Celtics Are Opening Their Season With Game Against Vaccinated Prisoners At MCI Norfolk September 29

Editor’s Note: We have a follow-up to this story
The Boston Celtics will be playing their first official preseason game in early October, but as part of the NBA’s Play for Justice initiative partnership with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, they’ll be taking their talents to MCI Norfolk first. This is an internal document obtained by Turtleboy Daily News, detailing the September 29 event:
If you pay $500 to bring your kid to a Celtics game your kid won’t get to meet the players. But if your kid grows up to be a violent offender they could play on a team coached by a current NBA player, and play against a team full of washed up Celtics players and coaches.
There will also be a halftime show. Because how can prisoners survive without a halftime show. No word on whether or not they plan to stand for the anthem. Probably not.
In fairness, the only prisoners who are allowed to attend are the good ones. And by “good ones” they don’t mean well behaved, they mean vaccinated.
Sure, you might’ve raped or killed a couple people, but at least you took the vaccine that does absolutely nothing to stop the spread of a virus that was no threat to 99.9% of the population to begin with. Come meet the Celtics!
And no, this is not a real poster. It’s a satirical graphic created by a CO who thought this whole thing was ridiculous and absurd. The Celtics just haven’t advertised that they’re doing this because they probably know it’s a horrible look, which is they’re trying to keep it a secret.
Here’s an idea – maybe we should stop rewarding criminals for being criminals. Maybe the Celtics should play a game against the corrections officers, since Officer Tidman is fighting for his life after being viciously assaulted by an inmate last week. Or better yet, play a game with some at risk teens who haven’t been convicted of felonies yet, and mentor them on how to stay out of jail, as opposed to giving advice to people who have already made their choices.
Editor’s Note: We have a follow-up to this story.