TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 409: Sgt Bukhenik Charges Woman With Witness Intimidation And Littering For Dropping Miniature Plastic Duck On Public Bench Outside Chris Albert’s Pizza Shop


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Sometime in April or May someone began leaving little rubber duckies around Canton with phrases like “Colin Albert did it” and “Free Karen Read” on them. This greatly upset the McAlberts, who immediately called it witness intimidation. Mentally unbalanced women like Julie Guinto (Turtleboy Exposed on Twitter), a previous Karen Read supporter who decided to take up the cause of cop killers after I said something that offended her, began expressing their faux outrage about it on social media.

In a sane world we would just point and laugh at people like this because they’re so goofy and ridiculous. But in Norfolk County the ramblings of the most insane people on the Internet are often adopted by the Massachusetts State Police and the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office. Of course all this did was make people want to drop more rubber duckies in the McAlbert’s orbit.

In time the rubber duckies became almost a symbol of resistance, mocking authorities who sought to limit the free speech rights of citizens. Throughout history this is what people living in authoritarian states have had to do to communicate resistance in code. It even happened in the Hunger Games. 

Sadly, this is the type of authoritarian state that Norfolk County, Massachusetts has become, as men with guns are now attempting to put civilians in prison for dropping rubber duckies in public places. Months ago it was reported by Police Chief Helena Rafferty that an investigation into who was dropping rubber duckies around town had begun. It was rumored that Sgt. Detective Yuri Bukkake was spearheading this very serious investigation.

But nothing ever came of it…..until now.

This week a mother of two young children was sent a summons to appear at Stoughton District Court for a magistrate’s hearing to face charges including one count of felony witness intimidation and two counts of misdemeanor littering.

The incident occurred on July 10. It began with an unrelated incident in which Chris Albert texted Sgt. Bukkake on his personal cell phone to report that a woman outside on a public street had made a gun motion to her head. The woman, who was also charged, told Bukkake that it wasn’t a threatening gun motion, but the kind that Al Bundy jokingly made every time Peggy wanted to have sex.

Instead of telling Chris Albert to follow the proper channels by contacting the Canton Police Department, or better yet – telling him to stop being such a pussy – Bukkake instead immediately deployed Trooper Shawn Kelly and Trooper Zachary Clark (a listed witness for the Commonwealth in the Karen Read trial) to begin collecting surveillance video from the area.

Keep in mind, this is the same State Police that didn’t pull a single Ring camera video from ANY homes or business in Canton after Karen Read allegedly struck John O’Keefe with her car, despite the fact that it would’ve shown the condition of her tail light as she allegedly fled the scene of a murder. Chris Albert’s delicate sensibilities got a more thorough police response than a dead cop on Brian Albert’s lawn.

Shortly after that incident Chris Albert contacted Bukkake again to tell him about a completely unrelated incident involving a completely different set of people. This time he said that there were two females and one male who left CF McCarthy’s and dropped small rubber duckies on Washington Street – a public road. One of the ducks was dropped on the bench outside of D&E Pizza, which prompted the emergency call from Chicken Parm Charlie. Trooper Kelly immediately sprung back into action, using the detective skills he learned in the academy to pull surveillance videos and carefully document and photograph the two rubber duckies as they were entered into evidence. They were shocked to see that these two rubber duckies had “FKR” written on them, which according to Bukkake’s report has become a symbol of harassment and witness intimidation.

Ya got that? They’ve turned FKR into something worse than the n word. It’s taken more seriously, and will get more police resources dedicated to it, than “there’s a bomb on the plane,” or “I’m gonna shoot up the school.” Keep in mind, almost nothing in the Karen Read case, including the crime scene and Karen Read’s vehicle at her parents’ house in Dighton, was photographed and entered into evidence. They used red solo cups and a Stop & Shop bag for blood samples. Once again, an investigation into a rubber duck was treated more seriously than a dead police officer on Brian Albert’s front lawn.

Trooper Jonathan Gendron was added to the case and ran the plates of the getaway driver’s vehicle who was seen transporting the duckie droppers. They visited the home of the car owner within two hours of the incident, who greeted them with “what took you so long?” According to the woman they made no contact with Chris Albert, but he immediately came out of the pizza shop the moment he saw the duckie drop and confronted them over it.

Bukkake let the 70 year old woman know that the State Police were looking into charging her with littering, and demanded to know what her intentions were for the duckie drop. He also referred to Chris Albert as a “victim” because a rubber duckie was dropped onto a public bench on a public sidewalk that he does not own.

Bukkake continued to grill her about WHERE they got the rubber duckies from, because the charges become more severe depending on the origins of the duck.

After that Bukkake tracked down the woman’s daughter at her home, who lived 40 minutes away. She explained that she had seen the rubber duckies in the Waterfall bathroom and thought it was funny that people were dropping them all over in Canton, which inspired her to order some rubber duckies and bring them with her the next time she came to Canton.

She made it clear that she just thought it was cute and funny, and wasn’t affiliated with Turtleboy, which clearly Bukkake was trying to insinuate she was. Bukkake grilled her about where she got the ducks from and when the purchase took place.

He then lectured her about how the seemingly harmless gesture of dropping a rubber duckie on a public bench “builds into something very serious” when you factor in all the harassment poor Chris Albert has been through.

Bukkake ended up filing a criminal complaint against this woman for felony witness intimidation and littering and filed his entire interview of her with the court. He walked up to her house and creepily began talking to her preschool aged son, asking him about his toys.


The woman has asked that her identity not be revealed, as she is quite shooken up from this. She comes from a well respected family, is a loving mother of two, and is now worried that these corrupt cops are trying to put her in jail like they’ve done to me and Karen Read. Bukkake grilled her and treated her like a criminal, in a way that he never did to Brian Albert, Jennifer McCabe, or any of the people who conspired to murder a fellow police officer.

You can tell the woman was clearly nervous as this man with a gun badgered her in front of her children about what FKR signified to her.

Bukkake demanded to know how much she followed the trial, and what her “intent” was when she dropped the rubber ducks.

She confessed to purchasing the contraband ducks on Amazon and told Bukkake she felt uncomfortable. Instead of leaving her alone the man with the gun continued to harass and intimidate the mother in front of her children, knowing that her husband wasn’t there to defend or help her. At one point she was so distracted by Bukkake that her son escaped and ran to the neighbor’s lawn, which was being mowed.

Bukkake nearly got a child eaten by a lawnmower while he harassed the little boy’s mother about what the purpose of her writing FKR was on a rubber duckie.

According to Bukkake his superiors (Brian Tully, John Fanning, and DA Michael Morrissey) wanted to know what her motivations for the ducks were. When she pointed out how ridiculous it was for him to be doing this over rubber ducks he told her it wasn’t JUST about the ducks – it was about “upholding the justice system.”

Ya got that? The guy who intentionally mislead a jury in a murder trial by not telling them that a video they were watching was intentionally inverted is really worried about upholding the justice system.

The woman was clearly uncomfortable and felt like she was being pressured into doing something she didn’t wanna do by an intimidating man with a gun, who routinely tries to put innocent people in jail in order to protect murderers. This is a theme with Bukkake – almost everyone he has gone after has been a woman, starting with Karen Read. He works at a place where everyone is a white male, and a culture exists where perverts like Michael Proctor can openly objectify women by making jokes about their body and bowel movements. Just read this exchange to understand the power imbalance:

She’s frightened. She keeps trying to reassure him that she’s a good, law abiding person, hoping this will save her. She’s not like Turtleboy, she just thought the rubber duckie was cute and funny. But Bukkake sensed fear and weakness so he continued to exploit her. He let her know that she was guilty of littering outside a place where Jim Farris routinley discard dozens of cigarette butts every day. He suggested that the only reason she went to eat at CF McCarthy’s was because Karen Read and John O’Keefe went drinking there. He told her that he had gone through her receipts in the three hours since she had been there.

But the dynamic changed as soon as the woman’s husband came home. He immediately stood up to Bukkake, pointing out that the rubber duckie was dropped on a public sidewalk, to which Bukkake’s only response was “OK, yep.”

Her husband pointed out how Chris Albert was the aggressor, as he was the one who confronted them by coming outside, filming them, and harassing them while they walked to their car. At no point did the women walk into Chris Albert’s mediocre pizza shop or initiate contact with him. Then Bukkake said the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard anyone say – Chris Albert has a First Amendment right to film and talk to whoever he wants.

When the McAlberts do it they’re exercising their First Amendment rights. When I do it the fugitive unit arrests me in front of my kids’ bus stop. These corrupt cops have been lighting the First Amendment on fire for the last year by trying to charge hundreds of peaceful protesters and law abiding citizens with felonies for speaking out about corruption. Now all of a sudden Bukkake is really concerned about the First Amendment rights of citizens.

What they have been doing ever since my arrest is creating two classes of citizens – “witnesses” and everyone else. If you’re deputized as a witness then the First Amendment ceases to exist in your immediate orbit. If someone messages you on Facebook you don’t have to block them, you just text Bukkake and he’ll have them charged with a felony. All Chris Albert, Colin Albert, and Jen McCabe have to do is humiliate themselves by claiming to be emotionally harmed by your speech and your speech instantly becomes illegal.

The woman’s husband kept firing back at Bukkake in defense of his wife.

Chris Albert called this woman a loser, as he always does. But as Bukkake pointed out, he’s allowed to do that to you, but the second you do it to him you’re breaking the law. Ya see, “somebody’s life was taken” and Chris “witnessed it,” despite the fact that not a single witness says they saw or heard John being killed, nor did they see his body lying on Brian Albert’s lawn just a few feet from the curb. Chris is a special person who you can’t criticize because he’s endured “incredible harassment, intimidation, and threats to his life,” despite threatening to bash my head into the pavement on video. And when you say FKR or put a rubber duckie around Chris Albert he takes it as a threat, therefore you’re not allowed to do that anymore even though there’s nothing illegal about it.

The woman seemed much more emboldened with her husband home and asked why the State Police were responding to this ridiculous and frivolous matter instead of the Canton Police? She pointed out that Bukkake showed up to her house with a gun, and that SHE was the one being intimidated. Bukkake then asked them how they were intimidated by a duck, while protecting Chris Albert who said he was intimidated by a duck.

But it’s different because no one left a duck outside of their home. Had someone done that and they called the State Police they’d likely be laughed at and told to call their local police department, who would also laugh at them.  But they at least got Bukkake to admit that the bench was a public bench, and that the State Police were wasting their time. Her husband told Bukkake to tell Chris Albert it was time to grow up.

But Bukkake wasn’t having it. He can’t tell Chris to grow up and move on because “he” has continued to harass, intimidate, and call people. And when Bukkake said “he,” he was referring to Dr. Turtleboy. These people were paying the price for my journalism and activism.

Bukkake told them he was there because Chris Albert “has emotions” and feels like his civil liberties have been violated. How would they feel if they had people protesting in front of their house? Bukkake was there because he had to “maintain civil order in our society” because the next episode would be “ten times worse” if he didn’t.

Ya got that?  I went to jail for journalism and activism, but it’s Chris Albert who has had his civil liberties violated. And I have news for Bukkake – if people protest in front of your house they’re allowed to do that. Maybe they should think about why people feel inspired to do that in the first place. Don’t cover up a murder and people won’t be this upset.

Then Bukkake lectured them in the most condescending way possible by telling them, “hopefully you took something from” his visit.

Yes, what they took away is that you’re a douchebag criminal wasting taxpayer money while murderers roam the streets.

He lectured them about putting themselves in the McAlberts’ shoes, and spoke to them, “heart to heart, human to human.” He told them that even though they didn’t harass anyone or picket anyone’s house, they were associated with a larger movement so the rubber duckies became illegal too.

The guy who did a laughing emoji to a text message from Michael Proctor calling Karen Read retarded while looking for naked pictures of her, is here to lecture them “human to human.”

Bukkake told them that he hoped they wouldn’t “re-offend” as the restless three year old boy lobbied for his mother’s attention.

Finally Bukkake ended the interrogation by telling them that people routinely lie to him when he asks them questions.

Which is exactly why he chose never to interview Colin Albert, Caitlin Albert, Brian Albert Jr., Tristin Morris, or a plethora of other witnesses – he didn’t wanna force them to lie.

By the way, this is how big the rubber duckies were in comparison to a ball and a kitchen counter:

Smaller than the microscopic pieces of tail light Michael Proctor planted on John O’Keefe’s pullover.

This should be a much bigger story. The State Police are out of control and Michael Morrissey is allowing this to happen. Bukkake does this because he knows his bosses want him to do it. Two attorneys have announced they will be running against Morrissey in 2026. We must demand that anyone who desires to be District Attorney of Norfolk County must pledge to clean house and replace every single trooper who currently reports to Morrissey. There is no such thing as a good cop in the Norfolk County DA’s Office, and we can’t allow them to keep doing this to innocent people.



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  1. Rule #1. DON’T TALK TO THE COPS. Just say “LAWYER.” That’s it. Period. I’ll be the first to say, Chris Albert needs a beating and so does Fuckhead Farris, but just leave these idiots alone. Don’t do unnecessary stupid shit. Now you have to go to court 8-10 times, be inconvenienced and hire a lawyer for a prank. Not worth it.

    1. No american citizen should fear having to go to court and be inconvenienced and hire a lawyer for protesting corruption.

      Bukkake terrorizes women across the state like a predator.

  2. Off the subject, back when the testimony of witnesses claimed Brian Albert wife was so busy cleaning. Was she mopping up the blood in the basement (I am sure they have a wet vac also)? They didn’t have to call a fixer like you see on film. Officer O’Keefe was mortally wounded and dying on the basement floor, perps were mopping, sponging blood of a fellow officer until they got the Ford Edge to move him after the night wore on. The smell of bleach in that basement must have been strong. Autopsy photos say it all. I was hoping justice would prevail in the trial, but with auntie Bev, state police you know going thru the jurors’ notes and the way the trial ended in railroading Reed. It is still unbelievable how corrupt these people are. Josh Levy needs to do the right thing. Maura Healy needs to do the right thing. Stop being a hack and do what you were elected and or swore to uphold the law.

    1. Patience

      I Never thought Farwell would go down after 3 and a half years

      They have everything they need for what happened to JOK

      FEDs are working on the coverup

      1. I don’t agree. My understanding is the Feds are after the cops who ran or touched the investigation. Even if they wanted to clear KR, they can’t-she’s not facing Federal charges. They can’t bring charges against anyone in the house for JOK’s murder, either, bc it’s not their jurisdiction. What happened is heinous, but unless someone crossed state lines or stole US mail during the crime I don’t see how the Feds will enter the murder at all. Not an expert, just thinking it through with the info I have.

        1. You summed it very well

          The Feds KNOW what happened in the house

          They are working on the corruption

          It’s alarming to think this many individuals in different agencies can work in unison to frame an innocent woman

          1. I just looked at an NYT article (by Robert Kolker) article about the FBI involvement in the hunt for the Gilgo Beach murders. Only after the Chief of Police and the Prosecutor were indicted on Federal charges did the County Executive have tha ability to appoint a new Chief of Police, Sini, who invited the Feds in. Suffolk Co in NY seems to have been afflicted with the same corruption as Norfolk Co here. My bet is Healy can’t override local control of an investigation and invite the Feds, nor would she if she could. Again, just watching and thinking, absolutely do not have a monopoly on the information.

        2. Brian Higgins is a federal agent with the ATF, and took a federal proffer. And a witness, which is how the FBI got Farwell.

      2. J. McC calls Officer John O’Keefe numerous times to find phone. Selectively deletes calls
        — phone located underneath Officer O’Keefe’s body on front lawn

        Albert Group chat:
        Tell them the guy never went in the house

  3. Are they still considered witnesses on July 14th if the trial ended on July 1?
    How do we know they were trying the case? If so where is the new witness list?

  4. OMG, can we say Nazi Germany?!?!? They are so emboldened to fuck with the civil rights of MA citizens. I think it is time to protest to Governor. It is mayhem in MA!

    1. Protest to gov healey? She doesn’t give a crap and can’t be bothered. She was AG 2015-2023 and the corruption continues to this day.

    1. Colin has a bad habit of letting his mouth write checks his ass can’t cash. I’m certain that he learned this from his father, as he does the same thing. When Canton PD ends up under a consent decree, I’d be willing to bet that both of them get their asses pounded by somebody and the police department won’t be available to “fix” it for them.

  5. “Free Karen Read” is not necessarily synonymous with saying that the Alberts are guilty (even if many of us do believe it). After all, several jurors voted to free Karen Read on 2nd degree murder without believing that the McAlberts were guilty. Technically, no one has accused Chris Albert of killing John O’Keefe. So he really doesn’t have a basis for saying that he was intimidated or offended by someone carrying a FKR sign or leaving a FKR duck near his restaurant,when they didn’t say anything against him or his family. In fact, it is ludicrous for Bukkake to claim that the mere statement “Free Karen Read” or the assertion that she is innocent is emotionally wounding to ANYONE, including the Alberts. We are just saying the truth.


  6. This is beyond ridiculous! Just when you think this situation couldn’t possibly get any worse, along comes Bukake saying hold my beer! I pray the Feds step in before Karen has to endure another trial. The entire DA’s office, Auntie Bev, the MA State Police (the ones involved in this case), the “McAlberts”, and the Canton cops and first responders who testified are all going to have lots to answer for when they do. I will have zero sympathy for any of them after all this bs! It just can’t happen fast enough, these a-holes have gotten away with way too much for way too long, and they are way too bold in their corrupt activities.

  7. Someone needs to buy an ice cream truck called The Rubber Duckie with a big ass rubber duck on the top. Drive around Canton every day of the week BLASTING Ernie from Sesame Street singing Rubber Duckie!! Have your horn on the truck be a duck call. Drive up and down every street in town all day, every day quackin’ your horn. Quack, Quack, Quack followed by ” and a 1 and a 2 and a ” Rubber Duckie your the one!…”. Then I’d buy ad time on every, single radio and TV station to have the ads play every 15 minutes or during EVERY commercial break. Huge billboards, newspaper ads, you name it. Rubber Duckie Ice Cream for EVERYONE!!

    When harassed by the local pigs and state pigs just say it’s part of your marketing strategy. It’s a kid’s song meant to target your market audience for ice cream. Not a damn thing they can do about it without passing some city ordinance which opens them up to a lawsuit!!

  8. Sad when more time and money went into this deployment (of public tax money funded state police douche bags), and any type of research for a real crime of framing an innocent person. Douche-akkake and Alberts and any law enforcement connected to them shud be the ones that are investigated.!!

  9. Someone placed a duck that had the letters FKR on my Jeep. I live in Westfield. I feel intimidated. How do I get a trooper(s) to investigate this? Which barracks do I contact? I need services I am in fear.

  10. The FKR written on the bottom of the duckies needs a footnote written in sharpie. *Fucking Kop Retards. Then you’re not intimidating anyone. You are expressing your first amendment rights to comment on the mental acuity of law enforcement we have representing this great Commonwealth.

  11. This is kind of frightening. This guy has been an investigator for the State Police. I can only imagine how many of his cases are tainted. I am ashamed to be a Massachusetts resident if this guy continues to be employed. This is scary. And I keep wondering what role our governor has had in the corruption. It seems to be worsening daily.

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  15. Massachusetts not only takes in this 90-IQ Hohol from the low-trust and low-order pseudo-country called “Ukraine” (which means [Russian] borderland), but gives this tard welfare in the form of a 6-figure civil servant job in law enforcement.

    If the MSP returned to the level of honesty depicted in “The Departed” it would be an improvement.

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