TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 486: Turtleboy Profile Featured In The Atlantic Captures The Essence Of Who I Am And Why I Do What I Do


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The Atlantic published a 46 page story about me that will be available next month in their magazine. It’s available online for paid subscribers, but the author Chris Heath sent me a PDF for me to share.

Turtleboy_ The Blogger Who Upended the Karen Read Trial – The Atlantic

I was honored to be featured in a publication as large and as international as The Atlantic. Chris did an amazing job writing it, spent months interviewing me and following me around, and I feel like he really captured who I am and what I’m all about. I’m gonna go over it in more detail on the Live Show tomorrow night at 9 PM.

More than anything the article showed how much I believe in what I’m doing with the Karen Read case. Chris really pressed me on that, and asked me tough questions. But unlike the McAlberts and their protectors, I’m more than happy to answer tough questions with anyone.

Ten years ago when I started Turtleboy I never thought I’d be featured as a profile in The Atlantic, but here I am. There will be some who read this article and think I sound like a brash, arrogant shit-stirrer. But I think most people will read it and realize that I’m just a person with an unfiltered mouth who’s not willing to stay silent in the face of blatant corruption, no matter what the cost. This is who I’ve been my entire life, and if you don’t like it then you don’t have to follow me. But either way, I will continue to fight for justice for Karen Read and for John O’Keefe because it’s the most important battle of my lifetime.



Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. I bought a subscription to this magazine three months ago. Cannot wait to get my paper copy! wohooo

  2. Aidan you are a marvelous investigator. A [Canton] cop “…never talks about the job.” The girl is definitely being framed. “The kid has been a problem around town for years, he’s protected.” The realtors know everything.

  3. Turtle goes all in , all chips are on the table, Karen did not murder John, but did turtle derail her trial ? Will we ever find out the really killers ? Not if turtle has his way, a win for deep state , a win for turtle, a loss for America and that’s just how turtle and his godfather want it ! The Altantic is most leftist rag on the planet, it’s no secret who really controls the ink ! Gov Healey for President and meatball as AGOTUS !

  4. Tonight I watched Runcle of the Bailey. As he showcased Alessi, he stopped. He said he had to assess this case & was concerned about his mental health, how depressing Cannone’s rulings are, how Karen isn’t getting a fair shot. Then I saw this, and believe everything will fall into place. All we have is hope

  5. The Atlantic!! Have been an Atlantic reader for over 30 years!! They better have gotten it right…will read now.

  6. When you say it like that…it’s hard not to say – this is awesome!

    When I hear you say in every intro of TB Live (sorry for the butchering of what you ACTUALLY say on the courthouse steps), ” I will not give up…and we will continue our journey for John O’Keefe and for justice for Karen Read.” I think you are most sincere and we are behind you all the way! Fuck the trolls and the haters- may they rot in hell where they belong. I have felt it so completely to the detriment of my family who think I’m a whack job (thankfully, not a C U next Tuesday), but I tell them that Karen Read (I have 2 daughters) could be them, getting railroaded to plea to a murder she did not commit. F That!

    Thank you for all you do…you will be retiring soon, away from Holden/Worcester if you so choose. For what you have done, you so deserve all of it. PS- Try to keep Mer. She’s super cool and she will tecah you a thing or two about patience and virtues.

    Yours always,

    A lifelong downtown Bostonian, married 29 years with 4 kids.(2 girls, 2 boys).


  7. Also…people should be able to access this article through using their library card number online. I think in Massachusetts it is the Digital Commonwealth system.

  8. The McAlberts,Cops, D.A., Judge are so Fucked.
    In 49 States and 195 Countries they would all be jailed for long spells.
    Unfortunately this is The Fiefdom of Massachusetts and they will all get away with it.
    Looking forward to the 3rd trial then maybe the World will scream
    ENOUGH !

  9. I had my doubts when this article started by calling Aidan a terrorist.

    The intended hyperbole aside it lines up with what those paying attention know of The Atlantic. INFOWARS has numerous citations of The Atlantic & their, dare I say, ratchet headlines & articles. Two examples:
    “The Atlantic Dedicates Entire Issue to Hysterically Warning ‘Fascist’ Trump Threatens Democracy: Second Term ‘Will Be Much Worse”
    & the ironic: “The Atlantic: ‘Unvaccinated People Belong On The No-Fly List’”
    Other are worse but…

    That said; Chris Heath did do a good job of capturing the nuisance of ‘Turtleboy’ & the complexities surrounding Aidan. He’s a good writer for sure.

    It would fair to say, as the subject is Aidan/ Turtleboy, Heath couldn’t capture every aspect of every lie in the Karen Read trial though, it seems curious to me that he left out Morrissey stating in his presser video that Proctor had no relationship with any of the people involved at 34 Fairview. Later, recalling defense witnesses Heath cites two accident reconstruction experts but leaves out, in fact, they were hired by the FBI, not the defense or the Commonwealth.
    Nor did he mention Fatt McAlbert’s assault on Aidan at the lacrosse game, to name a few.
    I think pointing out those omissions are not me nit picking but, again, so many lies, so much info…. Give him the benefit of the doubt here.

    However, he [Heath] gets at least one fact wrong and it’s an important one…

    John O’Keefe did NOT die at 34 Fairview !

    It’s not a matter of semantics or that many writing about O’Keefe make the same assertion… Facts matter! Especially in a murder trial.
    It is important for that & it begs the question; ‘Hos Long to Die In the Cold’, indeed.

    John O’Keefe was, in fact, still alive when the EMS arrived, when he was put in the ambulance. He had no Winter, let alone, blizzard appropriate clothing on.
    Yet, he survived for 6+ hours, outside, with multiple skull fractures, severe blood loss, dog bites, and various other cuts and abrasions to his face & head… all in those weather conditions and temps.

    Sadly it may be the shocking temp change of the warm ambulance that ultimately killed O’Keefe due to brain swelling.

    Imo, this error, unintentional as it may be, should be corrected for the official release of the article to come.

  10. Read it & weep. The Atlantic is fact checked & accurate. Everyone knows Karen Read is innocent. Why does anyone hold a sign wearing pink at a rally unless they are sick and tired of tolerating cops blatantly getting away with Murder & being charged with Witness Intimidation (Aidan Kearney a/k/a Turtleboy)?

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