TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 408: Sgt Bukkake Seen Outside 34 Fairview Road “Surveying” For Karen Read Retrial After Disastrous Trooper Paul Testimomy


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Yesterday Sgt. Bukkake was seen by a passerby on Fairview Road “surveying” the scene where he claims Karen Read hit John O’Keefe with her 3 ton vehicle.

Bukkake appeared to be standing directly in front of Canton Police Deputy Chief Tom Keleher’s house, about 62 feet away from these two gents holding some sort of measuring device.

They had cones set up and everything.

Very official.

Bukkake was standing directly across the street from 32 Fairview Road, in the exact spot where the Commonwealth claims Karen Read was idling her vehicle before gunning it in reverse and striking O’Keefe. The other two guys are directly across the street from where O’Keefe’s body was found.

It’s obvious what they were doing here – attempting to find a way to present evidence in court that Karen Read struck John O’Keefe with her vehicle. They know how bad Trooper Paul was, and they know that if they run the same case back in her second trial they’re going to acquit her in 5 seconds.

Keep in mind, Ring camera video from Deputy Police Chief Tom Keleher’s house would’ve gotten the entire incident on video if Read had in fact killed her boyfriend with her car.

The problem is that I’ve already done substantially more investigating on this than the State Police have. Last September the Commonwealth abruptly changed their story, abandoning the lie that Read killed O’Keefe while doing a three point turn, and adopting the new theory that she reversed 62 feet, reaching a speed of 24.2 mph, before hitting her boyfriend and leaving the scene where he eventually died in the snow. They reached this conclusion based on key cycles from the tech stream data that allegedly shows Read doing this at an undetermined time. Further analysis showed that this key cycle (01162) more than likely occurred in Dighton while the tow truck driver was gunning her car in reverse, in a foot of snow, to try to get it onto the truck. This video explains it perfectly.

But even more importantly, it’s physically impossible to reach 24.2 mph in just 62 feet. The teach stream data was likely using RPM’s from gunning it in the Read parents’ driveway when it calculated 24.2 mph. I tested it out last year outside of 32 Fairview Road, where the Commonwealth claims Karen had moved her car before gunning it in reverse and striking her boyfriend.

As you can see, I actually measured 62 feet from where the Commonwealth claims John O’Keefe was hit, and parked my car there.

I gunned it in reverse and hit a top speed of 14 mph before running into the curb due to the curve of the road – something Karen Read apparently managed not to do despite being blackout drunk in a blizzard. I tried it twice more, hitting a top speed of 19 mph. I couldn’t have gone faster if I tried, and it felt like I was going to die. If she did this then there was no way it was an accident. If she did this then she defied the laws of physics by reaching a speed her car can’t reach in 62 feet, not causing any bruising or broken bones to John O’Keefe, and not causing much damage to her vehicle aside from a broken tail light shattered into 45 pieces that Paul Gallagher couldn’t find with his leaf blower.

Last May a tipster sent me a message alerting me that Michael Proctor and Nicholas Guarino were on the lawn of 34 Fairview Road with some sort of measuring device:

We now know that they were trying to debunk the Apple Health data showing John O’Keefe ascending and descending three flights of stairs by using GPS to “prove” that John wasn’t inside the house at all. This “evidence” was presented by Guarino in court, who then opined that the stair data was a result of O’Keefe moving his phone up and down in Karen Read’s car while on the perfectly flat Oakdale Street.

Make no doubt about it – whatever bullshit Bukkake came up with yesterday while surveying this road will be brought up at the second trial. They’re not there to find answers or seek truth. They’re there to continue to coverup the murder of John O’Keefe as they have been for the last 3 years.



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  1. This is all so ridiculous. I can’t believe they’d waste police time and taxpayer money like this.

    Just call it a day and let the poor detective get back to the important job of harassing women at their door. He gets a $10 bonus every time some grandma calls him a needle-dicked knob-swallower.

  2. Hey, it might not be ill intent.
    He might have just received a hot tip that his long missing lips were in the yard at 32 Fairview?

  3. I think the best part is, we’ll be paying all these guys’ pensions for the rest of our lives while we can barely afford groceries and have no money for retirement.

  4. I can not for the life of me understand why this farce is allowed to continue? These clowns are actually refusing to accept the conclusion of the engineers who were brought in by the feds??
    Atty general Campbell must have reviewed the feds findings and is willing to allow NCDA and her office to continue with this corruption? They apparently aren’t worried at all about the feds stepping in and making them accountable! It looks like they are not going to stop trying to frame Karen.
    Feds…it is time to bitch slap this whole bunch of criminals!

    1. Also, was Proctor there recently also? Because he’s out on leave because they’re investigating the murders. I’m sorry, but I’m confused somebody help! 🤷🏼‍♀️

  5. All these years these clowns have had to set up this frame job and they are still working on it. Back in the old days there was a saying, “He’d fuck up a wet dream.” I think we can apply that to everybody in Morrissey’s office. It is a complete waste of their time to go out and measure anything at this point. They have nothing to show where John’s body was located. A guess isn’t good enough when it comes to reconstruction. Their “diagram” of taillight pieces will only further demonstrate how stupid they are. Somehow they will have to explain how Karen’s car became equipped with gravity-defying, shattering polycarbonate. I wonder if they’ll subpoena Proctor to explain the tool marks inside the taillight housing. I suppose he’ll try to claim that those are from John’s manicure.

    ARCCA was tasked with determining how that taillight shattered. It had to be John’s body or a drinking glass. Anyone with a brain knows it wasn’t John’s body, so it could only be the drinking glass. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the drinking glass either because the glass can only hit one spot, not two. Proctor’s overzealousness in busting out the taillight and then pounding a dent into the tailgate is his undoing. Nobody will be able to explain that away. John’s arm wasn’t made of rubber.

    If these rubes think they are going to use any of Trooper Paul’s testimony about the vehicle data, they should think again. Alan Jackson isn’t going back into that courtroom without knowing how to interpret that data himself. He will hand them their ass again and he won’t have to pirouette to do it! No more key cycle amnesia and no more 62 feet @ 24mph. Some other schmuck from the MSP will have to dream up a new story about how John flew from the street to the yard with no event recorded.

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