TB Investigates

Chair Of Southeast Regional School Committee Tries To Get Court To Take Down Blog About His History Of Sex With Underage Girls, Call TB Supremacist Blogger Terrorism, Compares To January 6


Yesterday we published a blog exposing “Bishop” Tony Branch, the chair of the Southeastern Regional School Committee, who was credibly accused of having sex with a 15 year old friend of his daughter Ronecia.


Six years ago a blog was published about Tony Branch on Turtleboy Sports that 99% of turtle riders, including me, didn’t even remember. In what was clearly an attempt to money grab Brother Branch sued me three years later, then said he would drop the lawsuit if I paid him $600. He later took that offer off the table and increased his demand to $30K, so I began looking into him some more.

My defense for the title “Fake Bishop,” which he claims is defamatory, was that “fake bishop” was satirical. I had no idea if he was a real or fake bishop, but it’s a term I used to describe activists who suddenly become “pastors,” and use that position to become influential in shaping political discourse. He also has no damages from the blog, but likely could’ve been damaged from his long and documented history of tax evasion, fraud, domestic orders, and more. The following is a summation of behavior that is not consistent with that of a bishop:

  • Having sex with a 15 year old girl he groomed and later married, even though she claimed she was never in love with him
  • Impregnated the woman before marrying her
  • Shacking up with a vulnerable woman with a criminal record and a young baby, who he had just met on the Internet
  • Having orders placed against him by two his children, their mother, his ex-wife, the woman he shacked up with, and the man who had sex with his ex-wife
  • Owed over $100K in credit card debt, and $42K in unpaid taxes
  • Had gun charges filed on him and violated an abuse prevention order
  • Lying about being a bishop when he wasn’t
  • Told several contradictory stories about who ordained him as a minister and when
  • Turned his house into a church, which would mean its exempt from paying taxes
  • Defrauded the government to get Section 8
  • Tried to defraud DCF for benefits
  • Attempted to defraud an insurance company
  • Was a Muslim at one point before while also claiming to be a Christian minister, and still has a Facebook account that uses his Muslim name
  • Abuses the court system to silence people who criticize him

Brother Branch has responded as grifters always do – by playing the race card and invoking January 6:

This sort of tactic used to work on the old right, but the new right doesn’t care when communists throw out meaningless words like “white supremacist.” We know their tricks, and we know it’s just a way for them to deflect from their own documented wrongdoing.

But it takes a real lowlife to hide behind God. The “preparatory behavior” was me looking into his public court documents and reporting on them. This isn’t a dog whistle to “hurt the target,” it’s journalism. Tony Branch is a public figure, running a huge school system, and was appointed by Charlie Baker to distribute $4 billion in COVID relief.

After we published the blog Branch threatened to file for a temporary restraining order in an attempt to silence me from exposing him:

I’m contacting you in a good faith effort to do a telephone conference with respect to my motion for a temporary restraining order against your client. I wanted to narrow down if in fact you would voluntarily remove the video postings and blog representations as mentioned before that have private demographic information including children until the merits of the case our heard.  I am available until 2p.  

These people hate the First Amendment so much.

Now he’s demanding the State Legislature enact “doxxing laws.”

“Unsubstantiated accusations.”

You had orders taken out against you by your kids, their mother, a woman you shacked up with after a month, your ex-wife, and the child molester who had sex with her at the Braintree Holiday Inn Express. Those are not unsubstantiated. Nor is the fact that a judge deemed that your denial of having sex with an underage girl was “not credible.”

Or that you are not registered with the Secretary of State to do weddings.

Or the fact that you admitted to calling yourself a bishop when you weren’t.

I didn’t doxx you Tony. I didn’t publish your address or phone number. I just published the court documents about what a scumbag and fraud you are. You admit in this tweet that you are petitioning the state government to enact legislation that would enable them to violate the First Amendment. This opens you up to anti-SLAPP, which you would know if you were an actual attorney. But you’re not, you’re just a grifter with a suitcase who’s fooled a lot of people, but you haven’t fooled me.

The real question is, why are the people of Brockton, East Bridgewater, Easton, Foxboro, Mansfield, Norton, Sharon, Stoughton and West Bridgewater, who send their kids to the schools that Tony Branch oversees, not made aware of this? He was voted to the chair by the current board.

Feel free to reach out to the people who put him in this position and politely ask them why a man with this sort of background is allowed to run their schools. Brockton – Gerson Monteiro, East Bridgewater–Andrew Heath, Easton–Michael Pietrowski, Foxborough–Stephen Udden, Mansfield–Christine Gaze, Norton–Barbara Kaplan, Sharon–Mindy Kempner, Stoughton–Robin Zoll, and West Bridgewater–Susan Sullivan.

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