TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 414: Canton Detective Spends 6 Months Investigating And Charging Stoughton Grandfather With Witness Intimidation For Dropping Rubber Duckies Near Chris Albert 


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This is Canton Police Detective Tim Taylor.

Detective Taylor is a lifelong Canton townie, and just like 90% of the Canton Police Department, he graduated from Canton High School (in 2003). In 2019 he was appointed the boy’s lacrosse coach, which he called his “dream job.”

He ended up not coaching a single game due to COVID and was replaced in 2021. However, he was the school resource officer and five members of the McAlbert families played lacrosse for Canton at the time he was there – Jack Albert (Brian’s son), Kayla Albert (Brian’s daughter), Allie and Emily McCabe, and Colin Albert. Jennifer and Matt McCabe’s nephew Tom Galvin was the coach who came after him.

Detective Taylor graduated high school with Officer James Galanis:

Michael Proctor was texting with Galanis on February 18, 2022, asking him for Ring surveillance videos of homes in Canton despite the fact Canton Police were conflicted off of the investigation into Karen Read.

Proctor and other investigators did not enter a singe Ring camera video in Canton into evidence aside from John O’Keefe’s, even though they all would’ve picked up footage of Read’s allegedly broken tail light as she fled the scene of a murder.

As Colin’s former coach and a lifelong Canton resident Detective Taylor has an obvious bias towards the McAlberts, who are an entrenched legacy family in town. Taylor was Chris Albert’s personal taxpayer funded body guard at a September 26, 2023 Board of Selectmen meeting, in which Chris Albert turned to Taylor and said, “you’re gonna walk me to my car, right?”

This is 65 year old Rick Shiffer, a Stoughton resident who owns Canton Fence Company in Stoughton.

Rich is a highly opinionated grandfather and an outspoken supporter of the Free Karen Read movement. He uses his business on Route 138 in Stoughton to let the world know that Read is innocent.

This has made him a target of law enforcement, and earlier this week he was charged with felony witness intimidation after Taylor launched a 6 month investigation into Schiffer’s use of rubber duckies in Canton.

According to the 65 page police report Chris and Colin Albert both testified in front of a federal AND state grand jury prior to March of 2024.

While it is true that Colin testified in front of a federal grand jury in July of 2023 after two FBI agents visited his dorm room, he NEVER testified at a state grand jury. He hadn’t even been questioned by police prior to the May 2022 grand jury that led to Read’s indictment for murder. In fact, he was never even questioned by police until July of 2023, but only in regards to how he felt as a victim of alleged witness intimidation on the part of Turtleboy.

In his report Detective Taylor called anyone who believes in Read’s innocence a “conspiracy theorist,” and stated AS FACT that it was completely disproven that Colin had anything to do with John O’Keefe’s murder. He cited Trooper Guarino’s testimony, which he claims made it impossible for Colin to be considered a suspect. He also said that people who tell Colin to “tell the truth” are telling him to change his testimony.


  1. The only “conspiracy theorists” are those who believe that the FBI, Karen Read, Turtleboy, and Sir Isaac Newton conspired to to frame the McAlberts for murder by using physics to point out that John O’Keefe could not have possibly been hit by a car.
  2. It was never disproven that Colin Albert had no involvement in John O’Keefe’s murder. Chris Albert’s testimony actually put Colin Albert at Brian Albert’s house until at least 12:30.
  3. Trooper Guarino didn’t review “GPS data” to from John O’Keefe’s cell phone until May of 2023 – 15 months after the murder. So how could Colin Albert be ruled out as a suspect prior to that if no one from the police had questioned him at that point?
  4. If urging people to tell the truth is urging them to change their testimony, then it means that their current testimony is not truthful.

Detective Taylor began his investigation in March of 2024 when “counterfeit” $100 bills with “COLIN DID IT” stamped on the back were found 100 yards from Chris Albert’s mediocre pizza shop twice in a week. Lt. Paul Gallagher, who testified that he had no probable cause to search Brian Albert’s house after a dead cop with one shoe was found on Albert’s lawn, immediately stopped traffic and collected all of the evidence he found.

This is the same senior officer who used a leaf blower to search the scene where a dead cop was found, and somehow missed 45 pieces of red tail light and a size 12 shoe that State Police found over the course of the next 3 weeks.

A third incident happened in April when rubber duckies with “COLIN DID IT” stickers on the bottom were found down the street from D&E Pizza.

Luckily the Canton Police take evidence of crimes VERY seriously and Detective Taylor had his officers take the duckies into custody so he could store them as evidence.

They didn’t miss any of the rubber duckies because they’re easier to see than 45 pieces of red tail light. And the duckies were properly processed, unlike O’Keefe’s blood that was stored in red solo cups, because the Canton Police are much more concerned about Chris Albert’s feelings than they are about a dead cop found on Brian Albert’s lawn.

More rubber duckies were found on Michael Proctor’s street, suggesting that the ducky bandit was targeting more “witnesses” in the Read case.

Except the duckies said “COLIN DID IT,” which has nothing to do with Proctor.

After John O’Keefe was murdered the police didn’t pull a single Ring camera video or any surveillance videos on town property. But for rubber duckies on Washington Street Detective Taylor pulled surveillance video from dozens of businesses and town buildings.

He quickly noticed that someone driving a truck registered to Schiffer was seen dumping “counterfeit” play money and rubber duckies on public streets.

Naturally he immediately went to the man’s home and did cop stuff by taking Schiffer’s trash, going through it, and finding evidence that Schiffer had ordered “counterfeit” money off Amazon!

Imagine being so dedicated to being Chris Albert’s bitch that you have to dig through trash when Chris gets his feelings hurt over rubber duckies? This is Detective Tim Taylor’s dream job.

Next up in the investigation was sending a summons to a sticker company and speaking with their president, which proved that Schiffer ordered stickers for his business 7 years ago.

After that they got a search warrant for Schiffer’s truck so they could download his infotainment system and track his movements.

This is the same police department who did nothing to track down a Ford Edge that plow driver Lucky Loughran saw parked next to John O’Keefe’s dead body at 3 AM. Colin Albert drove a Ford Edge at that time, but the movement of that vehicle was of no interest to anyone in law enforcement. Maybe if Lucky Loughran reported that he saw rubber duckies being thrown out of that Ford Edge they’d do something to track down the owner.

Luckily for Detective Taylor there were rubber duckies and stickers in plain sight as he searched the vehicle. They were carefully bagged and entered into evidence.



The next step in the investigation was going on Rick Schiffer’s Facebook page and discovering that he was sharing pro-Karen Read materials! Detective Taylor immediately sprang into action and sent a preservation request to Facebook.

One of the things he noticed was that Schiffer shared a video of Attorney David Yannetti calling Michael Proctor “corrupt.” Thus Yannetti was responsible for radicalizing Schiffer to the point where he dropped rubber duckies on Proctor’s street. Proctor himself is an ethical cop who went to high school with Taylor and has done NOTHING to make himself the target of criticism.

But that’s not the only incriminating thing on Schiffer’s Facebook page. He also shared someone else’s Facebook post, in which they expressed their opinions about corruption in Canton, and stated that he agreed with the poster! To make matters worse the post he shared said positive things about Karen Read AND Turtleboy! And when you thought Schiffer couldn’t get any lower he also shared a lovely family picture of the Albert family and called them “pieces of shit!”


How could anyone say anything negative about this wonderful all American family?

Schiffer posted about how he was visited by Taylor and Detective Theodore on May 19, and pointed out how he had never spoken a word to any of the so called witnesses in this case.

To this date that remains true. The Norfolk DA’s Office is charging a man with intimidating witnesses he has never directly spoken to. The argument is that he is communicating with them via rubber duckies that he drops in public places, who ANYONE could pick up, and that these rubber duckies express an opinion that Detective Taylor disagrees with about Colin Albert’s guilt or innocence.

If you look at Schiffer’s Facebook page it’s clear that he’s a right wing boomer (which I’m not saying is a bad thing) who clearly has reached the point in life where he stopped giving a shit about what anyone thinks of him. His Facebook page is full of pro-MAGA stuff, including his belief that Trump won the 2020 election.

Notice that Detective Taylor isn’t going after him for sharing stuff like this. You’re allowed to believe that Trump won in 2020, but you’re NOT allowed to believe that Colin Albert was involved in murdering John O’Keefe.

In one of his posts Schiffer said that he was distributing propaganda with the rubber ducks. Detective Taylor Googled the definition of propaganda and determined that propaganda is now felony witness intimidation.

The definition of propaganda is:

“Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”

Key word – “or.” The information on the rubber duckies is certainly biased and used to publicize a point of view. But Taylor chose to go with “misleading nature” instead of biased because then he could try to use it as a vehicle to silence Schiffer’s constitutionally protected speech.

What really pissed off Detective Taylor was that even after he received the search warrant Schiffer continued to dump rubber duckies near Chris Albert. This time he added a new phrase – “If you know, you know.”

Taylor doesn’t like that message, so he’s arbitrarily declared that it’s witness intimidation.

The number of cameras this “detective” reviewed footage is mind boggling when you compare it to the number of cameras that were reviewed in investigating John O’Keefe’s murder.

Detective Taylor also carefully analyzed a 90 minute live stream on the Young Jurks Facebook page in which Rich Shiffer was interviewed by host Mike Crawford during a protest in front of the Canton Police Department. Shockingly, Mr. Schiffer so brazen that he confessed to his crimes during the interview!! (52 minute mark) Taylor was particularly disturbed that Lt. Brian Tully got credit for being the Gestapo agent interrogating Schiffer, when in fact it was Taylor who should’ve received the credit for that.

Rich Schiffer is a God damn legend! This is exactly what you should do if these Nazis try to come after you. Do not apologize for ANYTHING! There is nothing illegal about expressing your First Amendment rights, and the more people they try to charge with witness intimidation the faster this statute is going to get overturned.

Detective Taylor also blamed Alan Jackson for Schiffer’s lawless behavior, drawing the conclusion that Schiffer was inspired to drop all these rubber duckies because of a comment about ducks that Jackson made while making an analogy at a pretrial hearing in the Read case.

Oh, and Sean on the Gulf was also responsible for Schiffer’s criminal behavior because Schiffer sent him a sign with Colin Albert and a rubber ducky on it.

Finally, Detective Taylor transformed into an attorney and began citing case law to explain why propaganda is now considered witness intimidation.

Without holding a probable cause hearing the police found there was probable cause to charge Schiffer with 7 counts of being a litterbug, and two counts each of criminal harassment and felony witness intimidation against Colin and Chris Albert.

But Schiffer remains undeterred, and continues to support the Justice for John O’Keefe movement on his Facebook page.

People like Schiffer have done significantly more to bring awareness to the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder than any cop in Canton, who are only interested in covering for their murdering friends. Schiffer will be arraigned October 23 in Stoughton District Court, and I will be there to support him. I hope others will join me.



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  1. Keep on pounding on them, Aiden. It amazes me how many of these scumbags are willing to go down with this ship. Someone will need to keep a running tally of the amount of taxpayer $ that will go into the many lawsuits that will paid out to real victims.

    1. Nothing will happen. I admire TBs efforts but he is spinning his wheels Nothing will happen to these people. Nothing.

      P.S. Michael Proctor will eventually be back on the MSP payroll.

  2. At this point Canton is just trolling us. And its so brazen you almost have to respect it.

  3. …this report is that of a madman… wow.
    Just… wow.

    Canton PD: the McAlbert Protective Echelon

    Did he really define propaganda… I …. Wow.

    There’s alot of wow…

    I feel bad for the Federal Agents who had to read through this mess. I can’t wait to hear him read it back.

  4. Canton parents > Do not let your kids dress up as rubber duckies for Halloween
    Canton Police have their orders > shoot to kill any rubber duckies they encounter

  5. God I hope the feds tricked these people into cracking down on a rubber ducky protest like Putin recently did. They really went full out copying Putin’s Russia. Even arresting a journalist.

    Can you imagine the federal court transcripts from something like that when they come out? How the Assistant US Attorney would just excoriate the cops involved with this?

  6. These criminals in law enforcement should have to pay back all the money they’ve wasted on this shitshow. Add this latest hack to the list.

  7. Taylor who collects rubber ducks, but forgets about his dog in his car, who dies because of his neglect in a hot car!
    Charge this inhumane, dirty, corrupt cop! 🤬🤢

  8. How does Michael Morrissey still have a job?

    The O’Keefe case: botched

    Birchmore case: botched

    Better believe Brian Walshe and his attorney are watching these developments closely.

    Seriously, the Morrissey needs to go movement has to start.

  9. Lt. Gallagher…lol. $330,000 a year to pick up Monopoly money on a bench. By comparison, taxpayers got a great deal on Ken Mello.

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