Law and Order

Child Abusing Stepmom Uses Fabricated Threats To Weaponize Worcester Police, DA’s Office To Issue Multiple Warrants Against Victim She’s Been Stalking And Threatening To Murder For 4 Years


Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (1:22:30)

It’s been almost three years since we first blogged about the craziest person in the history of Turtleboy – Lorrayna Calle.

You can read up on her if you’re not familiar by clicking here. It’s way too much to go over it all, but here is as brief of summation as I can make:

  • In November 2019 Lorrayna messaged me pretending to be a Fitchburg woman named Denise Ramos. Lorrayna is married to Denise’s ex-boyfriend Claudio “Sony” Calle, and Denise and Sony had a daughter who was 7 years old at the time named Mila.
  • Using the fake Denise account Lorrayna sent me manufactured screenshots of posts I allegedly made on Facebook that contained DCF documents showing that Denise had abused her daughter. Lorrayna used the fake Denise account to antagonize me, hoping I would write a blog about Denise being an abusive mother. But I had never made any posts and didn’t know who either woman was. The screenshot of my post, was doctored, as were the DCF documents and police report.
  • Unbeknownst to me Lorrayna was already facing charges of violating a restraining order against both Denise and her daughter. Contacting me third party was another violation.
  • Lorrayna had previously called Denise’s daughter’s elementary school and made a false allegation of abuse. DCF investigated it and found out that Denise was a good mother who did nothing wrong. However, the girl told DCF that Lorrayna had abused her by cutting her hair, forcing her to sin in the sun without sunscreen, shaving off her eyebrows, hitting her, forcing her to sit in rooms by herself while Sony and Lorrayna’s children (her half brothers and sisters) played outside, as well as verbal abuse.
  • Both Denise and her daughter got protection orders from Lorrayna that prevented Lorrayna from contacting them. Lorrayna used a burner app to message deranged threats to Denise anyway, vowing to rip the baby out of Denise’s stomach and kill him (Denise was pregnant at the time), promising to kill Mila as she forced Denise to watch, telling Denise that she “broke the bond” between Claudio and Mila because Mila reminded her of Denise, and so much worse. The text included pictures of Mila that Denise took documenting her own abuse. They are all at the bottom of this blog.
  • After Denise posted about what was happening on Facebook Lorrayna sent messages threatening every person who liked the post. Several of these women received orders on Lorrayna as well.
  • Lorrayna worked at an insurance company in Worcester and forged Denise’s signature in order to cancel Denise’s insurance. She ended up getting fired when she accessed Denise’s driving information, which they can track.
  • I realized the fake Denise account that was antagonizing me wasn’t really Denise because I messaged the real Denise on Facebook and we spoke on the phone. She alerted me to the entire backstory and was clearly distressed that this had gone on for so long, and now Lorrayna was trying to weaponize the blog against her.
  • Lorrayna got my phone number and started sending me threats, promised to murder Denise’s daughter and unborn baby, and sent me semi-nude pictures of Denise that she had gotten by going on Mila’s iPad and accessing Denise’s iCloud. Lorrayna threatened to post the pictures if we didn’t remove the first blog about her.
  • The Fitchburg and Worcester Police weren’t doing anything about it because Lorrayna was using a burner phone app, even though she still had open charges against her for criminal harassment, annoying harassment by phone, and violation of an abuse prevention order. They had also previously investigated messages like this and traced them back to Lorrayna.
  • One of Lorrayna’s charges came from when she sat outside of Reingold Elementary School in Fitchburg where Mila attended school, and sent Mila’s grandmother picture text messages of the school, with the message “should I say Hi?”
  • In another incident Lorrayna forced Mila to drink urine and sit in urine soaked clothing.
  • Lorrayna also has a restraining order from visiting the YMCA in Fitchburg because Mila went there a lot, but she sent Denise pictures from there using a burner app and said she wanted to splatter her and Mila’s brains all over the floor.
  • After we blogged about her 4 times Lorrayna was finally arrested by Worcester Police and she was charged in Fitchburg. Evidence was presented during the hearing that Lorrayna had forged several documents with Denise’s signature, including applications for custody rights for Claudio, cancelation of child support, and an end to the restraining order.
  • Lorrayna was given bail and ordered under house arrest with a monitor, but continued to send me and other women threats vowing to kill Mila and Denise using a burner app.
  • A week after the blogs were written Lorrayna was arrested and charged with violating an order against a Spencer woman named Courtney, who she had previously threatened. As a result her bail was revoked out of Fitchburg and she was forced to spend 3 months in jail until February 2020.
  • Immediately after getting out of jail Lorrayna continued to text me threats about Denise’s family from burner apps.
  • In July of 2020 Lorrayna made an Instagram called “my mom’s a ho please buy me,” in which she put up pictures of Mila and the newborn baby, offering to sell them for a pack of Newports.
  • Lorrayna once again made a fake Denise page and sent herself threats about the judges in her upcoming trial. She used this to successfully obtain an order on Denise.

Lorrayna had me blocked on Facebook for a while so I couldn’t look at her page. But she apparently unblocked me sometime in the last few years, and today when I went to message her I saw that she and I had previously spoken in August of 2018, more than a year before I ever blogged about her. Predictably she was trying to get me to write a story about Denise then as well.


I also looked through old messages and saw that her sister Livia sent me a voice message on Lorrayna’s behalf.


Since the summer of 2020 Lorrayna occasionally sent threatening texts to me and other women, but I mostly ignored them because she was more of a nuisance than anything.



On June 24, 2022, the charges against Lorrayna for violating the order against Courtney in Spencer were abruptly dropped by Judge David Despotopulos in East Brookfield. The stated reason was that “the Commonwealth cannot prove its case without the witness.”

Courtney was the only witness, and Worcester County DA Joe Early’s office never contacted her about any court dates. Due to their incompetence the charges were dropped. Later that day I received a text message from Lorrayna on a burner app.


On July 29 Lorrayna went to court in Worcester with screenshots of text messages, which she alleged were from Denise:

As you can see, this is obviously not real because those aren’t real email addresses. It also sounds exactly like every threat Lorrayna has ever sent. She was sending herself fake messages again that she presented to a judge to try to get an order. In an ex parte hearing that Denise was never notified about a temporary order was granted, and a hearing date was set for August 16.

However, on August 2 Lorrayna went to the Worcester Police with more falsified threats she claimed were from Denise. Denise was charged on August 3 with violation of an abuse prevention order and a warrant was issued for her arrest. Denise was never notified about this.

August 7 Denise got into a car accident in Concord. CPD ran her name and found out she had a warrant and Denise had to spend the night in jail.

On August 8 Lorrayna used a fake Facebook account called Melissa Diaz to post in the Discussing Fitchburg Now Facebook group, claiming that Denise was missing, inferring that her boyfriend had done something to her, and urging people to call Fitchburg Police if they knew where Denise was.

This was an attempt to get the Fitchburg Police to arrest Denise on the warrants.

On August 11 Lorrayna again went to Worcester Police with screenshots of fabricated threats she sent herself, pretending to be Denise. Lorrayna spoke with Officer Domenic Sacco and showed him messages from “Denise” that contained pictures of Lorrayna’s home and her children’s daycare. Officer Sacco naively fell for her lies, did no research into her background, blindly assumed the messages were legitimate, and issued another warrant for Denise’s arrest.

On August 13 Lorrayna attempted to have Denise arrested on warrants again by calling Fitchburg Police and telling them that Denise was suicidal. Denise was not there when police arrived.

On August 16 the hearing for Lorrayna’s order on Denise was scheduled and she used the police reports and fake messages to get an extension of the order until a September 29 court date. Within minutes of leaving the courtroom Lorrayna approached a WPD gang unit officer in the courthouse and showed the officer more threats that Lorrayna claimed Denise sent her after the hearing had just ended.  They included threats to jump Lorrayna, murder Lorrayna’s kids, and said that Denise’s gang was waiting outside the courthouse for Lorrayna.

I am Facebook friends with this officer and know him to be well respected and charitable, so I reached out to him to let him know what was happening. He acted like I was bothering him and blocked me.

On August 18 and again on August 30 Lorrayna filed reports with Officer Sacco, submitting fabricated threats from “Denise” each time. More warrants were issued for Denise as a result, and Officer Sacco ironically wrote that Denise was “making a mockery of the Massachusetts court system.”

No, genius. You and Lorrayna are the ones doing that. You’re also making a mockery of policing, because you’re so easily fooled and did no background research into the woman who duped you.

As a result of Office Sacco and the court’s incompetence in issuing these warrants Denise was arrested again for violating the order on September 12 and had to pay $500 bail.

On September 19 Denise was arrested while in court and held on $250 bail.

By this time Fitchburg Police, who know Lorrayna much better because they’ve been dealing with her for years, had been in contact with Officer Sacco and alerted him that he had been duped. He reported that Lorrayna called him several more times with more fabricated screenshots, but that he wasn’t doing anything with them.

Since Sacco could no longer be manipulated she contacted rookie Worcester cop Jonathan Roy.

On September 27, two days before their upcoming hearing, Lorrayna once again showed Officer Roy fabricated screenshots that she claimed were from Denise:

“I keep fantasizing about ways to kill you, and what I will do to you when I finally have my hand on you and your kids.”

“It’s so simple get get a LTC. With the amount of school shootings that have happened these n**gas don’t even do a fully complete background check.”

“I got n**gas watching you.”

“Tonight is the night cunt count your house imma blow your kids brains out.”

“Watch your back,” with a picture of Lorrayna’s car parked outside of her kid’s daycare.

Officer Roy requested a warrant for Denise’s arrest based off this.

Officer Roy is a rookie, and if he’s going to be a police officer for a long time he needs to work on his bullshit detector. If he had just googled Lorrayna, or run her name through the CJIS he would’ve found out that she was weaponizing him in order to further victimize Denise.

On September 29 (yesterday) Denise had her day in court with Lorrayna. One of Joe Early’s incompetent ADA’s (whose named I can’t read) attempted to have Denise held without bail based off of Officer Roy’s latest charge.

But it was denied because they couldn’t prove that any of the threats actually came from Lorrayna, and the hearing date for the order was once again pushed back until October 11.

While I was writing this blog today a Judge in Worcester District Court issued a warrant for Denise’s arrest.

Add it to the pile at this point.

As a result of the incompetence of the Worcester Police and judges in Worcester District Courthouse, Denise is now facing a plethora of charges, including witness intimidation, threats to commit a crime, and several violations of a HPO.

Now here’s an even crazier twist.

On September 7 I got a phone call from someone claiming to be Denise, and stating that because of Lorrayna’s abuse of the courts that she had lost custody of Mila.

I believed it was Denise because I knew Lorrayna was up to no good, and it would make sense that she would have to get a new phone number to avoid Lorrayna.

I also thought it was Denise because the person texting me was trying to get me to write a blog about Lorrayna’s latest bout of insanity. Why would Lorrayna want me to write a blog about Lorrayna that made her look bad? I felt horrible for Denise, but I was extremely busy with other stories and didn’t get around to it.


On September 20 the person I thought was Denise once again texted me and said that she had been arrested in Cambridge where she was held on $1,000 bail. She said she couldn’t speak to me on the phone though because the police had confiscated her phone for evidence, due to all the threats. This all made sense to me, and “Denise” helped me outline the story.


But I never got around to writing about it.

Finally last night on Turtle Club I discussed how I was working on this story. “Denise” messaged me and said she couldn’t wait for the blog. She even called me an angel after I gave her a login to watch the Turtle Club stream.


Today, while writing this blog, I had questions about when the Cambridge arrest happened, so I reached out to Denise on Facebook because this number wasn’t returning my texts. That’s when Denise informed that I had been duped, and that I was talking to Lorrayna again. Denise never lost custody of Mila, and she was never arrested in Cambridge. Lorrayna just got that confused with Concord.

So why would Lorrayna want me to write a story about Lorrayna that would make her look bad and Denise look sympathetic?

  1. Doing so would be “evidence” that Lorrayna could use to bring to police as evidence that Denise was using me as a third party contact to continue to harass Lorrayna.
  2. If I posted inaccurate information about Denise losing custody of her daughter, Lorrayna could use that as evidence that my blogs are inaccurate. If I got that wrong, what else did I get wrong? It would discredit my reporting.

I can’t emphasize enough what a dangerous, psychotic, and disturbed woman Lorrayna Calle is. She is incapable of stopping (I’m sure I’ll be hearing from her soon) and will continue to find new ways to use the courts to harm Denise. Luckily she has no contact with Mila. The mental hell Lorrayna has put Denise Ramos through is something no person should have to endure. She submitted dozens of false police reports and evidence used in court to charge Denise with several crimes, and get multiple orders on her. She’s been doing this for years, and the Worcester Police and courts haven’t been reading Turtleboy, because if they did they wouldn’t be embarrassing themselves like this. The Instead of going after an innocent woman the Worcester DA’s office should be protecting her by going after Lorrayna Calle and charging her with the plethora of crimes she has committed.

P.S. Here’s some stuff from previous blogs about Lorrayna:

Lorrayna pretending to be Denise:


Real DCF report:



Threats from Lorrayna:









Lorrayna putting Denise’s children for sale on IG:


Police reports:


Lorrayna fire for insurance fraud on Denise:


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