TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 94: Michael Proctor Said Fake Corporation Owned By Albert Family Friend Plowed Fairview Road, Lied About GPS Being Broken In February 3 Report



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On March 15, 2022, Detective Michael Proctor wrote a report that was reviewed by his unit supervisor Lt. Brian Tully, in which he interviewed Canton DPW director Michael Trotta. In light of new information from Canton DPW plow driver Brian “Lucky” Loughran, this report directly implicates Proctor in the coverup, and shows the extent he is willing to lie in order to protect the people who murdered John O’Keefe.


Proctor’s report states that he spoke with Trotta on February 3, 2022, the day after Karen Read was arraigned on manslaughter charges in Stoughton District Court. How could they charge her with killing John O’Keefe before speaking to any employees of the DPW?

The report conveniently states that the the GPS system in the Canton plow trucks went down on January 24, 2022, just days before Lucky Loughran plowed Fairview Road and reported that John O’Keefe’s body was not on the front lawn of Brian Albert’s house at 2:30 AM.

I thought that was suspect when I first read it, but now we know for a fact it’s a lie because Lucky Loughran told us that the FBI approached him with GPS data showing that he plowed Fairview Road on January 29. Either Michael Trotta lied to Michael Proctor, or Proctor intentionally misquoted him in order to cover up the fact that Loughran plowed Fairview Road.

The report thats Trotta told Proctor that a company called “By The Yard” is used to assist with plowing roads in Canton. Proctor claims that Trotta said that By The Yard was not called until 3:30 AM, and that the town DPW trucks were only plowing the major streets in town. Fairview Road is not a major roadway.

But when Michael Proctor wrote his report on February 3, 2022, there was no company in existence called By the Yard. There are 3 companies that have ever existed under that name.

The first is By The Yard Inc out of Duxbury, but that was dissolved in 2012.

The second company is By The Yard Landscaping, INC owned by a man named Calvin Seaman from Norton (not far from Canton), but it was dissolved in 1998.

The third company was a corporation formed by a Duncan Calvin Seaman under the name By The Yard Landscape LLC on April 25, 2023. His wife Rosana Seaman is listed as a manager, and they are based out of Sharon (another town that abuts Canton).

Rosana appears to be from Brazil, and has two teenage boys.

Duncan Calvin Seaman’s Facebook profile lists him as a CO for Plymouth County Correctional Facility.

If you search for Duncan Calvin Seaman on Google one of the first things to come up is By The Yard Landscaping. Despite not being a registered corporation until 2023, Duncan Calvin Seaman has been posting pictures of jobs his “company” has been doing since 2014 on Facebook.

The problem is that By The Yard had no contract to plow with the Town of Canton in January of 2022 because it didn’t exist at the time. More importantly, Lucky Loughran works for the Canton DPW, not By The Yard, so the statement that By The Yard normally plows Fairview Road is a lie. Lucky Loughran plowed Fairview Road that night, and Michael Proctor had to throw people off his scent. Thus the dummy corporation, owned by Calvin Duncan Seaman.

I first began reporting on this story on April 18, 2023, and I stated that I would be looking into who plowed the roads the morning John O’Keefe was found on Brian Albert’s lawn. Michael Proctor knew that I would eventually see his report and that the “By The Yard” company that didn’t exist. Coincidentally the company was incorporated a week after I began reporting on April 25, 2023.

According to their Certificate of Organization, By The Yard Landscaping LLC has been in business for 40 years, but was a DBA until they decided to incorporate immediately after we began investigating this story. They do not list anything about plowing under services provided, and claim to have two to five employees.

None of those employees are Brian Loughran. We have reached out to Duncan Calvin Seaman to ask if he does plowing, or was contracted by the Town of Canton, but have not heard back.

This means that either Michael Trotta made up a lie about a nonexistent corporation that doesn’t plow roads being contracted to plow Fairview Road, or Michael Proctor is putting words in Trotta’s mouth and implicating him in the coverup. Trotta still has not returned our phone calls, and hid from us when we visited the Canton DPW in June. Like many people in Canton he likely hopes that if he ignores this it will all go away.

A man by the name of Dwight Seaman donated $500 to the Chris Albert campaign fund, and is listed as a teacher at Blue Hills Technical School in Canton. He lives in a $1.5 million home at 79 Spring Lane in Canton.

It’s unclear how a teacher can afford to live in a $1.5 million mansion (one street over from Fairview Road). Perhaps his wife Tina, who is good friends with the Alberts, is raking in the bucks.

Pictured in that family photo is Danielle Seaman, a 2022 graduate of Canton High School, and the daughter of Tina and Dwight Seaman. She posts pictures of her parents’ wedding day on her VSCO.

Danielle is Facebook friends with Jennifer McCabe, because adults and their friends co-mingle and socialize in this town like it’s going out of style.

Danielle Seaman is good friends with Colin Albert and Jen McCabe’s older daughters, and has pictures with them all over her VSCO, including a couple where they’re giving the Canton salute.

Danielle is also Facebook friends with Duncan Calvin Seaman, who is believed to be Dwight’s brother (her uncle).

Just to review:

  • Michael Proctor lied about the GPS being broken in the town plow trucks in his report.
  • Michael Proctor made up a fake corporation that plowed Fairview Road, which was later incorporated as a real company a week after we began reporting on it.
  • The fake corporation already existed but wasn’t registered with the state.
  • The fake corporation had no contract with the town, and was later incorporated by a man who has direct ties to the Alberts and McCabes.
  • Michael Proctor did all of this to avoid questioning Lucky Loughran, who was willing to tell him and anyone else from law enforcement that John O’Keefe’s body was not on the front lawn of 34 Fairview Road at 2:30 AM, and thus could not have been killed by Karen Read.


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    1. In the group photo most can’t hold up the middle finger without also sticking out a thumb or pinkie?

  1. Turtleboy, I love your stuff but you should be careful with this reporting. It’s possible that the FBI got its GPS from the driver Lucky’s cell phone, not from the plow itself. That means it’s possible that Proctor didn’t lie about the GPS being down on the plows — and if so, you could be liable for saying something that isn’t true about Proctor. This is getting close to “defamation per se” territory because you are essentially accusing him of a crime. As for By the Yard being a nonexistent business, a business doesn’t have to be registered to “exist.” Registration provides limited liability (hence the ability to add an LLC after registration) but anyone in the US can operate a business without having to register it. By the Yard may have a bank account and pay taxes, and actually contract with Canton, but not be a registered LLC. There are lots of reasons a business wouldn’t register, and being around informally for 40 years may be one of those reasons. You would be defaming the business by calling it “nonexistent” if it did, actually, exist but was unregistered. Especially because you seem to be implying hte business is involved in a crime by association. Again here you should be careful with your reporting.

    It’s shady AF that Proctor didn’t interview Lucky, but the speculative leaps you take in this article go a step too far, I think.

    1. I have a feeling Michael Proctor isn’t going to sue anyone because he’d have to endure discovery. He seems to be guilty in my opinion and guilty people definitely don’t want the attention. And Seaman needs to be questioned in person.

    2. They could easily clear this up. Have DPW produce an IT request or other message to have it fixed or an email of someone in the department reporting the system was down. Also DPW can produce a contract at anytime showing they did contract with the llc in question. Proctor can also do an interview with Lucky at anytime. Nothing is stopping him. Proctor could also document at anytime why he put what he did in his report. Was he told the system was down? Did he take any steps to verify that information? Also tb has many informants and has put together a 94 part series on this case. Do you honestly believe he didn’t ask a follow up question on the source of the gps? It is on Canton DPW and the police to clarify these inconsistencies. Not TB.

    3. Excellent points. TB also stated that “Proctor made up a fake corporation that plowed Fairview Rd.” Proctor reported nothing of the kind. All the report said is that sometimes BTY is brought in to help with the plowing. TB has made a few leaps here. I do also agree though that Proctor NOT interviewing the plow guy Lucky looks to me to be intentional. Of course! you’re going to interview the plow guy. He gives you rock solid time corroboration but think about it: If the plow guy DID see a body at 2:30AM….he would have reported it. The snow was not heavy at that time and he definitely would have seen it. He already knew what the plow guy was going to say and wanted to avoid him saying it and having it entered into the record. I have no other explanation as to why Proctor would not have interviewed the plow guy.

  2. Whoever killed John should have stepped up and confessed in the beginning that it was a fight that went too far. In this town they would have gotten a slap on the wrist. Not now. Too many eyes in this case.

  3. Money laundering, false corporations, donations, write offs…………

    Thats how they got Al Capone

  4. Another story here is how much is By the Yard being paid, and is there evidence this well-connected family is getting special treatment? Like is there even a competitive bidding process or does the plowing work just get given over to the Alberts’ friends?

    Also Proctor knew Fairview was plowed by the time he showed up in the morning, so how did he not ask more questions when Trotta allegedly said only the main roadways had been plowed? Bogus and suspect.

  5. The amount of under age drinking in all these photos is crazy!!!! Anyone “else’s” families would have been arrested or charged and the Alberts kids are allowed to post freely of it!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

  6. Follow the money. Canton treasurer’s office will have records of payments to Semen, bi the yard, or any other plowing company/individual and accompanying invoices. I hope Semen’s (or?) books are in order Pretty simple. Any record/proof of “bi the yard” being in existence prior to the report? Facebook,ig, yankee peddler or back page of the phoenix?

  7. every time I zoom in on Colin’s face it looks like he has remnants of a shiner, swollen eye, some sort of mark.
    Fake tough guy, just like the rest of the family. Guaranteed he started s*** with , JO. Got his ass beat and that’s when Fat Albert jumped in, pushed John down the stairs where he hit his head, Chloe pounced

      1. Their first thought to pin this on someone else was crazy. Involving a 3rd innocent party was unnecessary and added to the complexity of the cover up. Karen is a lot smarter than them and had financial resources. Big mistake trying to pin it on her.

  8. Oh yikes. The Seaman’s in Stoughton are a lot like the Albert’s in the sense that that’s where all the underage kids went to drink and get high while the parents sat upstairs… 2015-2020!

  9. I know many town employees where I live.when plowing they know every pot hole,sewer covers ect bumps in the road that the plow can snap when hit .they are constantly looking to the side of the road as well.i don’t believe he could miss seeing a body or a dark large object on white snow.

      1. He’s going to need a turtle rider with a law degree to represent him in a lawsuit against the town when they try to fire him. Turtle riders unite.

  10. Collin loves Seaman can’t stay away from Seaman.

    Collin will be meeting up at the Obama’s Vineyard mansion for a night of “paddleboarding”.

  11. Go to this site to see the FY2022-2023 Chief Admin’s budget for Canton: https://www.townofcantonct.org/filestorage/19342/20213/53707/FY_2022-2023_Chief_Administrative_Officer%27s__Proposed_Budget.pdf

    Search for Snow and see this line:

    Another decrease was in Contract Service Snow Removal in the Department of Public Works.This account was used to fund a private contractor to plow one of the Town’s plow routes.This was competitively bid and noone responded to the RFP. The Town has taken steps to cover the route with existing staff there by eliminating $16,000 from that line item.

    There was no contract in place for this budget period which is determined as FY2022 – 2023. FY2022 is 7/1/21 – 6/30/22
    FY2023 is 7/1/22 – 6/30/23

    I cannot immediately find the period they are referencing. If this is in fact covering both fiscal years then there would not have been a contract on in place on 1/29/22. If this is for FY2023 only, then it is referencing that there *was* a contract for one of the routes on 1/29/22. Someone could call and ask the town which period that report covered if they are so inclined.

    *Sorry for edits, I originally made the assumption that it included FY2022 but the labeling is confusing to me. Now I’ll try to find the RFP they posted for procurement to see if that makes it more clear.

    1. Ok strike and disregard the entire comment above. That line was from Canton, CT and I haven’t had enough coffee. The below is true – there is no RFP on the procurement site for snow back through 2015. So unless it was a contract awarded in 2014 all the way through now (potentially a ten year contract?) I cannot find it listed online.

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