TB Investigates

Chef Mike Fucci Made Video Threatening To Harass Charlie Baker At His House And Is Now Crying Because Award Winning Reporter Came To His House


Tonight on the Live Show at 9 PM we’re gonna be talking about the shenanigans at Falco K9, and more from the Fucci Files, including never before seen video that will make you puke. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch.

I may or may not have a Fucci freestyle rap as well. In the meantime, he and I have court on Friday because he’s trying to get an order on me for coming to his wife’s parent’s house (where he lives) to ask him some questions. I plan to play this video in court of Chef Fucci vowing to go to Charlie Baker’s house, stand in front and yell “CHARLIE, CHARLIE” over and over again.

It’s OK when he does it though because Baker is a public figure. Except he’s also a public figure according to him. Watch him Google himself here to illustrate.

I have questions about the DOR, payroll, and Jim Corsi folders, considering he never pays child support or payroll, and was banned by the Corsi family from participating in any fundraising efforts.

Here he is calling himself a public figure:

Dude is a celebrity AND a sex God.











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