TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 402: Two Women Harassed By Yuri Bukhenik Face Criminal Complaint Hearing For Witness Intimidation For Urging Jen McCabe And Colin Albert To Tell The Truth


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Two women who previously were harassed at their homes by disgraced State Police Sgt. Yuri Bukhenik have received summons to appear before a clerk magistrate in Stoughton to faces potential charges of witness intimidation, criminal harassment, and annoying phone calls, related to their contact with Jennifer McCabe and Colin Albert.

In early September Yvette Melchione filmed herself being harassed and intimidated by Bukkake and his new pal Detective Shawn Kelly from Abington, and she famously told them they were going to “jay-yul.”


Bukkake was visiting her because last September Yvette drove by the McCabe’s house and filmed Jen McCabe as Jen McCabe filmed her. As you can see, absolutely nothing even remotely close to intimidation occurred as McCabe smiled and mocked the two women.

In a free country you are allowed to drive on a public street and film your surroundings. You are allowed to film people who are already filming you. You are allowed to ask a murderer how she wakes up every day and looks in the mirror. You are allowed to tell evil people that you will pray for them. You are allowed to call someone “horse face.” All of this is protected speech under the First Amendment.

At least it was until the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office decided they would interpret the witness intimidation statute in a way that enabled them to criminalize protected speech in an attempt to intimidate law abiding people into silence. For that 45 second video, filmed over a year ago, the State Police and Norfolk County DA’s Office filed a criminal complaint for criminal harassment and witness intimidation.

Yvette has a probable cause hearing in Stoughton on November 1.

Just a reminder – Jill Daniels and Jim Farris still have not been charged in this same court despite assaulting me on camera on Main Street in front of dozens of witnesses.

Another woman whose parents received a visit from Bukkake and Lt. John Fanning deep in Cape Cod last March, also received a summons to appear in Stoughton District Court on November 1 for a clerk magistrate’s hearing, to face potential charges of witness intimidation and annoying phone calls.

Last July this woman sent Colin Albert a text message urging him to do really controversial things, such as “be a good human,” and “tell the truth.” She expressed her opinion that Colin, Brian Albert, and Jennifer McCabe were guilty, while offering her support for John O’Keefe.

I was the guinea pig for this. Once they realized they could charge me with urging witnesses to “tell the truth,” they realized they could charge anyone with that. Clearly they are operating under the assumption that the witnesses are not already telling the truth if they believe that urging them to tell the truth means they want the McAlberts to change their testimony.

In a free country you are allowed to text or call anyone you want and tell them what you think of them. That person then has the option of blocking your phone number. If you continue to message that person and make “true threats” three or more times, which put the recipient in fear, then you could be subject to a harassment prevention order. The bar is high for a reason – because courts shouldn’t be able to limit your speech unless it’s truly dangerous. Yet the Commonwealth thinks they can charge American citizens with felonies for doing far less.

According to MGL Chapter 269, Section 14 A:

Whoever telephones another person or contacts another person by electronic communication, or causes a person to be telephoned or contacted by electronic communication, repeatedly, for the sole purpose of harassing, annoying or molesting the person or the person’s family, whether or not conversation ensues, or whoever telephones or contacts a person repeatedly by electronic communication and uses indecent or obscene language to the person, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than 3 months, or by both such a fine and imprisonment.

This woman didn’t repeatedly do anything. These text messages all came at the same time. She didn’t text him in order to harass, annoy, or molest Colin Albert. She just wanted him to tell the truth.

It’s also noteworthy that Colin Albert was not a witness to anything when she sent this text message, as Colin had not yet been interviewed by police.

I expect more people to receiving these in the coming days as these corrupt detectives, who are under internal affairs investigation, continue to panic as they remain under federal investigation.




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    1. Nope they’re not panicking. They know they are protected will face no consequences and will retire in their 50s with a 200k a year pension. Totally corrupt totally protected. Nothing will happen to them.

      PS… Michael Proctor will be back on the MSP payroll eventually.

  1. “Colin Albert was not a witness to anything when she sent this text message, as Colin had not yet been interviewed by police.” These timeline manipulating motherfuckers are really starting to piss me off.

  2. “Gee Moe……I farted walking past Dipshit & Egghead Pizzaria the other day. Do you think Grandpa Munster will be paying me a visit?”

  3. Chicken Nick lookalike yesterday at playa Linda aruba maybe the happy couple pulled up stakes for a while Falmouth to unfriendly one happy island

  4. Let’s hope the new state police chief that’s taking over finally reels in these assholes as the internal investigation into their shenanigans doesn’t seem to be producing any negative consequences. This, along with the many other scandals doesn’t inspire trust or confidence in the organization. He’ll have a lot of work to do. Let’s just hope he’s not another political hack hired by Healey to put a bandage on a festering wound.

    1. If you count like Bukhenik, anything is possible. There could be 20 texts there that the rest of the world just can’t see.

  5. Complete abuse of power. I loved the first video. Now she’s gotta hire legal counsel and do the dog and pony show in Stoughton DC

  6. I get they are panicking but what good is arresting a bunch of powerless citizens on charges that have no way of sticking? If they are looking for a hail Mary Morrissey should send in his goons to gather Intel so they know how much time they have to flee before they get moved on. It would make for a good movie the feds and Levy in a battle with Morrissey and his band of corrupt cops with the governor being so compromised by both sides that she can’t back condemn or support anything.

    1. “What good is arresting a bunch of powerless citizens”?
      INTIMIDATION designed to PROTECT the CCC from any further public rebuke/condemnation…the CW goon squad is continuing to protect those who should be on trial for a variety of crimes…beginning with the murder of Officer John O’Keefe!

      1. I guess intimidation is probably their goal to make people to scared to directly contact the Albert’s. This corruption has to go all the way to the top (Healy). They are trying her for murder again double jeopardy be damned.

    1. The recruit death is starting to sound like another covid jab recipient that was pushed too hard. But it goes to show you how much trust was lost during the Karen/Sandra saga that you must question everything.

      1. Covid Jab knocks your Teeth out, fractured your skull and fractured 3 vertebrates in the neck ? Sounds more like a beating not a sparing section with mouth and head guard gear…

  7. New State Police Chief gave the Order to track down any and all Citizens that make negative comments directly or within Eyeshot of the innocent witnesses. Must have been part of the deal to get the job and push for Karen Read conviction.
    P.S. Trooper Proctor is getting job back with Back Pay !

  8. Covid Jab knocks your Teeth out, fractured your skull and fractured 3 vertebrates in the neck ? Sounds more like a beating not a sparing section with mouth and head guard gear…

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