Chicopee Man Turns Himself In For Killing Man In Hit And Run While Wearing “Best Dad Ever” Shirt

This is Eric St. Andre from Chicopee.
As you can tell from the chin strap and completely unearned self confidence, he is a complete degenerate with no respect for other people or the law. So it’s not surprising that on November 30 he struck and killed 62-year-old Chicopee man Gary Turcotte with his vehicle, left the scene of the crime, and had a warrant put out for his arrest. Last week he turned himself into authorities to be arrested and charged, and he wore the most amazing shirt possible while doing so:
Best. Dad. Ever.
Yea, maybe in Holyoke. And yes, he sadly has reproduced.
Although monthly visits and overdue child support probably made it hard for him to take down the world’s best dad crown in prior years.
This is far from the first time that the Chicopee Chinstrap Chode has had a run in with the law. Any day he doesn’t wake up in a jail cell is a small victory for him.
The best dad ever has a long and documented history with Chicopee District Court that includes Google trophies for check forgery, malicious destruction of property, carrying a dangerous weapon, larceny, breaking and entering, assault and battery, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and pretty much every other charge imaginable.
Now he can add leaving the scene of a crash after causing death and motor vehicle homicide while operating negligently and crosswalk violation to his trophy cabinet.
Anyway, he really wants you nosy f***s to stay off his Facebook page or else you’re in the CIA or something.
Oh good, he’s single and sober. That lasted a while.
Unfortunately God doesn’t answer prayers when you make them on Facebook.
The correct choice was to not run someone over with your car, and to stop and help them if you do. Unfortunately God didn’t guide him with that “knologe” so he left the poor man to die instead. Knologe doesn’t seem to be his strong point in general.
I still can’t believe he actually chose to wear that shirt while turning himself in for killing someone. Like, did he think it would get him leeway with the judge?
“Look your honor, I’m not such a bad guy. Even says on my shirt.”
If anything it made him look like a bigger bag of douche than he already is.