TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 428: FBI And DOJ Investigators Meeting With State Police And Sandra Birchmore Medical Examiner Was An Exercise In Humiliation 


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Last week Boston 25 News Reporter Ted Daniel tweeted some interesting information he received from a public records request, showing that FBI and DOJ representatives met with Sandra Birchmore’s medical examiner, Lt. John Fanning, Trooper Matthew Dunne, and an expert on strangulation on August 16 at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

  • Liz Riley is the Chief of Civil Rights and Human Trafficking Unit at the US Attorney’s Office.
  • Leah Ferreira is one of the FBI agents involved in the federal investigation into the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder.
  • Michelle Gamble is a FBI field photographer who testified at the trail of Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
  • Dr. William Smock is the only police surgeon in the country (Louisville Police Department) and testified at Derek Chauvin’s hearing.

John Fanning is the State Police Detective Lieutenant in charge of the Sandra Birchmore investigation. He reportedly told Kirk Minihane that it was ridiculous to suggest that Birchmore was murdered, and immediately ruled her death a suicide. He ignored the fact that Sandra was excited about having a baby, didn’t seem suicidal, and was in a sexual relationship with a married man expecting his third child who groomed and raped her and was upset that she was milking him for child support. He ignored the dozens of tips he got from friends of Birchmore that suggested Farwell had motive to kill her, and he didn’t think it was suspicious that Farwell deleted over 32K text messages with Birchmore prior to handing his phone over to be extracted.

Matthew Dunne was the lead investigator who interviewed all of the people who called the DA’s Office with tips about Birchmore’s death.

Dr. Maria Del Mar Capt Martinez is the medical examiner who immediately determined that Birchmore committed suicide. She makes more than a quarter million dollars a year, courtesy of the taxpayers.

The medical examiners are a huge problem in this state. As we learned from reading Michael Proctor and David DiCicco’s text messages, police brag about how they can manipulate ME’s to give them the cause of death determination that the police want them to. This disgraceful “doctor” told Fanning and Dunne what they wanted to hear – Sandra Birchmore sat down in her bedroom, tied one end of a gym back around her neck and the other around a door knob, and choked herself to death. They wanted her to say it was a suicide because it was less paperwork, but more importantly they didn’t want a cop to be charged with murder. Farwell and Fanning both went to Stoughton High School.

Dr. Maria Del Mar Capt Martinez didn’t make a mistake, she committed a crime. She lied about the cause of Sandra Birchmore’s death, and in doing so she endangered the entire community for 3.5 years. During that time Matthew Farwell was allowed to roam around a free man, despite being a pedophile and a murderer. Not only has she not been charged with anything, she continues to earn a grotesque government salary and continues to work as if nothing happened.

The fact that the FBI and DOJ officials brought a REAL doctor to meet with Martinez, Fanning, and Dunne just nine days before Farwell was arrested for murder, speaks volumes. Birchmore’s death certificate still says suicide, which means that Martinez will be a witness for the defense if Farwell goes to trial. Federal officials were meeting with state investigators to let them know that they disagreed with the results of their investigation, not to collaborate.

The Birchmore investigation began as a direct result of the federal investigation into Karen Read’s case. The Free Karen Read movement began pointing out similarities between the investigations into John O’Keefe and Birchmore’s deaths, both of which were in Canton. This most certainly caught the attention of the FBI, and it would not have happened without the FKR movement. The same federal agents investigating the investigation of O’Keefe’s murder, are the same agents investigating Birchmore’s murder.

This August 16 meeting was an exercise in humiliation. Two detectives and the forensic pathologist who completely botched the case were asked to meet with two federal officials and a REAL expert, to embarrass and humiliate them. They know that these detectives aren’t stupid, and that they should have investigated Farwell thoroughly. They know that this was by design. They know that this meant Birchmore wouldn’t get justice, and the community was endangered. There is no way that Farwell will be the only person who goes down for this.

The FBI is not going to waste the resources they have already expended on both the O’Keefe and Birchmore cases to only arrest one person. They know that Karen Read is innocent. They know that John O’Keefe was murdered inside Brian Albert’s house. They know that State Police and the Norfolk DA’s Office helped cover it up. They know that this wasn’t an isolated incident, and that these same people covered up Birchmore’s death, framed a journalist for exposing them, and have charged and harassed hundreds of citizens for speaking out against the corruption.

This is why the FBI exists. And one day these corrupt criminal cops like Fanning, Proctor, and Tully will be held criminally responsible for what they’ve done.



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  1. And we know Farwell was completely caught off guard with the arrest because he brought his son to work with him that day. It makes more sense that if he thought he was going to get arrested anytime soon he would not be dragging along his young son. That poor kid will suffer PTSD, shame and more for a long time over the misdeeds of his dad.

    But how about Guarino. We now know about his involvement in the Birchmore case and his inability to retrieve phone data that would have implicated Farwell right away? He’s also involved in the Karen Read Case. Could he be next on the list of Troopers to get transferred, suspended, etc?

    And how about those ongoing rumors/chatter regarding Trooper Fanning? Did he really stick a gun to a guys head and make him perform a sex act on him?

  2. The Entire system is corrupted (Courts,Police,ME’s). We need to hold them accountable! Investigators should only be able to meet Medical examiners after they perform autopsies, they should be 100% independent or else they all just get on the same page and make evidence fit their narrative, instead of following the facts and making a determination based on unbiased facts.

  3. Child rape. Murder. Framing an innocent woman for murder. Jailing the investigating reporter for asking tough questions of criminals that covered up for corrupt cops. Thanks Aidan it’s all true, never doubted you.

    1. And the road of corruption leads all the way up to healey! That bitch was AG 2015-2023…and look where she is now! Aidan exposed healey’s bed hopping with female state troopers and she still got put in the state house!!! Time to clean house!!

      1. Why is it every mogul actor, governor and senator and president and priest and cop can’t seem to stop touching little girls?

  4. I wish we had a recording of that meeting. Many times a suicide/homicide might not be so obvious. MEs depend on law enforcement to give them the details of the scene, the person’s habits, medical records, etc. in order to make a determination. Since Sandra’s original death certificate was devoid of ANY detail, I’m guessing the information forthcoming from the MSP was nonexistent or bullshit at best. I’m sure those FBI agents asked the ME what information they gave her about their “investigation.” And I’ll bet Fanning and Tully squirmed in their chairs while that was going on.

    Remember when Fanning and Tully ran over to the Moakley Courthouse while Farwell was being arrested? Then they ran out the back door in their matching shoes before he was brought in for his arraignment. Why wouldn’t they stay for his arraignment? They probably ran out because they didn’t want to remind their buddy that he could drag them under the bus in hopes of a lighter sentence. I guess they’re only serious about their jobs when it comes to rubber duckies and fake victims. They are an embarrassment to law enforcement everywhere, but they have no shame. I really wonder if it has ever crossed their minds who will be after their children when they are sitting in federal prison.

  5. Hello McLevy ? Small Town Cops outwitting FBI ? Norfolk County Judges can protect those they work with ? National Disgrace. says:

    What does it really matter ? Small town incompetent cops making 300k?
    Police Chief who ran over a pedestrian in a cross walk that was wearing reflective vest ? Drunk cops who lose their gun and badge and have to ask partner “Dude wears my Gun” ? Rubber Duck Hunting ? Protecting (Townie) killers. Obstruction of a Police audit that was voted on by the townspeople of Canton ? Planting evidence ? Inverted police security film ? Missing portions of security films ? Google is unreliable in This Case but accurate in All others ? Special Counsel collaborating with ex heroin user to set up a journalist ? No attempt to find local Ford Edges vehicles. No real attempt to get Ring Camera footage ? Assistant Chief at 32 Fairview said he looked at his 12 Hour’s! Of Footage and didn’t see Anything of Value and Erased it ? Colin coming home at 12:45 AM according to his mediocre Dad. Allie McCabe crying Colin wasn’t there when John came IN ! Apple Health Data is not reliable when someone is going up and down stairs ? A Dog that has to be put away in a separate room when people come over does Not wake up when police and fire trucks and a screaming woman is just below the window.
    The dog was re-home to Vermont. 3 year old basement floor was replaced before selling 34 Fairview Rd (Murder House) No pictures allowed to be taken by prospective buyers. 50k below value offer accepted. Brother of Brian Albert ( Kevin Albert) ran interference and set up witness interviews After Canton was removed from case. Police Chief Berkowitz with his Coke Bottle Glasses sees a broken piece of taillight weeks after in yard of 34 Fairview from his Moving car. FBI conducted their own investigation and said Officer O’Keef was Not hit by a car….
    What the Fuck is going on ? Absolutely no oversight. This can happen to you.

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