TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 470: Rick Green’s After David Completely Annihilates Misinformation Pushed By Commonwealth “Experts” About Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 Google Search


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Karen Read’s defense team’s motion yesterday, along with Rick Green’s after David, completely destroyed the Commonwealth’s false assertion that Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 AM Google search has been “debunked.” In fact, it undeniably proved that the search happened, it was deleted either by McCabe or the State Police, and then hidden from the defense. After the defense uncovered this unfortunate exculpatory evidence the Commonwealth sought out two hired guns – Ian Whiffin and Jessica Hyde – in order to cast doubt on the search, and in turn insult Rick Green’s competence. But the tables have now turned as we’ve learned that Whiffin used his influence at Cellebrite to destroy evidence, and Hyde’s story changed after Whiffin was brought on board.

1. Rick Green does weekly training to stay updated on forensic phone extractions and has taken dozens of courses in the last calendar year. 


2. Nicholas Guarino claims he didn’t find any of Jennifer McCabe’s Google searches because he used a previous version of Axiom to extract her phone. Green tested this out by using the same version of Axiom that Guarino did, and the 2:27 search for “hos long to die in cold” was there. This means exculpatory evidence was intentionally not turned over to the defense. 


3. Ian Whiffin emailed Green during the trial to tell him that the deleted 2:27 Google search for “hos long to die in cold” would not be included in the latest updated version of Celebrite Physical Analyzer. Whiffin literally got his company to delete evidence in a murder trial because he wanted to seem smarter than Green. It is completely inappropriate for one witness to email another witness like this, and clearly this is an ego thing for Whiffin. Green’s competence was brought into question by Whiffin, who admittedly had to use his influence at Cellebrite in order to do so. 


4. The most updated version of Axiom shows an even more precise time for Jennifer McCabe’s Google search – 2:27:40.465. 


5. Green used 5 other software extraction programs to analyze Jennifer McCabe’s cell phone, including Ian Whiffin’s app that he used the Read trial to advertise, which only has 600 users worldwide. All of them show the search occurred at 2:27 AM.  


6. The 2:27 AM search was either deleted by Jennifer McCabe or police after they downloaded an image of her phone on February 2, 2022. The idea that it self-deleted has been completely debunked. 


7. Green has been doing this sort of work for 30 years, and said that the lack of a hash value that is used to validate the data in the phone has not been manipulated, is “incredibly unusual,” “unprecedented,” and he has never seen that happen before.  


8. Jennifer McCabe has done more than 4,500 Google searches, but the only one that was ever deleted was the 2:27 search for “hos long to die in cold.” 


9. The Commonwealth’s excuse for the “hos long to die in cold” 2:27 search is that Jennifer McCabe was using a Safari tab to look at a Hockomock sports website at 2:27, and then used that tab at 6:24 to Google “hos long to die in cold.” This lie has been completely debunked as it was revealed for the first time in Green’s after David that the tab she was using to look at the Hockomock sports website was a completely different tab from the one used to Google “hos long to die in cold.”


10. Whiffin only used 2 tools (including his own app) to search Jen McCabe’s phone, while Jessica Hyde used 4. Green used all of the tools they used, and an extra one. His research was much more thorough. 


11. Jessica Hyde’s May 2023 report didn’t disagree with Green’s report about the deleted 2:27 Google search. However, after she began working with Whiffin she submitted a different report in December of 2023 that didn’t mention that. 


12. Attorney Robert Alessi referred to the Commonwealth’s complete disappearance of evidence (the 2:27 Google search) as “unpersoning,” “Government tyranny,” and “Orwellian.” Because it is. 


13. Rick Green started his own digital forensics company United States Forensics 19 years ago. They are hired to investigate 100-120 cases a year – one every 3 days. They turn down 2 out of every 3 offers they get because they are in such high demand. They work on behalf of both defense teams and law enforcement, and thus have no bias towards anyone. He is not a hired gun, he is a widely respect expert trusted across the country by police investigators and defense attorneys. 


14. Hank Brennan calling Green’s findings “debunked” in the title of a motion was inappropriate and merely a stunt to garner media attention and clicks from dumb people on Twitter. Ironically, his use of this insulting word is what inspired Green to debunk Whiffin and Hyde. 


15. This is an abuse of the Daubert hearing process, since Green is clearly over qualified and will be allowed to testify. It was designed to drain Karen Read of resources and take time away from trial preparation for her attorneys. 


Rick Green’s biggest weakness in the first trial is that he was way too nice. Rick Green is used to doing his job, reporting his findings, and letting a jury decide what to do with that information. But for the first time he was treated with scorn and contempt by corrupt, dishonest prosecutors. He apologized on the stand for any distress he caused Adam Lally, something he will not apologize for in the retrial.

Ian Whiffin is the definition of a hired gun. He is clearly an arrogant elitist who used the Read trial as a way to make a name for himself and promote his app. He did a fraction of the amount of research that Green did, and has an even smaller fraction of his experience. When the data didn’t say what he wanted it to say he used his influence as a Cellebrite employee to have the evidence destroyed. Green still treated him with respect, despite the blatant disrespect Whiffin showed to him.

Nicholas Guarino is a criminal who has a documented history of not handing over exculpatory cell phone data from extractions he conducted if it doesn’t fit the Commonwealth’s narrative. He protected pedophile murderer Matthew Farwell, and now he is protecting the people who murdered John O’Keefe.

By insulting Green with his “debunked” motion, Hank Brennan awoke a sleeping giant just in time for trial 2. Rick Green now knows that for the first time he will be aggressively attacked and his legitimacy questioned by the prosecution, so he will be well prepared to defend himself. This is bad news for Jennifer McCabe and Nicholas Guarino because it will only reaffirm to the jury and the general public that they helped cover up the murder of a beloved Boston Police Officer.

If Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 AM search for “hos long to die in cold” happened it not only proves Karen Read is innocent, but it directly inculpates Jennifer McCabe. But it’s important to remember that Karen Read doesn’t have to prove it happened because Jennifer McCabe is not on trial here. The fact that someone as experience and qualified as Rick Green says it happened is reasonable doubt, and makes it impossible for any honest juror to vote to convict her. This is exactly why Brennan wants a Daubert hearing – he knows that the only way he has any chance of convicting Karen Read is by preventing the jury from hearing the truth from the experts.


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  1. Why not make a blog discussing the pivot to blaming the ATF agent and the plow he had on his Jeep that was on scene? There is plenty of online footprint between the r/justiceforjohnokeefe, r/KarenReadTrial and the multiple Twitter accounts now pushing the ATF agent may have acted on his own. Many of these accounts are now saying this could have happened because of a plow which they conveniently point out the ATF agent had.

    Obviously the first plan was to blame the town plow driven by Lucky. It seems the next plow on scene driven by the ATF agent is the new target.

    Who knows? Someone does.


  2. So now instead of trying to disprove the goggle search, the commonwealth is going to have to do a 180 and charge her with perjury and then murder. How is that going to work? It will be something to see for sure.

  3. JM is one sick person to wear a Justice For JJ pin when the way OJO will get justice is when JM and company are all arrested and behind bars! She’s psycho!!

  4. Cellebrite should be investigated!! Only read half so far but have questions: 1) Will Hyde and Whiffin testify or whatever it is called again? Hope they are made to splain. Why didn’t the defense ask Hyde why she changed her report after meeting/interacting with Whiffin? and 2) Was that 4,500 google searches not deleted–only the ‘hos long to die…’ one fact included in the last trial? I don’t remember that.

    Thanks so much this was so helpful.

    1. Hyde is a self identified expert. She does not know how a computer works or how code is written. Cellebrite is a software company. Much like excel you can take a class to learn how to be more proficient with said software. Hyde is the equivalent to a college student who took a class to use excel. She’s taken some classes on the use of Cellebrite and now sells herself as a computer forensics expert. She doesn’t even understand what a hash is or how a computer or smartphone CPU code data is hashed. Computers are calculators and they produce numbers that turn into what you see on your screen. Cellebrite is simply a way to read the numbers a computer or smartphone produces. Investigating Cellebrite is like investigating a dam because it’s letting water through in a way other dams don’t.

      Software companies like most companies make their money off of being useful, I highly doubt a software engineer or large scale software company would code their software to manipulate data to please one specific client. This case and the dogshit testimony made by 2 self identified “experts” are not enough to damage Cellebrite’s reputation or credibility. In layman’s terms, Cellebrite doesn’t give a fuck about this case or what these two inexperienced self identified experts have to say. As a matter of fact they’d probably laugh

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