TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 424: Hank Brennan Wants Records From Verizon And Boston 25 News Because He’s Dumb Enough To Call William And Nathan Read As Witnesses


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Hank Brennan filed two motions today in Norfolk Superior Court, demanding records from Boston 25 News and Verizon, after announcing that he plans on calling Karen Read’s brother and father as witnesses in her murder retrial.

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The Norfolk County DA’s Office seems to think they have the right to tell media companies that they have to give them work product that doesn’t belong them, simply because they want it. They tried this already with NBC and ABC for Read’s interviews with Dateline and 20/20, and were denied both times. They partially got access to Boston Magazine’s records, including Gretchen Voss’ notes. But they didn’t enter a single thing from those notes into evidence, because they didn’t find anything incriminating that came out of Karen Read’s mouth.

Now they think Boston 25 News should have to hand over all recorded statements that Read’s parents and brother gave during an August 2023 interview.

Brennan claims that Mr. Read “sponsored the baseless claim that John O’Keefe entered” Brian Albert’s house.

Except it’s not baseless, it’s an undeniable fact. John’s Apple Health data shows him ascending 3 flights of stairs between 12:22 and 12:24, something he couldn’t do if he was in Karen Read’s vehicle or lying on the ground dying. He had to be inside the house. Read’s Apple Health data does NOT show her ascending 3 flights of stairs at the same time, therefore they couldn’t be in the same place. Case closed.

Brennan is following the advice of Twitter trolls and legal experts like Krusty Panties, Esq, who seem to think that Mr. Read saying “she felt she struck something” is tantamount to a confession to killing John O’Keefe.

Except Karen Read did hit something that night – she’s on video hitting John’s Chevy Traverse when she went out looking for him at 5:07, and cracked her tail light in the process. It’s all on video.

Hank Brennan is even more incompetent than Adam Lally, which is pretty hard to do. He’s pursuing the angle that Mr. Read is lying when he said that the first time he spoke with his daughter was when she was in the hospital, when in fact call logs show they spoke on the phone at 6:32 AM.

And this will prove…..something. I guess. So now Bill and Nathan Read have to be witnesses in trial 2, something that some of the dumbest people in the world on Twitter have been suggesting the Commonwealth do.

Bill Read was a professor for 40 years and taught honors students every semester. He knows the case inside and out, and he knows that his daughter is innocent. He also has a PhD in kicking ass, so I for one LOVE that they’re dumb enough to call him as a witness.

They also want Bill Read’s Verizon records, except they just made one glaring mistake….

They want his records from January 29 to January 30 of 2002, when Karen was 21 years old. You’re doing great, Hank!

If you’re on Twitter then you recognize these faces:

These are the faces of some of the most deranged conspiracy theorists, desperately clinging onto hope that the McAlberts will be able to get away with murder. One of the things they’ve suggested is that Karen Read is guilty because she called her father at 1:15 AM, presumably to confess that she had just murdered her boyfriend. The Commonwealth has now cited that call their motion, as they are apparently adopting conspiracy theories from Internet trolls as part of their legal strategy now.

They are requesting that Verizon produce all of Mr. Read’s phone data because they believe it will prove that she hardly every called them, and thus it would be rare and incriminating for her to call her mother at 1:15 AM.

This is what’s called “desperation.” It’s also a fishing expedition, which means they’re not gonna get the records. However, if they do they will see that Karen Read is extremely close to her parents. She speaks to them every day, and I can attest that when I spoke with her on the phone she was almost always with her father.

Of course they’re not going to find many phone calls at 1:15 AM, because this was the first and only time that Karen Read’s boyfriend was missing. Karen Read called her mother at 1:15 that night because she was contemplating going back to her house in Mansfield because she was upset John wasn’t answering his phone. She felt bad about leaving, because John’s 14 year old niece was home alone. She cared so much about the kid that she didn’t want to abandon her, even though the girl wasn’t her responsibility. She called her mother because she wanted her advice about what to do. We should all be so lucky to have this sort of relationship with our children when we’re older. It’s something these people know nothing about:


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