Poor Behavior

Dedham Mother Of 3 Sells Naked Webcam Shows On Facebook Next To Pictures Of Her Children, Thirsty Boomer Elected Officials Respond With Glee


This is 31 year old Sarah Burke – a mother of 3 from Dedham:

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Her Facebook page is open to the public and contains many pictures of her and her three boys. Which is weird because she also runs a business from home off of her Facebook page:



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Yes, that’s right – she sells herself to strangers on a webcam show that she broadcasts from home that she advertises on her page, right next to the pictures of her three children:

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And of course this attracts some of the shadiest dudes on Facebook, who now have access to personal pictures of her and her children.


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At least Sonrise Tequila is smart enough not to use his real name on some Facebook hooker’s pictures. David Carpenter, like many of the Internet neophytes on her page, apparently doesn’t understand that when he makes comments of a sexual nature on this mother of three’s Facebook page, it shows up on his own timeline and his wife can see it.

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Sarah is sharing all types of fun things with her shady fans:



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Doesn’t stop her from sharing more and more family pictures for these obviously respectable gentlemen to comment on:

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This guy seems like the kind of person I’d want sharing pictures of my children:

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Hey kids, Mommy is #1 spank bank material in Soviet Russia!!

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Gotta love this guy Peter Falk, who is arguably her #1 fan:

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Peter is an elected official in Suffield, CT, was endorsed by the town’s Republican Town Committee, and doesn’t understand that everyone on his friends list can see every single time he comments on this woman’s page.

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At least the other guys on this page are just grimy mofos who are honest about their intentions. Peter Falk seems like the kind of guy who would pull a Richard Gere and try to become a hooker’s best friend.

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She also promises to come to your house to “clean” it:

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And gives out her phone number to any stranger on the Internet who asks for it:

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Hey kids, look who’s coming to dinner!!


It’s weekend Dad!

Then after he’s done with Mommy, Tommy Burton’s gonna come over to have his pipes cleaned:

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Good thing these geniuses have their children in their profile pictures while they solicit Facebook hookers.

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But if she’s not getting back to you guys, it’s because she’s busy:

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Yea John, she’s busy. Looks like your ass is gonna have to cuddle the kielbasa at home in Fall River.

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Apparently she’s not happy about people like John Dupras flooding her inbox with applications to get in her box. Sorry guys, she doesn’t have time for all of you. After all, she has “bomb p****” and if you want a piece of that pie it’s gonna cost ya:

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Doesn’t matter anyway, because according to her there’s no vacancy in the inn, and you’re gonna have to make a reservation with a substantial deposit:


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She’s definitely not shy, especially when it comes to the junk in the trunk.




It’s a delicious handful n word, according to her:

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I know Peter and Shane are fans!!

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Hey Sarah, since your kids can view your public Facebook page, they were wondering what your favorite position was.

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You get the point. Here’s some more highlights from her page, which you should definitely peruse through if you have an hour or two to kill and your kids are sleeping.


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Your kids are gonna be so proud of you Sarah!! Mother of the year right here!!

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