notes during deliberations.

10. What did you think of John’s mother crying during the trial? Did it seem to influence you or any other jurors?

I felt immense empathy for both the O’Keefe & Read families.  The death of a loved one is not something anyone ever wants to go through, and their emotions throughout the trial were, at times, heartbreaking to see.  While I didn’t let this impact me when it came to the evidence being presented, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me on a personal level both during and after the trial.  John lost his life.  A tragedy, regardless of what other events may or may not have taken place, and I often felt like that aspect was forgotten amid the trial.

11. What did you think of Judge Cannone? Do you feel like she was partial to the Commonwealth with her rulings or demeanor during testimony?

She was kind to us.  She always made a point to remind us to stand up and stretch during sidebars, she kept to the schedule for breaks & lunch like clockwork, and she reminded EVERYONE to keep their voices up so we could leave the AC on.. it got hot in the jury box!  Sitting in a chair listening to testimony all day is very different from real life; you need to be attentive to catch everything, and you can’t just get up and move around whenever you want to.  It sounds pretty silly unless you experience it, but it’s very different when you can’t just get up to get a snack, use the bathroom, take a brain break, or get some air anytime you want to.  Of course, when we asked for breaks there was never any pushback, but we were also cognizant of the need to keep things moving.

At times, I did feel there was a level of professionalism that wasn’t being maintained and that the severity of the circumstances was not always at the forefront. It bothered me when there was an objection, and her response was, “I’ll let them have it.”  I think there was some bias against the defense, particularly Mr. Jackson.  But I also think there were times she was hard on Mr. Lally, particularly when it came to repeating questions about well-established things already made clear throughout prior testimony.  There were times I would glance over and wonder if she was paying attention, but to some extent, I can understand that it was hard to stay focused. I struggled with this myself, mainly if it was something we had already seen or heard eight times, like the weather report, the layout of the Waterfall bar, etc.

12. Was it hard to stay awake and focus during some of the Lally questioning of witnesses?

What, if anything, can I really say about this?  You were there.

13. What witnesses did you find most compelling?

The medical examiner.  I felt she was a straight shooter and gave her medical opinion based only on the facts.  There was no point where I felt her opinion had been influenced by either the Commonwealth or the defense to fit a theory being presented.


14. Who do you think was the most pointless witness?

Pointless? The 2 women that were in Aruba with John and Karen a few weeks prior to Jan 29th.

Unnecessary? John’s niece and nephew.  I didn’t see any reason why the children were brought into a courtroom to testify after all they had been through.  It could be that they wanted to be heard, but it felt wrong to have them on the stand with everyone watching.


15. Brian Albert, Brian Higgins, and Michael Proctor all greeted the jury and thanked them after their testimony. What did you think about that? 

These 3 men were a huge focal point of the trial, so while I wish I could have taken it as nothing more than a polite gesture, I did not.

16. Do you find Brian Albert’s story believable about not waking up to come outside?

I was very torn on this throughout the trial.  On one hand, I can understand being pretty drunk, going to bed late, and being deep asleep to the point where nothing wakes you up.  But I also find it hard to believe that a first responder’s instincts, which are engrained and become part of who they are over the course of their career, had this much commotion on his front lawn, and those instincts didn’t kick in at any point.

17. What did you think of Jennifer McCabe’s testimony?

I found Jennifer McCabe to be very combative, which was off-putting. Her demeanor made it difficult to process anything she was saying. Something felt off when she continued to ask to be reminded of statements, events, etc. with evidence of her prior accounts. It felt like she needed reminders of what she had previously said before she answered to keep from contradicting herself.

18. What did you think of Michael Proctor’s testimony?

Michael Proctor was mentioned every single day of this trial, so to say he was someone I was anxiously waiting to hear from would be an understatement.  I was obviously disappointed that an officer of the law behaved in a way that showed so little integrity and didn’t uphold their oath to protect and serve our community.

While I do not agree with a lot of his behavior when it came to the investigation and understand that said behavior was a critical part of the trial for the defense, I wish it hadn’t come down to reading texts in open court where he essentially dehumanized Karen.  None of that had anything to do with the core facts of the case, but it was a bit eye-opening to hear how investigations are discussed amongst some of our law enforcement.

There were many things that didn’t add up in his testimony, but that can be said for other witnesses as well. I felt it hurt the Commonwealth that the lead investigator wasn’t there to testify solely about the outcome of the investigation, but to testify about his actions throughout the investigation.

19. Did you find Colin Albert’s testimony believable? 

I found Colin to be purposely elusive when asked questions that he was prepared for.  But, when it came to the questions he was not prepared for, the cracks in his testimony started to show.  I think we can all agree that none of us has ever slipped on ice, while holding a solo cup, and broken our fall with just our knuckles.

20. Did you believe Colin Albert was inside Brian Albert’s house? 

I know that at some point, Colin Albert was in the house; that was proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  But whether he was there past the time he stated is not as clear.  I do put weight on Ally McCabe seeming to slip up during the part of her testimony where she stated that Colin wasn’t in the house when John was. I could believe that is the truth, but that statement also put John in the house, which is something the Commonwealth has said did not happen.

21. Do you believe Katie McLaughlin’s testimony that Karen Read said, “I hit him” at the scene that morning?

I believe Katie McLaughlin believes she heard this, whether it be from her own memory or what she was reminded she heard.  However, I did find it hard to believe that of all the first responders on the scene that morning, she was the only one to hear that statement.  But at the same time, there was a lot of conflicting testimony from first responders of what they heard or saw that morning.  I didn’t put any more weight on this testimony than other testimony related to what people heard or saw that morning.

22. Did you believe Lucky Loughran’s testimony?

Lucky Loughran is a very likable man, as is his boss, Michael Trotta.  Lucky’s testimony appeared to be truthful; it didn’t seem he had an agenda but that he just wanted to share what he knew.

23. Did you feel deceived by the inverted Sally port video?

Yes, very much so. The prosecution’s emphasis on this video and its supposed significance in proving beyond a reasonable doubt that nobody was near the damaged taillight was a primary focus throughout the trial. It was a shock to find out that what I believed I was seeing and what I was actually seeing were not one and the same.

24. Did the jury have any idea about the federal investigation? If not, what did you think Ryan Nagel was talking about when he said he spoke to the feds? What did you think all the references to the “other proceedings” witnesses testified at, were in reference to?

Perhaps others caught on, but I honestly had no idea.  I missed Ryan Nagel mentioning the Feds during his testimony, and I assumed the other proceedings were another grand jury or something like that.  I had no reason to think there was something as big as a federal investigation going on outside of the trial.

25. Do you feel deceived not being told about the feds?

I don’t think I would use the word deceived, but I would say misled.  Looking back, not knowing the entire scope of what was happening and not having what seemed to be crucial information likely hindered my ability to see the whole picture.  If I had known the full scope, the ARCA witnesses would have made more sense, the things I thought were important may not have been where I focused my attention, and I may have looked at some witness testimony differently.

26. How could anyone on that jury think that Karen Read hit John with her car after hearing from the ARCCA guys?

I can only speak for myself, but you have to understand that we were not told where these witnesses came from.  There was a lot of conflicting testimony throughout the trial, specifically regarding IT and accident reconstruction “experts.” I understood that neither the Commonwealth nor the Defense hired them, but I had no idea where they came from.  For all I knew, they were two very smart and well-educated people who read about the case online and decided to analyze what happened.  I found them credible, but there were things they weren’t aware of that I thought were important, and I couldn’t understand why they were testifying when they didn’t seem to have all the information. The positioning of their presence and the information they had been provided to analyze was strange, no doubt, but being hired by the FBI or any other agency never crossed my mind. 

27. How did you feel about Brian Albert being in court for closing deliberations?

I felt it was inappropriate. He was a key witness and a major focal point during the trial, so I don’t think he should have been allowed in the courtroom at any time other than during his testimony. This goes for Jennifer McCabe and Colin Albert as well.

28. Did you feel that a “not guilty” verdict for Karen on the manslaughter charge implied that the McAlberts were somehow responsible?

This is a tough one to answer.  Human nature is to want to be Perry Mason and solve the case, and I wasn’t exempt from that.  I had times during the trial where I would think, if this isn’t what happened, then what did happen?  As the weeks went on, I realized that my job wasn’t to solve the case, but to focus on the one possibility that was being presented to me.  So no, I didn’t feel that a not-guilty verdict for Karen implied that any of the Albert’s or McCabe’s were responsible.  Having been back in the real world for some time now, I see that it’s very likely the public would have perceived it precisely that way, though.

29. How long did the jury take to reach a unanimous not guilty verdict on the murder charge? What was discussed during deliberations that made some jurors change their vote from not guilty to guilty for manslaughter? 

Given that motions on counts 1 and 3 remain outstanding, I don’t believe anyone should discuss this at this time. Anything related to deliberations and their outcome should be kept inside the courtroom.

30. Now that you’ve had time to research the case post trial, what have been some of the most surprising things to learn about?

The amount of people who are invested in this case.  I went into this not knowing what a following it had and how much it had taken over social media, podcasts, etc.  The federal investigation was also a huge surprise, a lot of things made more sense after learning that.

31. Do you think Chloe is alive?

I hope so!


Questions not answered:

Would you ever consider coming forward and using your real name? If not, why not?

  • Juror won’t commit to that. 

Are you in contact with other jurors in the case?

  • Juror doesn’t want to talk about other jurors at this time. 

Do you know why the juror in red was eliminated?

  • Juror doesn’t want to talk about other jurors at this time. 

What sort of questions did Lally and the defense ask you during the voir dire?

  • Juror is worried this will lead to identifiable information. 

Did your friends and family know you were a juror? Did they ask you about it? How hard was it to keep your identity a secret?

  • Juror is worried this will lead to identifiable information. 

Did you understand the Jen McCabe Google search testimony from the 3 witnesses? Which did you find more compelling and why?

Do you believe Karen Read killed John O’Keefe with her car?

  • Juror is worried this will lead to identifiable information. 

Has this case changed your attitude and trust towards police?


My top takeways:

  1. Jurors clearly had no idea that the most important witnesses in the case, the ARCCA experts, were hired by the FBI. Many believed they were hired by Karen Read’s insurance company. The defense should fight harder before trial 2 to oppose MIL preventing disclosure of the federal investigation during trial.
  2. Juror completely missed Ryan Nagel accidentally mentioning he spoke with the Feds. Not sure what would’ve happened if Yannetti had asked him to expound on that. Why shouldn’t witnesses be able to tell the jury who they spoke with about the case? This goes for Lucky Loughran, who was also questioned by the Feds long before State Police interviewed him.
  3. The medical examiner was supposed to be a strong witness for the Commonwealth, but ended up being a strong witness for the defense.
  4. The juror clearly felt intimidated by Brian Higgins, Brian Albert, and Michael Proctor, all of whom are cops who addressed them directly. Defense should file a motion to prevent witnesses from speaking to the jury like this and sitting in on closing statements.
  5. Considering the Sullivan sisters and the kids were ONLY called as witnesses to prove that Karen had motive to murder John O’Keefe, and that the vote on murder was 12-0, it wasn’t surprising that the juror found them the least relevant witnesses. Will the Commonwealth be dumb enough to waste their time with them in trial 2?
  6. The fact that this juror reached out to me of all media members, and was the first juror to actually talk about their experiences as a juror (as opposed to the vote count), speaks volumes about how I am perceived by the general public, and should help me with my bogus “witness intimidation” charges.



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  1. This juror seems very truthful. And she really paid attention! Many of the things she said is kinda what I thought most of the jurors would say.
    Thank you anonymous juror! Keep yourself safe!

    1. All of you trolls, idiots please go to someone who works on lexus vehicles! They will show you how and why it was impossible for that taillight to break into small piece and end up stuck in his sweatshirt! IMPOSSIBLE

  2. It takes courage to speak about this. She could have just done nothing, but she chose to get the truth out there. So thank you Ms Juror. I appreciate that you care so much about our great state. We need more like you who are willing to stand on principle. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men(or women) to do nothing.”

  3. I was on a jury where we disagreed about what one of the witnesses said at a critical moment. We asked for a transcript of that testimony, and the judge told us, “deliberate with the evidence you have in front of you.” We decided just to poll ourselves to see what we remembered of that testimony, and found That HALF 6-6 remembered it differently .
    We ultimately found the alleged Murderer not guilty because we did Not have the trail transcript to refer too
    and the notes taken varied substantially. Having talked with All of the jurors over the years we all felt
    if we had the transcript to refresh our memories we would have found the defended GUILTY with No Reasonable doubt.
    The only reasonable doubt we had were OUR NOTES !

    1. I love how irrelevant the Sullivan Sisters are to everyone…
      John and his best friend meet them, drunk.
      His best friend knocks one up and then kills himself.
      The Slutty Sullivan’s are all over Johnny on the “group getaway,” trying to pry into his personal business and to spread their negativity.

      We’ve all met some form of Sullivan Sisters … as well as Jen, Matt, & Aly McCabe.

      We “know.”

      Townies. Southie girls.
      Terrible witnesses.

      One person loved John OKeefe on that stand & it was Kerry Roberts. She feels his loss, unlike anyone else Lally dragged up there to confuse the jury, forced to take notes on all of this BS, to get a mistrial.

    2. Hindsight is 20/20. Will next trial reveal truth? The FBI (investigating Sandra Birchmore’s homicide) in Canton are looking at same officers’ lack of investigation. FBI evidence can solve these murders, why not restore taxpayers faith in justice?
      Thanks for excellent reporting, Aidan — Enjoy your vacation

  4. Thank you juror for the time you spent in court and really paying attention to all the details. It must have been hard to do some days. I hope and pray one day you will feel safe enough to speak in public about your thoughts and decisions made regarding this case. It has taken the world by storm and alot of people want to see justice for Karen and justice for Officer John O’Keefe.

  5. This makes no sense. Why have a transcriptionist ?
    Can’t even bother to have a official JUROR verdict form.


  6. lol sure turtleboy … sure you spoke to a juror who just happened to essentially go along with your nonsense.

    Anything to stay relevant…. Pretty desperate of you to fabricate this “story”. One more example of why you aren’t a real journalist and nothing more than a knock off national inquirer story teller.

    It’s going to be absolutely hilarious when you get another charge for witness intimidation from this.

    Your convictions can’t come soon enough where you’ll finally go away for a long long time .

    1. I wish he asked the juror what he thinks about Brian and Jen sleeping together. Also I wonder if Colin knows he is retarted

    2. It’s quite obvious you are a hater of a man trying to
      find the truth. You sound like a misguided Mcalbert. May we all pray for you and and your incapability to see the truth.

      1. Explain why you feel, Karen read Is guilty I’ll give you a fair shake really just want to see why you think she is guilty because personally, I can’t so maybe you can enlighten me on some facts that I missed looking for an honest answer

        1. Try asking them why there wasn’t a poll of blood under John! Why they only found 6 drops of blood! They won’t answer you or give you any real facts cuz they know the truth…. the blood in the house. There’s no possible way he lost 2liters of blood but they only found 6 drops. Not possible.

    3. lol, the juror emailed him…you McAlberts are so delusional. How can it be intimidation if they reached out to him?
      Your time is coming. Very soon.
      Thank you, juror for coming forward, and keep going Aiden. We all appreciate you.

    4. Not a real juror or person with integrity or compassion. You obviously are a McAlbert please. A complete LoseAh

    5. You still up Jen walking around playing on your phone ….wait till the NEW text / phone records come into play IF ( unlikely ) a new trial in Jan ….. start deleting ……

    6. I think your the screwed up one. Thank god you weren’t a juror. Not sure why jury can’t have transcripts if they are looking for the truth, guessing they want the innocent in jail and
      The murderers out drinking

    7. Are you already day drinking Jenny Mccabe? Of course, it was a real juror, turtleboy can dig out anything. Just because you hate him and Karen is free is not a reason to disbelieve this article.

    8. Do you understand you make yourself look like a fuck face. People like you are nothing but miserable cocksuckers who was molested by your mother and now feel the need to be a bully. Just like you and your family that hangs out at the pizza shop with Degenerates like yourself.

    9. It’s incredible how often the McAlberts post anonymously, harassing and intimidating Turtleboy. Even threatening to bury his body under the Judge’s Cape house.
      It’s almost like you’re all FOS…
      Being afraid of accountability, because you’re too much of a coward to put your name behind your actions and words, is much different than “being intimidated” by the one person directly confronting you all about your BS.
      It means “you’re a little bitch.”

      Unlike Chloe, McAlberts are all bark and no bite.

    10. Guessing you are a McAlbert. He’s not going to risk his reputation on a fake story. Even if you don’t like him because he exposed your family and/or he’s got a rough delivery…doesn’t change that he is a respected journalist. Sorry…people respect the guy for a reason. Conversely, they don’t respect you/McAlberts for a reason as well. Everyone knows, even if they didn’t do it, they’ve done a million other things. Karma is doing it’s thing. Sorry loooosah.

    11. What an idiotic statement. What witness intimidation? The jurors will talk now that Aunty Bev has denied the motion. What a fool you will look then, eh?

    12. I’m sure he spoke with his personal attorneys first, prior to printing this.

      Bradell and Bederow are quite the Team, I might add.. The Killer Bees 🐝 🐝

    13. Not a real juror,

      Mc Albert? Ummm….maybe, your not paying attention, but TB has his press credentials, which is why he was able to stand in line with your douche bag friend Grant, in order to get PRESS seat in the court room.

      Second, everyone knows that when the jurors are excused they can go talk to whomever they want – TB included. there is no crime in that, and in all likelihood the WI statute will be struck down within the next year as it is unconstitutional.

      I can see you have major TDS – and I’m not refering to Trump. Get a grip.

    14. Why aren’t you using your name? You have a lot to say but hide behind a fake name/screen to knock turtlenoy. Look up when he busted the MA state police on other matters, like for instance the whole k9 Leah Genduso! Or all the fraudulent overtime! Lmao at you, do some homework! The mainstream media gets their work from him a lot! Good day sneaky!

    15. Those who wish hate on others get it directed back at them. I find Turtleboy to be very truthful……to a fault. He’s sacrificed himself and his own safety to reveal the corruption in canton! He’s worked hard to dig up all of the information behind the scenes. I’m guessing you will always be living a life in a negative energy. Negative will be all you get back. Watching life pass you by being jealous of others and their success.

      I commend Turtleboy for standing up for the truth and all of his hard work and sacrifice!!!!!!!! No matter what trolls say….they are the 1% and they all look crazy and desperate for any kind of attention. Guessing deeply rooted mommy and daddy issues…..just saying!

    16. We’re you born stupid or did someone drop you on your head? Another witness intimidating from this?? Lmaoooooo u have no idea of the law. Not 2 mention he never intimidated any witness. Your ignorance shows highly in your statement. You wouldn’t know the truth if Brian Albert slapped you across the face with it!! God u tells need to go get an education and stop hiding in mommies basement.

  7. I sincerely thank this jurors for coming forward and being honest. I sure hope they allow the jurors the opportunity to come forward with anonymity simply to allow they to speak about what happened and if the truely had 100% decided on a verdict on counts 1 and 3 I hope they will allow these fine people the chance to enter the verdicts they had agreed upon. I find it very sad and disrespectful that that the CW doesn’t want to allow the verdicts they had because the directions were confusing. If I were on that jury I would feel insulted that my verdict was prevented me entering the final decision from such a long and intense trial. Especially because if they really agreed on the verdicts they the CW should not be permitted to retry her.
    All the thanks in the world for letting us know what you are comfortable saying.

    1. The 2 questions I want to know the answers to are Did Bev ask them if they were deadlocked on all 3 charges? Did any of the jurors tell Bev that there was only 1 charge they couldn’t agree on?

  8. I think the closing statements should have had more time! Telling the jury FBI should have been told to the jury. Why was fanning allowed with the jury-now that would have been a great question & what did the judge tell you after the trial!

  9. “Fabricated story to stay relevant”? Lol. If you really thought this was some bullshit story you wouldn’t let it affect you so much to leave that comment. Ok McAlbert. You’re being outed and people outside of your “small circle” actually have common sense with valid questions. If TB made this story up he’d have better answers to some of the questions. How many steps did you get in reading this?

    Thank you turtle boy for not following mainstream media and seeking truth.

    1. EXACTLY ….Jen is up pacing again just like the night John was murdered by all three of them. Cant wait if there is another trial for ALL the NEW TEXTS/CALL LOGS TO BE SHOWN ON THE SCREEN AGAIN ….. I told Jen to START DELETING ….LMAO …. A TOWN OF FOOLS !

  10. Bravo Aidan! Thank you for bringing this information to us and thank you to this juror for being willing to come forward.

  11. Great job Aidan, your journalism skills will start to make others see what they are missing from the mainstream.
    I have a feeling that once the truth comes out, and all your hard work has been proven true, you will be held in high esteem for your integrity and credibility.

  12. Thank you juror for coming forward and thank you Turtleboy for bringing us this interview! It’s very interesting to hear a juror’s take on sitting on those seats all day long and trying to keep track of all that testimony, especially when it was littered by all the extraneous “was it snowing” and other such nonsense.

    I personally don’t need to know the identity of any of the jurors. I just hope that in the interest of justice they are called back to render their actual verdicts. It’s still not clear to me how Judge Cannone could have declared a mistrial when there were three separate counts and she never bothered to clarify the verdict on each count. I’m not from Massachusetts, so I don’t know how long she has been on the bench, but that seems like a rookie mistake. Unfortunately, that’s a huge mistake. Beyond the civil rights violations that Proctor will be charged with, it seems the judge will have to fix the double jeopardy snafu she created for herself.

    I had wondered if the jurors noticed the photoshopping of Colin’s (and Allie’s) text message screenshot and it seems this one did not. I would be interested to know how clearly the jurors could see the projector screen from their seats.

      1. No. I just watch a lot of trials. I’ve never seen anything like this one in my life! I haven’t even started watching anything else yet.

        Where I live most of Lally’s “evidence” would not have been accepted by the DAO. Our DAO sends back reports that have regular words misspelled, let alone names! If our DAO had received this “case” they would have laughed at them and likely would have reported them for trying to pass it off as a legitimate investigation.

        I’m totally invested in “hanging out in Mass” until the feds roll in. I’d like to think it’s going to happen soon, but one thing I’ve noticed since I started watching the trial is that the corruption is so wide-spread and deep that it’s not clear to me that some of these players even care if they get caught! I find it absolutely fascinating that law enforcement individuals who KNOW they are being investigated by the feds just carry on “business as usual” without a second thought. Even a drug dealer knows to get off the corner when the cops come rolling down the block!! Not these guys; they just double down. The feds are probably having a hard time keeping pace with these criminals. I think once they wrap up all the details of the murders in Norfolk County that weren’t investigated, we’ll begin to see some action from that angle!

  13. Turtleboy is more credible than any local news corporation.
    He’s not owned by Rupert Murdoch. There’s a lot of stuff that old scrotum won’t let you say. Turtleboy will say as he pleases.

  14. Great job Aidan. Iowa Girl appreciates your work! Court TV just did a “breaking news” update on Karen Read. Trial IS SET FOR January 27. I guess the corrupt Judge Bev and Corrupt Morrissey want more attention. 🤦

  15. Thank you juror for coming forward! Thank you TB for bringing us this interview, this injustice to the masses and for seeking the truth!!! Keep doing what your doing.

  16. Excellent interview! I appreciate the courage it took for this juror to reach out and be honest in his/her answers. Your questions were respectful and the entire article was well written – and fascinating to read. Great job Aiden. I want more!

  17. I am Not to tarble impressed with this Juror… It felt like they skirted around & or diverted from some of the key questions that I believe were point blank- & should have been easier for this Juror to answer??
    They repeated an age old statement that the MccAlberts & Paul O’keefe use a lot.. That John was being forgotten in KR Trail… In my opinion this kind of statement is underhanded & serves to switch the blame from the MccAlberts onto KR… Like they should just throw KR into jail already so that the MccAlberts & the O’Keefes can mourn for John O’Keefe???
    The fact that they had trouble comprehending the ARRCA guys is slightly Sus??? it’s like what trial was this particular juror watching???
    One of the very few witnesses to even help the defense was absolutely the two ARRCA gentleman…
    Tells me this Juror was either not paying close attention to what the Defense & prosecution both asked the ARRCA guys before the Jurors.. Or the Juror was being dishonest when it came to comprehending The credibility & reasoning for KR defense utilizing the ARCCUA guys??
    Either way it doesn’t help their credibility as far as I’m concerned….
    And the biggest thing that hurts they’re credibility is they’re cowardice… Dr. Turtle is alive & well!!
    And has time & again put himself into the Lions den… And Dr. Turtle is as stated living & breathing quite normal ..
    But this Juror is living in fear- & will not put a dent on they’re person in order to help KR??? For that they get a D minus & A : YOU CAN DO MUCH BETTER!! They failed there class when it comes to defending Karen Read.
    To sum it up: I’m not terribly impressed with someone who hides from helping another…. Shame on them for being cowardly.
    The only credit I give them is they reached out to Dr. Turtle to express they’re take on things as concerns for KR’s trail.. But I don’t believe that take was very entirely genuine or honest. Thank you for reading… And thank you Dr. Turtle for posting.. 🐢

    1. If I were on that Jury Panel,
      I wouldn’t have known about Or pieced together the other trial! Yes, I think the jurors and this one in particular were confused, mislead and did the best they could under oath with the intent of being fair and impartial. Please Jurors come forward in the name of the CW taxpayers and Justice for Officer John O’Keefe

  18. ALL JURORS: Please come forward…even if anonymously…the Juge just crapped all over you and basically said she doesn’t care what you decided after 10 weeks of your lives being given up to “public service”. You were misled, flat out lied to and have now been branded as unsignificant, by you own judicial system. Please speak out. They are trying to silence the non-corrupt public…make us accept lying corrupt cops and officials, fake evidence and multiple murders and injustices done by the ones sworn to protect. No regard for justice and fairness. PLEASE speak out. No one can harm you, the TB crowd certainly won’t and the McAlbert’s and buddies can’t without everyone knowing it was them. Please stand up and fight back. Never a better time!

    1. Not Yo Mama, you are absolutely right! The jurors were lied to, told mistruths and deceived by the CW and Bev should of closed the case after that deceitful Sally port video. Everyone from the lead investigator (if you want to call him that) to the so called judge (who should want the truth, and justice for Everyone) should be FIRED and spend at least 3x what TB served for being wrongly accused. For lying to the public and Jury. Jurors do the right thing and speak up!
      Thank you Aiden for all you have done for this country. Corporate News Sucks
      Free Karen Reed
      Justice for Officer John O’Keefe and may he rest in peace.

  19. After all of the time and resources you have spent on this case, I am happy you were the one in the media they reached out to first. You deserve exclusive rights to Karen Reads first interview post-trial.

    1. Interesting. Can you provide any more info?
      Unless I missed something, I’m still waiting on the follow up of Aidan’s tweet of 8/7. “Major news coming soon on jury tampering in the Karen Read case. Stay tuned.”
      Hope it’s soon!

  20. Not clear why you are assuming there will be a second trial. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the defense has at least two appeals do they not? The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts would be the first stop. Does the corruption we are seeing extend there? Will they put their stamp on the trampling of the 5th Amendment double jeopardy clause? If so, then there is federal appeals court, correct? Much better chance that disinterested legal scholarship would take over there and overrule this corrupt judge.
    Perhaps you agree with Sean McDonough and Dan Duquette that the corruption we are seeing locally is interlocked with corruption at much higher levels?
    See former DEA agent Sean McDonough’s video on his Youtube channel, Going Through The Motions: “Will Justice Strike Back At Political Corruption in Massachusetts?”: Start at 13:35.

  21. Great job Aidan! I’m wondering what exactly the arcca guys weren’t given? Hopefully that can be fixed for next go around. I hope you’re the first to interview AJ, DY and KR too! Keep up the good work!!

  22. How will they be able fill the jury box? Everyone in the state has to have knowledge at this point.
    How is Cannon not under review and will she be presiding at the second trial?

  23. I think this interview reinforces TB impression that the jury was too educated, too well heeled to relate to some of the behavior & happenings with the McAlbert crew. To not even have on your radar that another investigation, a federal investigation, was happening & referenced numerous times (not by name)in court… “the other hearing” ..it went right over their heads. Bc they aren’t exposed to & used to things like police & court proceedings & the system & drinking driving, etc. This person seems highly educated & at least took it seriously but they seem a bit out of touch. Defense is taking notes I’m sure for trial #2 should it even happen.

  24. Congratulations on getting the 1st interview!! You’ve worked so hard, spent so much time, even went to jail for reporting on this case. You DESERVED to get it!!! Its also great seeing the jealousy ooze out of the haters. They hate Karen because she didn’t take the plea & chose to fight. And they hate you because you make them face the disgusting truth of their actions! Keep up the great work!!

  25. *I really appreciate this Juror for his/her service on the Jury, for his/her thoughtful responses, and for agreeing to be interviewed!!

    *I’m sorry there has been so much commotion and controversy about this case that you, or any juror, would have reason to feel unsafe!

    *I, too, feel heartbreak for the O’Keefe Family at the loss of John O’Keefe!! 💔
    I also feel heartbreak for Karen Read and her family, for Karen being falsely accused of a crime she obviously did not commit, and for her having to experience so much betrayal!! 💔

    *I can tell that you were an unbiased, balanced and fair juror. I can tell this by your responses of being fair to both sides, and to Judge Cannone in this interview! And I think you show a lot of class in doing that!

    *I can also tell that you are a smart juror, and you could see through to the truth of the matter that Karen Read never hit John O’Keefe with her car, and that she did not kill John O’Keefe, and that John O’Keefe’s injuries were not congruent with being struck by a vehicle. And the lack of damage on the vehicle was also incongruent of the vehicle ever making contact with John.

    (For the record, I think all of you jurors were smart and dedicated and I appreciate you all!! It was a long trial and that verdict form was hard to understand, and deliberations aren’t always easy! I respect all 12 jurors, and the alternates, and I appreciate you all!! You had a very tough job!! And it took almost 3 months of your life!!)

    *The ARCCA witnesses, hired by the FBI, are bio-mechanical engineers, and are amongst the best of the best experts in accident reconstruction, and their research, and conclusions are irrefutable. Yet, I can see how you all may have been confused as to where these witnesses came from, and why, for example, they tested ‘if throwing a Rox glass at a tail light would cause it to shatter like that.’

    I’m thinking that because they testified during the Defense’s Case in Chief, that is why some of you jurors thought they were from Karen Read’s insurance company. I hope the Defense is able to make it known in Karen’s next trial, who hired the ARCCA witnesses, and that it can bring more clarity to the jurors.

    *You, also seem to have a good “Bologna Meter” who could use your common sense that it is highly unlikely, if not impossible, to slip on ice and use one’s knuckles to catch themselves!! I love that while being fair, you are also willing to state what seemed less than truthful, or very odd and unreasonable!!

    *I am so glad that you came forward and spoke with Turtleboy!! I would love to have you answer other questions in the future, even if anonymously. Your safety, and the safety of other jurors is paramount, and I would never want you to compromise your safety!! And I respect you only answering the questions you feel comfortable answering.

    *In the future, if you choose to answer other questions, or share further, I would love to know:

    **1. What you think, given that the Judge has now denied the Defense Motions to Dismiss Counts 1 & 3 against Karen Read, and how you feel about that given that you came to a unanimous consensus on those counts, 12-0 Not Guilty, yet your verdict was not recognized by the court?**

    2. What do you think the outcome of the verdict, by the jurors/finders of fact, may be for Karen Read at her re-trial?

    3. I am also curious how you think those broken pieces of tail light ended up near John’s body, because the doorbell camera at John’s house did not show Karen’s tail light as having been broken, hours after John had supposedly been hit at the Albert’s house? (And I am curious, myself, how those pieces of tail light ended up near John. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t think an accident with a car caused them getting there.)

    4a. I am curious if any of you jurors would change your verdict, on any of the counts, now that you have learned more about the case, including about the FBI Investigation and that those Expert ARCCA witnesses were hired by the FBI?

    4b. I especially wonder if the 9 who voted guilty on the Lessor on Count 2, would change their vote now, knowing Karen never hit John, so it would be impossible to find her guilty for “accidentally hitting him.” Or, if that was even the charge y’all thought you were voting on?

    It honestly seemed to me you guys may have thought she was guilty of drunken driving, but nothing else? I know it is least likely that you would answer this question, and I respect your decision, if you don’t ever answer that. And I even understand why you wouldn’t answer, because of all the vitriol that has gone on, and I get it. And I don’t like the vitriol either!!

    Of course, I would only want you to answer these questions in the future, if you felt comfortable doing so. Perhaps Turtleboy 🐢 can ask you questions from his readers or something? If so, these would be my questions for you. 💛

    1. #3. Ex MSP Wanless, a body shop owner, explained integrity of taillight assembly and its removal to MSP officers (it) is “designed to safely crack and cave-in”. Dighton Police Officer Barros testified when he saw Lexus at Ms. Read’s parents driveway “(her taillight)was cracked” this is important because he saw this before Ms. Read’s car was towed back to Canton sallyport. The inverted video shown to jury was designed to hide Proctor struggling to remove and destroy taillight, gather fragments then scatter fragments at 34 Fairview.

  26. Probably not the right place for this comment, but did anybody catch the WEEI interview with some guy named John Jackson?

    Is he another Natalie? At first I thought he was actually a friend of John O’Keefe, but then he started saying a bunch of crazy shit like Natalie would. He said he never met Karen (but he’s John’s good friend) and then he complains about “the way she treated us.” Does he have a mouse in his pocket?

    He also claims he’s a friend of John’s family, but doesn’t even know that she was court ordered not to contact them! He’s obviously getting his information from the internet, not an actual O’Keefe, because they all know why they have no contact with Karen.

    I know the internet brings out some weirdos, but who shows their face like that and makes a complete ass of themselves? He just didn’t *look* as unhinged as Krusty or her ilk, so I’m trying to figure out where this clown came in. Is there a TB article about him from years past I can read? Does he go by another name? Help me figure this out!!

  27. I find it so odd that this juror doesn’t look at this case as a whole. She felt Proctors comments had nothing to do with the case, yes they did. How can you believe a cop is honest, when he holds those views about the defendant. He thought she should kill herself. She also caught the slip where Ally said John was in the house, case over. Not guilty. Then she’s not trusting experts, you think someone gets hit by a 6,000 pound car and doesn’t have serious injuries below his neck?

    1. Cleaning up corruption is messy. DA tried to protect those that beat Officer O’Keefe by framing Ms. Read with bogus investigation and manufactured evidence. Proctor dehumanized Ms. Read hoping she wouldn’t defend herself. FBI can dump more evidence and restore taxpayers faith in justice system. Glad Aidan and others are not deterred by threats.

  28. Jury trials are a huge risk. But a bench trial would have been worse. Proctor and his former associates missed the mark trying to frame Ms. Read for Officer O’Keefe’s death. Misguided DA. Lying witnesses. FBI’s investigation will make or break this case if it is retried. What a wasteful misguided group we are financing with our hard-earned tax dollars in Norfolk County. Clean out the corrupt dead wood. Thanks Aidan for exposing this mess.

  29. I wanted to take a moment to commend you on the outstanding quality of your blog. Your dedication to excellence is evident in every aspect of your writing. Truly impressive!

  30. Thank you for sharing! It was very enlightening to read your thought process and confusion about the ARCA experts. It’s interesting how the many of us who didn’t have to ponder how they fit into this situation, could not imagine how underwhelming their impact was. They were the absolute most important witnesses, who were devalued by juror’s confusion and attempts to figure it out. It never once occurred to me that one would assume the car insurance agency would have hired them. That explains so much about the outcome.

  31. Great interview! But I feel like you did not promote it correctly. I just found out about listening to some other lady read the transcript and she posted the link. I did not even hear about from your channel on YouTube. Although you did mention on your channel I am subscribed to . I could never find the actual details!!

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