TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 490: Documentary Producer Terry Meurer Doing Hit Piece On Karen Read Because Turtleboy Rejected Her Lied To Hollywood Reporter 


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Tomorrow is the release of part 1 of the first Karen Read documentary, “A Body in the Snow,” which will be streamed on Discovery ID. The producer Terry Meurer’s biggest claim to fame is most known for her work with Unsolved Mysteries, a television program 90’s kids remember vividly.

Meurer signed Karen Read to an exclusivity agreement while I was in jail, which I believed at the time was a mistake. The Read team wanted the the trial documented, and allowed Meurer and her team to have behind the scenes aspect with them throughout the trial. They filmed the ride into court with Karen every day, interviewed people outside, and had access to Read at the Omni hotel for war room meetings and interviews. Documentaries traditionally do not pay the featured subjects, and Read and her team are no different. They signed up to do this because they wanted the story told.

I thought this was a bad idea the moment I heard about it, as it seemed she took the first offer that came along. And I’m pretty sure I’m about to be proven right this week, as Terry turned out to be unprofessional, overly emotional, and even vindictive.

I have been contacted by several documentary producers to take part in their projects. I initially signed an exclusivity deal with Mark Wahlberg’s company in August 2023 that was good for one year. During that time I could not do interviews with any other documentaries as they shopped around the documentary to various streaming services. However, without access to Karen Read it was harder to sell. When that contract expired in August 2024 I signed a new deal with Compelling Pictures.

In April of 2024 I was approached outside of court by Terry’s camera crew and asked to do an interview. One of the producers emailed me on March 22, 2024, to asked to interview me and use my footage in their documentary. I told them I could not do an interview due to the contract I had signed with the Wahlbergs.

Terry herself reached out to me in Jun of 2024 and spoke to me again about the possibility of working together after my other contract expired. We spoke on the first of the defense calling their witnesses, and she told me that they only had 3 more witnesses to go. After court was over I intended on asking David Yannetti or Alan Jackson who those 3 witnesses were. However, Terry freaked out when she realized she wasn’t supposed to disclose information she found out privately from the defense team, and told me I couldn’t ask them about it. I told her that I couldn’t un-hear that, and had made no promises to her not to reveal things she told me.

This didn’t go over well with Terry. She threw a hissy fit and stormed off, complaining that I wasn’t loyal (I didn’t know her at all, and she volunteered this information to be unprovoked). Nonetheless, I decided that instead of pretending like I knew that there were only 3 witnesses left, I would just ask Yannetti how many witnesses he had left before asking who they were. That way Terry wouldn’t be burned. Watch as I ask at the 3:10 mark after court on June 21:

I told Terry that I did this to cover for her, but she was still pissy with me. She just came across an emotionally stunted child.

Meanwhile, things were falling apart with the Read team as well. Like most rational people, Karen and her attorneys were very confident that the trial would end in an acquittal. As the days went on during jury deliberations her team became stressed out and asked Terry for some space. She didn’t give it to them. After the trial was over Terry reportedly told Read, “I thought you said this was going to be an acquittal,” before telling her that she was going to move the project in another direction. In other words, she was going to pull a Gretchen Voss and a Phelpsy by including the McAlbert Mafia in her documentary.

After that Read stopped returning her phone calls and they have not spoken since. Terry had invested well over a million dollars out of her own pocket for this project and needed someone to stream it. She couldn’t close a deal with Netflix so she settled for Discovery ID.

In a recent interview with Hollywood Reporter, Terry blatantly lied about me. When asked about me she told the reporter that she didn’t interview me because of the 16 counts of witness intimidation I’m facing.

No Terry, I didn’t interview with you because I turned you down. You wanted me and you asked, and I said no.

This quote was pretty telling about the direction of the project:

“He’s being prosecuted, which tells you he has cross the line to have these charges leveled against him.”

If you think that merely being charged with a crime means that you have “crossed the line,” then you’re missing the whole point of what is happening not only with me, but with Karen Read. The entire premise here is that an innocent woman has been charged with a crime, and we’ve all learned how easy it is to do that with the closed door grand jury process, in which only one side presents a case just half of the jurors must believe that the facts presented to them cross the very low threshold of probable cause in order for charges to be filed.

“But he’s an independent journalist and isn’t held to the same standards as all the other reporters we included in the series.”

Actually, I am held to the same standards. I am not immune to defamation lawsuits if I report something wrong that damages someone. However, I am held to a much higher standard legally, as other reporters who have confronted the McAlberts and Proctors have not been charged with felony witness intimidation.

And this quote is all you need to read to know that this is gonna be McAlbert propaganda:

“It’s the collateral damage that he’s done in terms of the lives of these witnesses, who are just witnesses, as Jennifer McCabe says on the stand. It’s really concerning and disturbing.”

No, they’re not “just witnesses.” They’re lying, and the evidence showed that they helped cover up a murder. The collateral damage done to their lives is a direct result of the fact that they covered up and destroyed so much evidence, which is much more disturbing than me asking them questions at a lacrosse game.

She spoke with Ted Daniel, who agreed that this is much bigger than just a story about John O’Keefe and Karen Read. But she’s pushing the false narrative that the community is divided over the trial.

“There are two very, very strong theories on both sides of the case. The prosecution has really interesting points to make.”

No, there’s not. There’s one side that has facts, physics, and 8 eye witnesses who didn’t see a body on Brian Albert’s front lawn. There’s another side with butt dials, 2:27 Google searches, deleted phone calls, a disgraced pig lead detective, and a conehead crash reconstructionist whose scientific explanation for the crash included, “it just did,” and “the crime scene spoke to me.”

“I’ve not seen a case either where there’s so much suspicious behavior on both sides.”

If you’re “both-sidesing” the Karen Read case, then you’re being intellectually dishonest. I understand the desire to show “both sides” in a documentary because you don’t want to be accused of being biased or one-sided. But this is not one of those cases where the two sides are equal and both present a strong case. All of the suspicious behavior comes from one side. Only side has witnesses who disposed of their cell phones and SIM cards the day before a preservation order went out. Only one side has witnesses who lied on police reports about what time they towed Karen Read’s Lexus. Only one side withheld video evidence for 3 years, only to present it inverted at trial. Nothing about Karen Read’s behavior is suspicious in the least.

Terry led when she told the reporter that Karen Read’s team reached out to me, hoping to create a media narrative that favored her.

This is a well documented lie. I was alerted about this story by Brian Johnson on April 17, 2023 and made a Facebook and Twitter post announcing that I was writing about it. This caught the attention of Jennifer Altman, who alerted Karen’s college acquaintance Natalie the German, who began speaking with me. The story was being written with or without speaking to Natalie, and after researching it for hours I was convinced that this was a coverup.

“And the people that support John O’Keefe and his family and friends and the prosecution side, they wear blue.”

Wrong. The “pink people” all hold signs supporting John O’Keefe. That’s ultimately who we’re here for. We demand justice for John O’Keefe, which we cannot have without justice for Karen Read.

Then Terry had the audacity to accuse me of doing this for clicks and profit.

Meanwhile, Terry Meurer is likely to make a lot of money off of this documentary, specifically because she had access to Karen Read. No one is making more money off of this than her. And her complete lack of awareness led her to accuse other people, who have been reporting on this story and raising money for Read’s legal defense fund, of profiting off the case.

I’ve been making money off my journalism for the last decade, and every penny I’ve made off of my coverage of the Karen Read case has been a bi-product of my hard work and dedication to pursuing all angles of the story. It’s not “all about money and clicks.” I put myself in danger by exposing this unprecedented corruption, culminating in 16 felony charges and 60 days in jail. This has cost me un-Godly amounts of money and done a number on my mental health. I’m doing this because I believe in it like nothing I’ve ever believed in before. I’m doing this because I see pure evil running our law enforcement institutions and I’m not willing to stand back and let it happen simply because it makes me safer.

“He’s almost like a cult leader. He’s tapping into something, specifically in the Karen Read case, this idea that the system is corrupt and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

Oh, I see. Everyone who believes the system is corrupt and is no longer willing to accept that, is a cult leader. Ya know, like Martin Luther King and every other reformer who has ever existed.

Terry sat down for an interview with Lauren Conlin last week and said that she interviewed Jennifer Coffindaffer, Plevin, and “John’s friends” Brendan Kane and Tara Kerrigan.

Plevin and Coffindoofus are not serious people. Anyone who interviews them is not a serious person either, and they’re certainly not looking to do a serious project.

These are just two people who took the position they’re taking because they didn’t like me. Nothing they say or do suggests they are anything but cartoon characters.

Meanwhile, Brendan Kane and Tara Kerrigan add nothing of value or substance as John’s “friends.” Kane clearly just hates Karen Read and will blindly believe whatever lies the Commonwealth feeds him because it’s easier to believe that than come to terms with the reality that he was so easily duped. Kerrigan is just a pathetic woman in serious need of a mental health evaluation, who is likely still in love with O’Keefe after he dumped her 20 years ago.

Terry also said this during the interview:

“John gets lost in the noise around the case.” 

As soon as someone says “John’s been lost in this all,” you know that person is about to say that Karen Read is guilty. Phelps said the same thing on my show. It’s a disingenuous thing people say when they want to deflect from the fact that an innocent woman has been framed for murder. But when Terry decided she was going to do this documentary she didn’t reach out to John O’Keefe’s family or friends. She reached out to Karen Read, and then she reached out to me. She was fully invested in using the documentary to show Read’s innocence, but then she got rejected and became upset with both of us so she decided to reach out to Plevin, Coffindoofus, and the McAlbert Mafia.

So yea, don’t expect much from this grifting documentary.


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  1. Yes, I listened to the interview until John O’Keefe was used. That’s when you say Uh Oh, he didn’t see or hear anything. He died, which is tragic but nothing to do with the evidence

  2. This is an important piece pre-airing of the, what I am told, 3 part docu-series.

    However, Aidan… It is so full of typo’s, missing words, etc. it’s very distracting. People that know the case & your writing can self correct but this article suffers from the errors.

    I read that you use speech to type but if that is true you still need a proof reader. You are far to talented a writer & seasoned for this.

    Imuo, you should pull it, correct this, and re-post-it, asap, before the new ID Channel viewers come to your site, let alone, the usual suspect detractors.

    Praying for you.


      1. No.

        Just pointing out that the entire article is strewn with missing words, typo’s, i.e. things a copy editor/ proof reader would or should catch. I’m praising his writing but pointing out it needs the polish ‘it’ deserves. It is a professional news outlet aka journalism

  3. At least this will be taught in Law schools and police academies for eternity on how Not to investigate and prosecute a murder.

    God Bless Turtle Boy.

  4. Well said….handled like a professional. I commend your honest and thorough reply. What she meant by different standards seems more like she really meant to say, “I can’t sway him with the same koolaid as others, he doesn’t do tricks.” And if so, she’s right. That’s why we love you. Keep making your own lane!

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