Canton Ratchet Madness 2024 Sweet 16: Chloe Region



Voting is completed in the Red Solo Cup Region and we have two more Elite 8 finalists.

Tully vs. Chicken Parm Charlie might be the hardest decision I’ve had to make this whole Ratchet Madness tournament. We’ll find out which one of them will go to the Final 4 next week.

In the meantime it’s time to pick two more. You have 24 hours to cast your vote for who should advance out of the Sweet 16 in the Chloe Region.


1. Colin Albert vs. 4. Jackie Dugal

1. Colin Albert – Is too stupid to realize that several people have put their careers and freedom on the line to protect him from being a murder suspect while he makes threatening Tik Toks

4. Jackie Dugal – Chinless wife of Karl the Cuck who hides behind fake harassing Twitter profiles that everyone knows are her while making cringe George Floyd videos and going after anyone who supports Karen Read



2. Lizzie Proctor vs. 3. Michael Morrissey

2. Lizzy Proctor – Entitled twat who calls people’s workplaces to try to get them fired and then claims to be a victim of witness intimidation when people do the same to her

3. Michael Morrissey – Portly corrupt hack DA who is knowingly charging an innocent woman with murder while giving press releases filled with obvious provable lies about coverup.


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