TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 494: Hank Brennan Loses Motion For Access To Turtleboy’s Complete Cell Phone Records


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Just when you thought we’d seen it all in the Karen Read case, Thursday proved to be perhaps the craziest day yet in this 2 year roller coaster. Hank Brennan filed a motion for my cell phone records, which the special prosecutor in my case (Robert Cosgrove) currently has access to. He believes there may be communications in which I plot to conspire with Karen Read to intimidate witnesses. Brennan has had access to Read’s phone records since January 2024, so he already has any communications I had with Read. Therefore, it appears as if what he really wants is my communications with other people (Alan Jackson, David Yannetti, Read family members), in a last ditch effort to prove what a grand jury already said there was no probable cause for – the half baked idea that Read was the real master mind of what they are alleging was witness intimidation on my part.

Because this was Karen Read’s prosecutor and the records were for her case, she had a right to be there with her lawyers. She already had a scheduled hearing after my hearing in the same courtroom, but with a different judge. However, they were never alerted to this by the Commonwealth and only found out Brennan was in court with me by watching it on YouTube. Minutes into the hearing they burst into the courtroom and Brennan immediately began crying about their presence there. Unfortunately for him the Judge made a ruling that they had a right to be there. Both my Attorney Tim Bradl, and Attorney Elizabeth Little spoke in opposition to Brennan’s Rule 17 motion for my phone records. The entrance and the look given to Spanky by Karen Read was epic.

For what it’s worth, I have nothing to hide in my phone. My defense is that everything they call “witness intimidation” is protected speech. If I thought it was illegal I wouldn’t have broadcast it to the world on YouTube and other social media platforms. Nothing I did was directed by Karen Read. I’ve been using the same tactics that I took with the McAlberts on hundreds of other people I’ve been writing about as part of my journalism over the years (Monica Cannon-Grant and countless others I’ve called on my show and protested in person). It just wasn’t illegal until I exercised my First Amendment rights on the McAlberts.

The judge denied most of what Spanky was looking for, although he did allow the motion in part, but only as it relates to messages directly between me and Karen Read. All messages between me and her attorneys, or any other sources, will not be given to Breenan.

The order is as narrow as it gets. Spanky is ONLY entitled to messages between me and Karen Read, that concern:

  1. Communication between me and the witnesses
  2. Pictures or videos I sent to her of me intimidating witnesses
  3. Data I sent to her showing evidence of witness intimidation

Unfortunately for Spanky, Karen Read and I spoke on the Signal app, which is encrypted and not readable. So ultimately he’s not going to get a single thing from this motion. However, if they could read our messages all they would see is a reporter speaking to the subject of his reporting about the case he was reporting on. We didn’t speak about my encounters with the McAlberts, as it wasn’t germain to the case.

Anyway, this is yet another Hail Mary from a pathetic, nerdy prosecutor who has taken L after L after L on this case, and will no doubt take his biggest L of all at trial.



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    1. 100%. each of them had such a bitter stare towards Spanky. can’t wait to see how this is brought up next week to Auntie Bev as it sounds like she gave wrong info to Jackson and team at sidebar.

  1. Breenan also filed the motion under CW vs Karen Read… so it was strange that another judge (other than Cunt Bev) was hearing the arguments. Sneaky, corrupt, whine bag Breenan.. there is a special place in hell for him.

    1. Read and Kearney are off to prison and you’ll still be stuck living on your Natty Lite budget, moron.

        1. OMG, #1 in the order says, “…between Aidan Kearney and any witness or family members of a witness involved in the m•rder of John O’Keefe!” Looks like this judge knows Karen was framed!

      1. What’s up, McAlbert! 🤣 You’re in the 1% of “special” folks who think someone can d¡e from a car hitting their arm. How embarrassing for you! Shame on you for supporting dirty cops & prosecutorial misconduct.

        #1 in the order says, “…between Aidan Kearney and any witness or family members of a witness involved in the m•rder of John O’Keefe!” Looks like this judge knows Karen was framed!

      2. Karen logged into John’s home WiFi at12:36, meaning she had to have left 34 Fairview by 12:30. The McCabes told Proctor Karen left when Jen last texted John – at 12:45 – which is why Lally said the crime occurred at 12:45 in his opening statement. When it was revealed that Karen was at 1 Meadows by 12:36, it was clear Jen McCabe was full of sch¡tt! Oopsie!

  2. Who is in charge of sorting through which messages are allowed, and how can you trust that they won’t leak other messages/info?

    If looks could kill, Karen Read’s stare down of Spanky would’ve put him down in a heartbeat

    1. Karen looked to me as a serious woman in a serious situation, she looks to see what was happening…smart girl!! She has the best people behind her and beside her and she still is on her A game. 100% participating, I love that for her. This is a girl on a mission against all odds. I’ve never seen a more moronic bunch of not even good lies; yet they somehow in the state of Ma hold clout….why is that…….sooooo obvious to me! FREE KAREN READ free AIDEN KEARNEY & LEGALIZE FREEDOM….BUNCH OF KOOKS ALLOWED TO RUN MASSACHUSETTS INTO THE GROUND…

  3. I’m trying to think if I’ve ever disliked anybody as much as Spanky – he is the ultimate villain. But this isn’t a movie, it’s real.

    1. It was epic, and Karen mad dogging Stanky was my favorite thing about this entire sh•tshow. I watched it so many times because it cracks me up!

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