Canton Coverup Part 467: Footage Of Car Driving By 34 Fairview Road During Snowstorm At Night Shows There Is No Way John O’Keefe’s Body Could’ve Been Lying On Lawn Before 3 AM

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It snowed at night over the weekend in Canton and an astute justice seeker on Twitter (@suspiciousaucse) posted a video driving by 34 Fairview Road to see what it would’ve looked like on the morning of January 29, 2022, when people drove by Brian Albert’s house.
Just a reminder that at a minimum the following people drove directly by that that house and did not see John O’Keefe’s body on the front lawn after Karen Read had left:
- Matt McCabe
- Jennifer McCabe
- Julie Nagel
- Sarah Levinson
- Caitlin Albert
- Tristin Morris
- Brian Higgins
- Lucky Loughran
That’s just who we know for a fact drove by and didn’t see a 6’2″, 220 pound body right here:
But does anyone believe that not a single other vehicle drove by from 12:30-6? Loughran testified that he saw other cars drive down the street as well. Yet no drivers reported seeing a body lying there on the lawn. Driving south from Cedercrest it would’ve been more visible than driving north from Chapman because the lawn is wide open, and the tree line and fire hydrant are behind where the body was found just 10 feet from the curb. There was even less snow on the ground when Matt McCabe drove by. Every witness who testified was driving south.
Don’t worry though, there is a completely reasonable explanation for this – no one looked at the lawn. Every single person who drove by was looking directly in front of them or at Julie Nagel – the only witness who says she saw something. They expect us to believe that when you’re driving in a car people’s lawns are basically invisible. Imagine driving down a street and not noticing that there are houses on the side? We’re not even talking about peripheral vision. John’s body wouldn’t have been in the corner of their eye. He would’ve been lying almost directly in front of them after pulling out of the driveway.
But these people expect us to believe that the drivers of these vehicles (Matt McCabe, Brian Higgins, Tristin Morris) can ONLY see things that are directly at their 12 o’clock. Nothing else.
Of those eight people who drove by where police claim John O’Keefe’s body was from 12:30-6 AM, six of them were inside the house and would be implicating themselves in a murder if they testified that John had come inside the house:
- Matt McCabe
- Jennifer McCabe
- Julie Nagel
- Sarah Levinson
- Caitlin Albert
- Brian Higgins
Tristin Morris wasn’t inside the house, but he also would’ve potentially been implicated in a crime if John O’Keefe was murdered inside the house, since he would effectively have been his girlfriend’s getaway driver.
The only one of the 8 who would NOT be implicated had John O’Keefe gone inside the house, was Lucky Loughran. Thus he is the only one of the 8 with nothing to lose and no reason to lie. Coincidentally he is the only one of the 8 who admits that he looked at the lawn and emphatically said there was no body there.
Let’s run down exactly what each of the 8 witnesses said in their testimony:
Julie Nagel
- Said she was seated behind the driver, looking to her right at Sarah Levinson as they drove by
- Is the only one in that car who admitted to looking towards the lawn
- Was not interviewed by Michael Proctor until October of 2022, after the defense filed a motion in which they pointed out that not one person had seen John O’Keefe’s body on the lawn, and then, and only then, did she become the first witness to have claimed to have seen a “shadowy figure” on the lawn
- The “shadowy figure” evolved into a 5 or 6 foot “black blob” at trial
- Claims she said out loud in the car to the other passengers “I think I might’ve saw something” to which Sarah Levinson replied “what Julie?”
- Said that Jennifer McCabe was turned around towards her, away from the yard
Matt McCabe
- On direct said that he didn’t see anything in the yard and that Jen was in the passenger seat, turned towards him, making jokes about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- Said that he never heard Julie Nagel say “what was that” or mention a black blob on the lawn
Jennifer McCabe
- Said that she was in the passenger’s seat, turned around, chatting with Nagel and Levinson with her back to Brian Albert’s lawn when they drove away
- Went out of her way under cross examination to state that she was not looking in yard, when simply asked if she saw anything in the yard
- Said that she never heard Julie Nagel say anything about seeing something in the yard, despite claiming that she had turned around to speak with them
Sarah Levinson
- Said that she was behind passenger’s seat and that Julie Nagel was turned to her and talking to her
- Said that she didn’t see anything on the lawn, but made sure to offer up, without being asked, that she wasn’t looking
- Said that while she was walking out of the front door of Fairview Road she was looking down at her feet to make sure she didn’t slip, in order to explain why she wasn’t looking at the lawn
Caitlin Albert
- Told almost the same story that Sarah Levinson told about looking down at her feet to make sure she didn’t slip, in order to explain why she didn’t look at the lawn
- Said that she was in the passenger’s seat of Tristin’s car and drove right by where John’s body would’ve been, but was turned towards Tristin speaking to him “for the majority of the first couple minutes” of their ride back to Easton
- When asked if she saw John’s body she said she didn’t see him, but then offered up without being asked that she wasn’t looking
Tristin Morris
- When asked if there were any obstructions preventing him from seeing Brian Albert’s lawn he said, without being asked, “I wouldn’t be staring at her grass” before eventually saying “no”
Brian Higgins
- Said that his Jeep was parked facing directly towards the flagpole, which was at the “one o’clock”, almost directly in front of him
- Said that he put his lights on, picked up his plow, was looking straight forward, and did not see a body on the front lawn
Lucky Loughran
- Said that his bright lights were on, allowing him to see the entire front lawn up to the front steps at 2:45 AM, and that his attention was focused not only in front of him, but to the side, because “God forbid any animals” ran into the street or cars backed out of a driveway
- Insisted that he saw nothing on the front lawn, but Judge Cannone did not allow him to be asked if he would’ve seen a body had a body been there
A big problem for the defense is that they showed their hand before trial. The Commonwealth knew that they would make a big deal out of the fact that no witnesses saw a large man’s body so close to the curb. They knew that this would be problematic because it could implicate their star witnesses, who they need to convict Karen Read. It gave them more than 2 years to sit down with the witnesses and come up with an explanation for why NONE OF THEM saw John’s body on the lawn.
All 3 drivers (McCabe, Morris, Higgins) claimed that they only looked directly in front of them, and their eyes didn’t allow them to see anything else BUT the road.
Three of their passengers who were all seated in parts of the vehicle that put them closer to where John’s body allegedly was – Caitlin Albert, Levinson, Jen McCabe – testified that they just so happened to be turning to their left at the exact moment they left the house. They don’t remember a lot of what happened that night, but they distinctly remember looking to their left at that exact moment.
The one person who admittedly was facing the lawn knew that she had to say she saw something in order to strengthen the case against Karen Read. She couldn’t say that she saw a body, because she would’ve called police and alerted others in the vehicle. But even her story about alerting people in the car that she saw something was refuted by Matt and Jennifer McCabe.
Julie Nagel was not spoken to by police until October of 2022, despite being inside the house, 40-50 feet from Karen Read’s vehicle, when police claim that John O’Keefe was murdered.
Sarah Levinson’s name wasn’t put in ANY police reports, and was simply listed as an anonymous party goer the defense couldn’t question, until they filed a motion to demand her identity in October of 2022.
Tristin Morris was NEVER interviewed by police in their investigation, despite admittedly picking up his girlfriend at a house where a dead cop was allegedly lying on the front lawn. In fact, police didn’t talk to him at all until May of 2024, after I posted a video of him confronting and threatening me at Castle Island. No doubt they were trying to jam me up on more “witness intimidation” charges.
Michael Lank’s report of his interview with Brian and Nicole Albert stated that they told him that Caitlin Albert left the house at 12:15, which meant that State Police investigators had no reason to interview her. It wasn’t until she abruptly changed her story to leaving at 1:45 when she testified in front of a federal grand jury in July of 2023, that State Police investigators finally decided to interview her.
By far the most credible of all these witnesses was Lucky Loughran, who told police that he saw a Ford Edge parked outside of Brian Albert’s house at 3 AM when they finally interviewed him in August of 2023 – days after I published an explosive interview with him in which he mentioned being spoken to by 2 FBI agents. Prior to that State Police had hidden Loughran, and lied in a report claiming that he didn’t plow the road at all. But they didn’t speak to him because they wanted to hear what he saw. They spoke to him in order to try to find a way to discredit him, because his testimony was problematic. They had to come up with a reason for why they didn’t look into who was driving that Ford Edge.
But the fact of the matter is that none of these people were lying about one thing – John O’Keefe’s body was not on that lawn when they drove by.

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This case is easily solved by intelligent minds. The FBI frends know. Depending or how the Chelsea office is restructured due to the new incoming president is the only reason this case has been pushed until April. MSP knows, it’s the reason why fat boy Jack Mawn has been interviewed. FBI is cautious because of the ATF agent involved.
This type of shit always rolls down hill. FBI is jerked off because someone in the DA’s office told 2 perpetrators to destroy their cellphones. It’s not easy being this cheesy or prosecuting an elected official
It wasn’t ice, just a little snow. What New Englanders struggle to walk in a little snow? Even these girls can walk in the snow, dumb as they are.
Bye Bye Sarah & Julie
Enjoy your 10 years of free room & Board.
Don’t forget what happens after that!
Sleeping in a tent in the woods piss drunk and signing!