Law and Order

Chicopee Man Who Killed 68 Year Old Man During 3rd Drunk Driving Arrest Gave Liquor Store Good Review For Selling Him Shots “On A Daily Basis”


Hampden County DA Anthony Gulluni announced yesterday that his office was charging a man named Benjamin Goraj with motor vehicle homicide while operating under the influence of alcohol after killing a 68 year old man at 5:30 on Monday afternoon. It was his third arrest for drunk driving.

Oh good, this chud got released on $5,000 bail. I’m sure he can be trusted in the meantime. It’s not like he has Google trophies in Holyoke, Springfield, Chicopee, and Palmer for trespassing, drug charges, shoplifting, using stolen credit cards, driving on a revoked license, breaking and entering, or a plethora of other crimes.

At least if he finally goes to prison this time he can work on his abs again.

I’m sure this time he’ll finally straighten up and fly right. It’s not like he admits to buying shots “on a daily basis” while recommending liquor stores on Facebook.


He was living quite the glamorous life prior to his recent legal issues. Who wouldn’t be jealous of this?

The earth might not be flat, but his turn ons certainly are. If that’s not the face of a three time Miss Chicopee Section 8 then I don’t know what is. Someday I hope to live in on the 3rd floor of a Chicopee triple decker with 8 satellite dishes, staring at the last few remaining teeth of my current love interest, while hanging beach towels in the windows and calling them curtains.

That appears to be an old girlfriend though, and since then the Warsaw Womb Raider has upgraded to what appears to be some sort of pink haired grandmother.

Who can resist the charm?

The problem with our society is our judicial system and the politicians who appoint the judges who would rather give maggots like this chance after chance, because the pipe dream of helping criminals redeem themselves is more important than the lives of the people they end up killing in this failed social experiment. William Matteson should be alive today, but he’s not because our judicial system valued giving Ben Goraj one more chance of Mr. Matteson’s life.


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