TB Investigates

DA Rachael Rollins Cut Off And Threatened Woman, Used Blue Lights To Go Through Red Light In State Vehicle While Leaving Mall On Christmas Eve According To Boston Police Report


A Brockton woman named Katie Lawson filed a police report with Boston Police on Christmas Eve alleging that District Attorney Rachael Rollins cut her off in an undercover police car, told the woman that “today is not the day to try me,” and then put on her blue lights before blowing through a red light on Mass Ave.

They ran the plates and they did come back to Rollins, as the vehicle is registered to the District Attorney’s Office. According to a Twitter posting the woman is scared that there will be retaliation against her.


Rollins is a polarizing, radical liberal politician who got elected on a platform of not charging criminals for 15 different criminal offenses, including threatening, which has just been alleged against her.

For that reason she is disliked in conservative circles.

However, it should be noted that the complainant in this case has a Facebook page filled with postings that are critical of conservatives and supportive of liberal policies and people, so this is not politically motivated.

Ironically Rollins has established herself as a reformer who will hold law enforcement accountable when they act unprofessionally or abuse their power. Meanwhile, on Christmas Eve she threatened a woman while driving a state owned vehicle in a mall parking lot, used her blue lights in order to blow through a red light, and ignored state laws on handheld devices while operating a vehicle. If a citizen filed a complaint against a police officer she would hold that officer accountable, but who will hold Rachael Rollins accountable? Who polices the people who police the police?


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