TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 57: Kerry Roberts’ Husband Arrested For Domestic Assault And Battery, Told Police Karen Read Was In Emotionally Abusive Relationship With John O’Keefe


Kerry Roberts was not inside 34 Fairview Road the night her friend John O’Keefe was murdered, but she has become a central figure in the coverup because she was with Karen Read when they discovered his body outside the house on the morning of January 29, 2022. Roberts has provided statements to police, accusing Read of confessing to striking O’Keefe with her car. She was on the phone with Jennifer McCabe for almost 2 hours on the day they found O’Keefe’s body, discussing what they were going to tell police. McCabe called her immediately before AND after she spoke with Sgt Michael Lank at 9 to inform him that McCabe had suddenly remembered that Karen confessed to killing John in the car. Roberts has also told police that O’Keefe was breaking up with Read, which she claimed Read didn’t want to happen, leading to the upgraded charges of murder. But like many people in this case, Kerry Roberts is a massive hypocrite who should clean up her own house first before casting stones.

On November 18, 2019, the Canton Police Department responded to a call from Roberts house on 14 Ponkapoag Way, where Kerry resides with her husband Curt and her two young children (who were 8 and 9 years old at the time). According to both Curt and Kerry, the two of them got into a shouting match in front of the children that escalated when Curt told his 9 year old daughter that he was going to “bash your mother’s skull in.” Kerry locked herself in the bathroom, and when she emerged she slapped Curt in the face in front of her children. Curt hit her twice after that and was charged with domestic assault and battery. The fight was over Curt’s sister in law’s real estate company going out of business, and he appeared to be drinking.

These people are all trashbags, masquerading as proper suburban families. If you get into a physical altercation in front of your children that ends up with DCF opening a file on your family, and the nexus of the incident was over as something as trivial as a real estate company that neither parent owns, then I guarantee you this is not the first time this has happened. It was also 9:15 on a school night and the 8 and 9 year old kids should’ve been in bed instead of watching their parents handle domestic disputes the Canton way.

Karen Read is being charged with murder largely due to the testimony of Kerry Roberts, who helped create the false narrative that her friend John O’Keefe was in an emotionally abusive relationship with Read. In reality, Kerry Roberts lives in a home where children have to witness their parents threatening to kill each other, hitting each other in the face, and watching their father being taken out of the house in handcuffs. Instead of applying for a 209A to protect her children’s best interests, Kerry Roberts allowed Curt back into their home and the charges were dropped after she refused to cooperate with the DA’s Office.

This. Isn’t. Normal. 

I don’t have a single friend who has EVER had the police called to their house over a domestic dispute. This was likely not the first time it happened, and I’d opine that the children probably have to witness destructive behavior like this regularly. It’s unclear if Kerry Roberts even has a job as she is always free to attend court dates. It’s notable that Curt has never attended a hearing for Karen Read.

Despite her documented history of domestic violence (in which she only avoided arrest because she doesn’t have a penis) Kerry Roberts chose to insert herself into this story, ignore mountains of evidence showing that her “friend” John O’Keefe was murdered inside 34 Fairview Road, and feed the police false information that has been used to persecute the only person in this story who actually gave a shit about John O’Keefe – Karen Read. She had the nerve to speak ill of Karen’s relationship with John while living with a domestic abuser who threatens to bash her skull in in front of her children.

Then again, this is hardly surprising from Kerry Roberts. She told police that she didn’t know Jen McCabe, despite the fact that they live a quarter mile from each other, and they drive to Karen Read’s hearings together.

She also posted a picture on Facebook of her son with John O’Keefe’s nephew, while he was wearing a Little League uniform advertising the pizza shop owned by family members of the people who murdered her good friend John O’Keefe.


We’ll be asking Kerry more about this incident when we see her outside of court on July 25.


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  1. Is it a requirement to be A COMPLETE scumbag to live in this zip code? – they are all nothing more than trailer trash. God ALWAYS wins. I would hate to have to live in their heads –

  2. They hit each other in front of the children and the state left those children in their custody and care to continue seeing it. If this happened in Boston or Springfield, those kids would have been removed the second she dropped those charges.

  3. So, this idiot’s story is they broke up, Karen was emotionally abusive, therefore … she ran him over? He dumped her in the middle of the night at the sketchiest house party ever? Weird. Then ran him down…? Good story, Kerry. Sounds like some dumb shit she and Jennifer would say. She thought he was ignoring her, when, in fact, those people were WAITING for him to DIE. What did Google say Jen? Trash.

    This woman is a mess. She’ll fall apart during a trial and being on the stand.

    Thing is… when you’re in an emotionally abusive or physically abusive relationship, sometimes you want to be around friends for the breakup, if you’re actually in fear. People you feel safe and secure with, people you trust WITH YOUR LIFE. These were not those people. As a cop, he’d know about deescalating and presenting “emotionally disturbed” individuals with “hard to swallow” information. Kerry wants us to think that happened that night? Okay. I’m gonna go with what the evidence shows: you covered it up. Lying bitch.

  4. She was good friends with O’Keefe? Good enough of a friend for him to confide in about relationship problems? Yet not close enough of a friend to be introduced to Karen? Not close enough to ever be invited over for a dinner, drinks or even a BBQ? Out for dinner or drinks? Does anybody have a good friend that lives less than a mile away thst knows that much about your personal life but whom you never introduced to the woman you live with and is helping you raise your kids? She’s going to get destroyed on cross examination if this ever goes to trial. Clearly she nit even a close acquaintance.

    1. Kerry Roberts attended Braintree High School. Her maiden name is McDermott. I am not sure if it’s true, but I heard a rumour that she sucked off the entire Braintree High Hockey team one night after a big win.


  5. Kerry Roberts attended Braintree High School. Her maiden name is McDermott. I am not sure if it’s true, but I heard a rumour that she sucked off the entire Braintree High Hockey team one night after a big win. She was about a year behind John O’Keefe.


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