TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 446: Brian Tully Loses 6 Vacation Days After Investigation Shows He Never Disciplined Michael Proctor Despite Testifying That He Did


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Yesterday the results of an internal affairs investigation into Lt. Brian Tully were made public, and to the surprise of no one Tully was reprimanded with a whopping loss of 6 vacation days – one more than his underling Yuri Bukhenik.

As you can see, he was disciplined for not supervising his subordinates through corrective action after finding out about inappropriate text messages in the Karen Read case on February 1. This was the day when Proctor testified in front of the federal grand jury, and would’ve been the day that Tully found out about all the horrible and unprofessional things Proctor said about Read. That afternoon Tully, Bukkake, and Lt. John Fanning, all of whom were also investigated by Internal Affairs, were seen drinking together at Davio’s in Braintree.

They were all well aware of what Proctor said in those text message but didn’t care. They were OK with it, which is why he felt comfortable sending messages like that. Cops like this are just as bad as cops like Proctor because they look the other way when cops like Proctor break the rules. They don’t rat on other cops.

Now imagine what Tully would do if he found out that Proctor had lied about not being close friends with witnesses in a murder investigation. Ask yourself why Tully waited until 5:45 PM to give the green light to the SERT team search at 34 Fairview Road. Ask yourself why Proctor was never disciplined for all the spelling mistakes, failure to interview key witnesses, and other glaring red flags that showed that a coverup was taking place in the murder investigation of a Boston Police Officer.

Tully was also disciplined for “failing to recommend remedial or disciplinary action for inefficient, incompetent, or unsuitable employees by giving praised in several anchors on the Employee Evaluation System” and “failing to document negative performance” on May 6 and May 10.

That means that during the Karen Read trial Tully completed employee evaluations of Proctor, Bukkake, and others involved in those text messages, that were positive and failed to mention what he discovered on February 1 when the results of the federal investigation were given to him.

This is in direct contrast to what Tully testified to on June 12, when he said that he had a “long discussion” with Proctor, “expressed his displeasure” with the text messages, reported him up the chain of command, and admonished him.

We now know that Tully didn’t do any of things, and Internal Affairs agrees. Proctor was never admonished for his unprofessional behavior. In fact, he received a positive performance review.

The loss of six days of vacation time is a joke, but sadly it’s par for the course with this corrupt institution. However, the fact of the matter is that Tully has officially been disciplined after an investigation proved that he violated State Police rules. His record is now forever tarnished, and this can be used to impeach his credibility at future legal proceedings. Tully is the lead investigator in the Turtleboy witness intimidation cases, and is set to testify at an evidentiary hearing on January 10. He has since been rehomed to a different unit, much like pedophile priests were by the Boston archdiocese.



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  1. Anyone expecting any real discipline has not lived in Mass long enough to know this investigation would be a sham from the get go. Maybe if our POS Governor could do her job, real reform might occur. I know, it Massachusetts that ain’t happening

    1. At Davios having a few pops (on the clock) figuring out new ways to protect and serve themselves. Free Karen Read. Justice for Officer O’Keefe. Huge Thanks Aidan for investigating corruption.
      Anyone tired of picking up the tab for Morrissey’s enablers?

    2. I think this goes to the top, to the Norfolk County Commissioners. None of the Canton shenanigans happens without tacit approval from leadership. It’s too big. And I think Healy needs this whole crew-all of LE, state, local, county, AND Auntie Bev and the entire District Attorney’s office-otherwise she is toast. Watch the Country Commissioners. See what they say and do a

  2. The comparison to the catholic church is a little too on the nose. One of these dirt bags is a child raping, baby killing subhuman.

    1. Another Canon law epic fail. As former Cardinal Bernie Law was rehomed to Rome he gazed out the window on Commonwealth Avenue and wondered what all the protesters wanted. His American Pope campaign in ruins. “What do they want” he wondered, aloud. I already said “I was sorry”
      Will justice prevail?

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  4. So like the church! Just move them around. These police are like sociopathic trust fund babies who know the are set for life and use that safety net to just make the world a worse place. Drinking together like they are heroes. augh.

    1. I think that’s the best description of them yet. It’s all about their pensions. That’s why they’re covering this up so hard.

  5. were those Images INVERTED ??? hoew wood wee no @#???? Thanks TB Fight The GOOD FIGHT Officer John O’Keefe deserves BETTER than This !!! . This will NEVER GO AWAY !!! I hope They Hear a VOICE when they try to Sleep and its O’Keefes . The Score is Always even TYME will TELL ALL . its on the side of Justice …… tictok …….. ””””

  6. And the beat goes on. We’ll keep paying his $300K/yr salary and eventual retirement just like the rest of them. Spoiler Alert: Nothing will happen to Proctor either, he will emerge with another tax payer salary/pension somewhere else. We are lucky we have the privilege to pay for it all!

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  8. State Police Officers/Detectives LIE. About everything. To police officers, to judges, to their own families. I’m happy to share my story about the one who lied about me to a judge – before he realized video footage completely contradicted his claims.

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