Deceased Transgender Male Who Died From Drug Overdose In South Boston Apartment Identified As Giovanni Murray


The man who died from a drug overdose in a South Boston public housing complex has been identified as 26 year old Giovanni “Tabatha” Murray, a transient who has lived in Brockton, Boston, and Malden, and occasionally is listed as homeless in court documents. Boston Police and other city officials were refusing to identify the deceased prior to this on account of his gender identity after it was revealed that 4 children, sex toys, and drugs were found in the apartment. A video montage in Giovanni’s obituary shows him appearing to be a happy and healthy boy growing up.

His family remembered Giovanni as a “loving son” who liked the arts and dance.

He was gay, and years ago this would have been something that left wing politicians celebrated. But transgenderism is slowly erasing homosexuality as people like Giovanni have decided that ACTUALLY they are women who are still attracted to men, which makes them heterosexual. This is what Giovanni turned into.

Like all “transgender” people, Giovanni was suffering from mental illness that went undiagnosed. Instead of seeking therapy society “affirmed” the lie that he was a woman, and encouraged him to get fake tits in order to turn his body into a costume portraying womanhood. But ultimately this sort of “gender affirmation” does nothing to get to the root of the problem, and Giovanni continued to suffer from depression.

He sought solace in “Pride,” which is nothing more than a celebration of mental illness, and planned to attend a Pride bar crawl on the day he died from a drug overdose in South Boston.


Prior to that Giovanni had a long and documented criminal background, which includes recent charges out of West Roxbury, South Boston, BMC Central, Malden, Brockton, Chelsea, and Hingham District Courts. These charges include A&B on a family member (his partner in life and in crime, David Concannon), several instances of breaking and entering, assault with a dangerous weapon (knife incident in Brockton), shoplifting, defrauding a restaurant, malicious destruction of a motor vehicle, violation of probation, and outstanding warrants. He is listed in one police report as prone to violent kicks. Murray was sentenced to 6 months in jail in 2021, but frequently had charges dropped in Suffolk County due to Rachael Rollins policy of not prosecuting “marginalized” criminals like him.

Communists tell us that “gender affirming care” will make people like Giovanni happy, but as we’ve seen time and time again they are just as angry and troubled afterwards because silicon breasts are not an alternative to therapy. The vast majority of these people are gay, autistic, or addicted to drugs. The only affirmation they need is to be told that there’s nothing wrong with their body, and that true happiness doesn’t come from changing your pronouns. Our failure to do so is why transgender people have a much higher rate of drug use and suicide despite living in a society that caters to them.

There is no reason Giovanni’s name, race, or gender should have been redacted by Boston Police in their report since his next of kin was informed of his passing. They are treating him as if he is the victim, solely due to his gender confusion. The fact of the matter is that the only victims were the 4 kids in that apartment who were there when he died. Gender issues aside, a person was doing drugs in an apartment where children were located. If Giovanni were a straight “cisgender” male then his name wouldn’t have been redacted, and police would’ve treated this incident like the emergency that it was. Every adult in that apartment should have been arrested for child endangerment. Instead they waited two days to file a 51A and have the children removed by DCF, and smeared the Boston Fire Department as transphobic liars.


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