Poor Behavior

Danvers Woman Exploits Adult Daughter’s Special Needs For Attention, Sends Mob After Honey Dew Donuts Manager 


This is Emily Korkaris from Danvers.

She’s the mother of 3 adult children, one of who is special needs. According to sources she has no relationship with the other two children or her grandchild, but pretends to on Facebook. Sources also tell us that she has a long history of exploiting her special needs daughter’s disability for attention and for causing a scene. She once had the police called on her at the Starbucks in Peabody on 114, and has been escorted by police out of the Cummings Center in Beverly after a DDS meeting for her daughter’s care where she was so out of control. She ended up assaulting her then-pregnant daughter who no longer speaks to her.

Two days ago we were tagged in a post Emily made trying to get a manager at the Honey Dew in Danvers fired for allegedly being mean to her special needs daughter Christina.

Just to review, she sent her special needs daughter into Honey Dew Donuts by herself for an order. The manager asked a completely friendly and light hearted question “how much cream do you need?” This allegedly made Christina run out of there crying, but instead of telling her that this wasn’t a big deal and that everything would be OK, (or go in there with her since Mom makes it seem like she is incapable of having normal human interactions with strangers) Emily went inside and berated the manager before publicly shaming her on Facebook and demanding she be fired.

Shockingly this isn’t the first time she’s done this.

The post has gotten hundreds of shares and people in the comments are calling for heads.

The business is being harassed.

The mob is demanding Elizabeth the manager be fired.



Others suggested to “put it on Twitter” in order to get a response, as if Twitter is some magical portal that forces companies to respond to everyone with an undocumented outrage story.

“My wife is a shark that way, and it usually works.”

No Patrick your wife is a cunt, not a shark. And it works because people would rather throw her a bone and have her go away.

They’ve even posted the personal information of the owner in hopes that he may be harassed as well.

Others tagged the news, hoping they’d jump on the outrage train.

Unfortunately for them the only media outlet interested in the truth saw it instead – TB Daily News.

Emily is now pretending like she’s some sort of reasonable person who isn’t trying to ruin this woman’s reputation.

Emily: “I wasn’t trying to make trouble. Everyone has bad days.”

Also Emily: “Everyone share this story and contact Honey Dew Donuts demanding this woman lose her livelihood.”

Emily apparently has kept her grown daughter caged in the home for the last year and finally let her out of the house last week after she got her COVID vaccine.

The next day Emily shared a more positive story, once again using Christina’s special needs to gain attention and likes on Facebook.

This woman is a menace and Christina should be placed in a setting that is supportive and has services, but Emily actively fights DDS because if that happens then she can’t use Christina for Facebook clout and clickbait outrage. Sad.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries