Charlie Baker, Red Sox Ownership Go Maskless To Woo Sox Opener And Golf Tournaments While Children Are Forced To Wear Masks At Soccer Games And Track

On April 29, 2021 Governor Charlie Baker revised the state mask mandate and “allowed” people not to wear masks if they are outside and socially distanced.
Governor Baker issued a revised Order effective April 30, 2021 requiring people to wear masks or face-coverings in indoor public places and outdoors when they are unable to maintain 6 feet from other people.
The Red Sox also have a strict mask policy that forces kids as young as 2 years old to wear masks outside, despite the shocking recent new from the New York Times that approximately 0.1% of all COVID transmissions occurred outside.
Face coverings are required for all guests ages 2 and above at Fenway Park, unless actively eating or drinking in ticketed seat locations. Bags will not be allowed at Fenway Park, with the exception of medical devices and diaper bags.
They do nothing indoors, and they do even less outdoors. Yet the Governor and the Red Sox still force the commoners to wear them because they get off on having control over people.
Of course we know that they don’t believe in or follow any of these rules themselves, which Charlie Baker rubbed in everyone’s faces on Monday when he went to a golf tournament with his CFO friends.
The next day he went to the Woo Sox first ever home game in Worcester and was taking selfies with complete strangers while not wearing a mask.
Red Sox owner Tom Werner and President Sam Kennedy did the same.
If a 3 year old at Fenway Park took a picture like that with their Dad they’d be thrown out of the stadium.
Pretty much no one there was wearing a mask.
And why should they? Nobody has ever actually been afraid of this stupid virus. It’s all just theater.
Meanwhile my 6 year old is playing soccer on Saturday mornings with a mask on, struggling to breath, while parents stand on the sidelines far away from other parents with masks on too. If you don’t your kids don’t get to play soccer.
This is how kids run high school track in Massachusetts.
A girl in Oregon collapsed at the finish line while breaking a school record in the 800 meters because she couldn’t breath due to the face diaper that was covering her mouth and preventing her from taking in oxygen. Eventually a kid will die from this, even though no children in this state have died from COVID, and none ever will.
But the tyrant running the state and forcing them to do this is walking around with his rich friends and complete strangers taking selfies at baseball games.
At this point if you’re still wearing a mask there’s no hope for you. You are an idiot who has been lied to and abused by the government, you see them flaunting the rules in your face, and yet you continue to abide by the rules anyway.
Stop wearing masks. It ends when we decide it ends.
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