TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 491: Hank Brennan Is Afraid To Let Karen Read Jury Hear From Dog Bite Expert Garrett Wing, FBI Agent Mike Easter About John O’Keefe’s Injuries And Lack Of Proper Investigation


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Karen Read’s defense team has submitted her list of witnesses for the second trial, but they have not been docketed yet by Jameson Jim McDermott. However, we do know that there are at least 8 new experts, and based on opposition motions filed this morning two of them are retired FBI agent Mike Easter and dog bite expert Garrett Wing.

Garrett Wing is the Mona Lisa Vito of dog bite experts. As he explained in a January 2024 interview with Attorney Melanie Little, his experience is extensive, as his father was a police K9 handler with the Miami Police Department. He grew up with multiple police dogs in the house, and his father had him bit by a police dog (in a dog bite sleeve) in front of kindergarteners as part of a demonstration when he was 8 years old.

He followed in his father’s foot steps and worked for the Miami Police Department for 18 years.

His resume is as impressive as anyone’s, showing extensive background work as an instructor, K9 handler, and business owner.

Garrett Wing is not a medical doctor, and as of two weeks ago this would’ve precluded him from being on the witness list, since Judge Cannone made it clear in the first trial that Dr. Andrew Rentschler could not testify about the causation of injuries on John O’Keefe’s arm because he was not a medical doctor.

Yet last week Auntie Bev ruled that Jim Crosby, who has his own YouTube channel but is not a medical doctor, was allowed to testify as an expert on dog bite causation.

Crosby claims to have taken teeth moldings from a dog the Commonwealth claims is Brian Albert’s “re-homed” dog Chloe, which the defense was not permitted to observe or verify. Crosby’s “expertise” is in dog bite behavior, not analyzing wounds to determine if they were caused by a dog.

Garrett Wing, on the other hand, has dedicated his entire career to dog bites. He is an amazing communicator, and will be extremely convincing and effective with the jury. I would opine that he’s going to be even more convincing than Dr. Russell, simply because of his ability to answer any question with the utmost confidence and a loud volume. One of things he explained to Melanie Little was why John’s arm had so many lacerations. According to Wing dogs like Chloe that are not trained police K9’s, have not been taught how to latch onto someone’s arm like police K9’s have been. So when they bite down, and the person instinctively pulls their arm away, the teeth rip the skin and creates lacerations that are not as deep as police K9 bites.

This is the same conclusion Dr. Russell reached.

An untrained dog like Chloe will bite someone multiple times because they have not been taught to latch on. Thus the victim’s arm would look like John O’Keefe’s. The Commonwealth claims that they are not dog bites on John’s arm because there are no lower teeth bit marks. But according to Wing it’s almost impossible to tell which marks are from bottom teeth and which are from top teeth.

Wing was able to tell just by looking at John’s arm exactly where each tooth bit down.

Wing said he sent pictures of the arm to other experts, and they both agreed that the bites came from an untrained dog, like Chloe.

Wing is convinced it’s a dog bite, and will testify as such.

As a former teacher I can tell you that being able to communicate effectively is the most important thing you must be able to do to get the people you’re talking to to retain what you are saying. Garrett Wing can do this better than Dr. Sheridan, Dr. Russell, and Dr. Crosby. He will have that jury eating out of the palm of his hand, and there will be no doubt in their minds after his testimony is over that John O’Keefe was bitten by an untrained dog. This will make it impossible for them to rule out that Chloe bit John, and thus there is reasonable doubt that Karen Read ran him over with a car.

This is why Hank Brennan doesn’t want Wing to testify – he knows he can’t convict Read if he does. Spanky realizes that the admission of Dr. Crosby has made it impossible for him to make the argument that Wing isn’t qualified because he’s not a medical doctor.  It’s notable that in his opposition Brennan does NOT point out that Wing isn’t a medical doctor. Instead Brennan is complaining that Wing didn’t submit a report, so it’s trial by ambush.

It was smart of the defense to not let anyone know who their witnesses would be until 2 weeks before the trial. Now Brennan is panicking because he doesn’t have enough time to come up with a bullshit reason to exclude them.

Mike Easter is being called by the defense to do something a lot of FKR supporters have suggested – have an experienced law enforcement investigator testify that the State and Canton Police did not conduct an appropriate investigation. Common sense tells us that putting blood in solo cups, not securing a crime scene, not searching Brian Albert’s house, not looking into who was driving the Ford Edge seen outside Brian Albert’s house at 3 AM, putting the wrong time that Karen Read’s car was towed, not reviewing Saly port garage footage until years later, losing arm tissue samples, not interviewing 5 people who were inside Brian Albert’s house around when a woman gunned it 24 mph in reverse and struck at 220 pound man just 40-50 feet away from where they were standing, and a plethora of other blunders, are indicators that the police did not do a proper investigation before charging Karen Read.

But it helps when the jury can hear from an experienced investigator just how much fuckery was amok.

Mike Easter worked with the FBI for over 20 years as an investigator, and has worked on thousands of cases involving the analysis of cell phones. He has designed the curriculum that the FBI uses to teach law enforcement officers on methodology.

In 2021 he testified at a murder trial in Missouri, breaking down cell phone records of the accused to determine his location.

His experience is directly applicable to the investigation into John O’Keefe’s death, because it involves so much forensic analysis and appears to be handled badly by the police.

Easter’s testimony wouldn’t be necessary if the Commonwealth wasn’t insistent that the investigation itself was excellent. The excuse for Michael Proctor’s text messages was that they were inappropriate and unprofessional, but didn’t affect the “integrity” of the investigation. Easter will kill that narrative.

Hank Brennan thinks that the defense should be able to cross examine Proctor and Brian Tully, whose word the jury must take as gospel when they testify that their investigation was by the book. But he doesn’t think they should be allowed to hear from someone who teaches courses on how to conduct investigations.

Hank Brennan knows Karen Read is innocent, and he knows that her witnesses will prove that. But since he’s a mob lawyer he was brought in to play dirty, and he knows that his only hope of convicting/lynching Read is to prevent her from putting on an effective defense.



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      1. I hope your good friends, the McAlberts, enjoy receiving bloody ATM. It’s coming.

      2. Dream on! I can’t wait for the day Brian Albert, Brian Higgins, Colin Albert, and Jen McCabe are all behind bars! And their kids will not have an easy life after all the lies they testified to while under oath. They all think they’re safe, well, they’re not!

  1. They don’t want her to be able to defend herself, only Hanky is suppose to get a fair trial. I have a feeling that Aunt Bev will give Karen & her team a hard time again with these two experts.

  2. Only a medical doctor can speak to the causation of a dog bite. In fact, if your own dog bit you, you would have to see a doctor to confirm that’s what happened. Upon completion of medical school they are imparted with mystical powers and knowledge that no one else could possibly know.

  3. So a K9 expert and a author of the training book for policing are being challenged by a fkng weasel.

  4. If they were so confident in their case, they wouldn’t challenge these witnesses. But they need a corrupt judge to put the fix in and save their botched investigation.

  5. I believe he was bit by the dog….the marks look exactly like mine when I was bit by a German Shepherd. I believe she is being setup by the people in the house that know what happened…Karen deserves to be exonerated and the real perpetrators need to face justice. This could happen to anyone especially in this corrupt justice system. We all should want the truth.

  6. The Commonwealth is more concerned & focused on denying Karen Read a proper defense than they are of providing actual proof, testimony & evidence that she struck & killed Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe with her vehicle.

    Brian Albert never came out of his house that morning
    Jen McCabe decided to delete calls & text messages from her phone instead of going inside Brian Alberts house for help from a trained first responder.
    They’re all pieces of shit!!

  7. Hey Proctor… nah nah nah… hey hey goodbye 😂😂😂😂

    I used to love the comments section here with hundreds of amusing comments… that prick zuckerberg ruined it by de-platforming TB.

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