Canton Coverup Part 469: Brian Albert Hosted Son’s Birthday Party At His House On February 14 And No One Noticed Gigantic Red Taillight Pieces Michael Proctor Found February 18

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Lisa Crisileo is the long term girlfriend of Tim “Fredo” Albert, and is in constant communication with online trolls, feeding them lies to post on social media.
According to leaked screenshots of Facebook messages, Crisileo attended a party at 34 Fairview Road on February 14, 2022, and said that none of the McAlberts had noticeable physical injuries.
First of all, if these time stamped pictures exist showing Colin and Brian Albert completely devoid of any cuts or signs of injury, then why haven’t they blasted them everywhere? We know that these people love to use social media to spread their misinformation, but they also want us to believe that actual evidence exists showing no signs of a fight, and they’re keeping it to themselves? Sure.
Secondly, aside from the fact that these people are so demented that they apparently had a party inside a house where a man was murdered two weeks prior, why didn’t any of the party goers see any tail light on the lawn? In the days leading up to February 14 the weather in Canton was unseasonably high.
Michael Proctor testified that the snow where John’s body was found had melted faster because the SERT team had shoveled so much of it on January 29. He also testified that all of the taillight he “found” on his undocumented trips back to 34 Fairview Road on February 8, 11, and 18, were in that area. Therefore, there is no reason they shouldn’t have found all of this tail light in one trip. After all, Ken Berkowitz claims he saw some from a moving vehicle on February 4.
Yet the biggest pieces of taillight Proctor “found” were all from February 18.
This was four days AFTER a number of people went to Brian Albert’s house for a party. Yet NONE of these people, including many who were presumably parked on the street, saw those gigantic pieces of red taillight on the lawn, just feet from the curb.
Proctor didn’t take any pictures of the biggest pieces of taillight he “found” on February 18. He didn’t even take notes on where he “found” the pieces. The evidence bag just says “34 Fairview Road.”
On other days that still unknown and anonymous members of the SERT team “found” pieces of taillight, they at least photographed them on top of snow mounds.
But not the gigantic pieces Proctor “found” on February 18, that none of the people who attended the February 14 party saw.
Just a reminder, the gigantic pieces Proctor “found” on February 18 covered much of the right hand side of the tail light, which is on the side of the car, not the back.
If that piece was not on the car after Karen Read allegedly struck John O’Keefe, then that part of the taillight should not have lit up when Read left 1 Meadows Ave to go look for her boyfriend at 5:07 AM. Yet it did.
The red pieces of taillight covering the bottom right hand part of her taillight were clearly still on her vehicle at that point. But they weren’t on the vehicle when it was photographed in the Canton Police Sallyport garage, after Michael Proctor was seen on inverted video hanging around that part of the car.
The only 4 pieces of tail light that were planted were the 4 pieces found by the SERT team on January 29. After that Proctor didn’t need to “find” any taillight. All he had to do was enter them into evidence. Who’s gonna stop him? Bukkake? Brian Tully? Michael Morrissey? The detractors will say that Proctor wouldn’t risk his career to cover for Brian Albert. But what was he really risking? It’s not a risk if you know your bosses are going to protect you no matter what.

Speaking of “the tail light”
Do you think Hank was calling the pieces “glass” all day on the 2nd day of his sham berating of Dr. Russell because he was trying to get Dr. Russell to correct him, in order to open a door that he thinks he could then force her to admit she indeed did know more about the crime scene and what may have been said, etc.?
Or is is he just a average plate of dim sum?
Whatever the case kudos to Dr. Russell for not taking the bait and for the defense team forcing him to admit his odd, day long repeated error(s), on the record at the end of the day.
If you click the user name you will see a spot on ‘Hank’ video… However, I doubt Hank has the decency that Prof. Julius Kelp did, even though I see some evidence that he does think he is like Buddy Love.
I think he repeated “glass” over & over because glass shatters & cuts far worse than plastic.. he knows darn well that it’s not glass but he also knows glass itself shattering near flesh can be brutal with slicing injuries ! Just my opinion! They have a excuse FOR EVERYTHING!! Even the article above, why is it that “they” would have any injuries at all ? If it indeed happened so fast & wasn’t some drawn out fight, JO was outnumbered by big men, & a a attack dog , maybe JO didn’t have a opportunity to to get a jab in or cause any injuries to them because he was outnumbered & being attacked by a dog !! It’s clear though by JO’s injuries that someone was able to give him plenty of deadly jabs his poor face was beaten so badly… But she’s saying that Karen was responsible for his injuries cause the grown oversized men in her family had “no injuries” that of course they cared to show her … But she thinks 90 pound KR instead got in a fight with JO even though they had no history of violent fights ! Also it was February at this party wouldn’t them men be fully clothed ? Long pants long sleeves so other than hands & head what injuries would she see ?? & Was she inspecting them ? Just more excuses !! Would love to know who gave her messages up!
That’s hilarious!
I’ve never commented on a blog post before, but I couldn’t resist after reading yours. It was just too good not to!
Your blog post was a real eye-opener for me. Thank you for challenging my preconceived notions and expanding my worldview.
All of this has hit pathetic levels. People towing a line on and wanting to be included in the documentaries, folks gate keeping justice for their own personal status. It’s all subjective, objective and completely stupid. The idea that this case is subjective is probably the most egregious and ridiculous thing. Turtleboy for example has brought his own level of subjectivity to this case because people don’t like his reporting. Objectively speaking, the facts of science regarding someone backing into someone and smashing their taillight against a human body are easily recreated in a lab setting. The FBI has already recreated the reported facts in a lab. John, god rest his soul was not killed by Karen. This is factually proven with the scientific method. This case is closed in regards to Karen. The real case has yet to begin. It has yet to begin because of federal due diligence. The Alberts are planning to pin this on the ATF agent and the ATF agent is currently denying involvement to investigators.
The long dick of the law is a very old dick. It takes it a long time for it to get ready.
It’s a bit of a moot point in regard to Colin ‘Never Been In a Fight” Albert since there are multiple photos showing he had both a healing black eye and bruised/ scraped knuckles in the weeks following the death of John O’Keefe…
Or am I remembering that wrong?
One might even ask why she would even be pondering such things about these upstanding gems of Canton, given her status as McAlbert arm candy?
Your blog post was like a crash course in [topic]. I feel like I learned more in five minutes than I have in months of studying.
Is this true?