Disgraced Former Stoughton Cop Who Led Sandra Birchmore Grooming Scandal Met His Quincy Cop Wife When He Was Her Academy Drill Instructor, Told Infatuated Girl He’d Date Her When She Turned 18

Editor’s Note: We discussed much of the material in the blog on last night’s Live Show. Subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here to always get content first.
Yesterday we published the disturbing story out of Stoughton about 3 now former police officers who groomed and sexualized a 13 year old student, who later became impregnated by one of them and committed suicide last February. All 3 disgraced officers – Billy and Matt Farwell, and Rober Devine – did what they did because Sandra Birchmore was no longer useful to them sexually the moment she became pregnant. They are all married with children and had a lot to lose. Sandra got in the way.
But one aspect that wasn’t mentioned is that Devine’s wife Lisa is a Quincy police officer, and he met her when he was her squad leader in the academy.
It’s very similar to how Robert Devine met Sandra Birchmore when she joined Devine’s explorer’s program at Stoughton High School. Almost like this guy has a history of using these training academies to meet females over whom he had power. Ime Udoka is being suspended for a year for less.
Lisa Devine is standing by her man, just as she did in 2014 when she and him got restraining orders against Tiffany Overstreet, the jilted sidepiece who was blowing up his spot by sending their naked pictures to his coworkers and their spouses. Lisa Devine also requested that the order be dropped so that her husband could continue to sleep with Overstreet in order to prevent her from committing suicide.
If she was really afraid of Overstreet, which she would have to testify under oath that she was in order to obtain an order, then why would she ask a judge to rescind it? Was she no longer scared? Or did she know something else? This begs the question – how much did she know about Sandra Birchmore?
Of the three police officers most implicated in this scandal it’s clear that Devine was the ringleader. He was the oldest and most experienced, and he set the tone that the explorer’s program would be a place for him to meet and groom young girls. He’s also a pathological liar who told the police that he was hacked after being confronted with evidence that his Facebook alt “Marty Riggs” had been sending sexual messages to Sandra Birchmore.
Devine also admitted that he flirted with a former student in the explorer program who became a police intern, and kept in contact with many of these former students as adults.
Another woman, who was in the explorer’s program at the same time that the Farwell brothers were, came forward after the story first broke to share her experience. She said that when she was in high school she was infatuated with Devine and wrote a letter expressing her love to him. When she gave it to him he gave her a hug, as he did with many students, and admitted that he never told her that the letter was inappropriate because he’s an adult and she’s a child.
When this former student found out that Devine was engaged to his wife she became upset and started crying. Devine brought her into an office, closed the door, lifted her on to a desk, and told her that she was a “knockout and that he was going to take me on a date when I turned 18.” He then hugged her and kissed her on the head.
This is the definition of grooming.
According to the woman the Farwell brothers witnessed his behavior, and because they looked up to him and wanted to be cops themselves their behavior as adults was likely influenced by what they saw from him.
Devine also gave his AIM (instant messenger) account to boys in the explorers group, and one of the boys let the girl who was infatuated with Devine use his account. She messaged with Devine until she was caught by her father’s girlfriend, who confronted Devine and called him a creep. After that the girl wrote a second love letter to Devine, which her mother ended up finding. Her mom marched down to the police station with the letter and berated Devine for not informing her about her daughter’s inappropriate behavior towards him.
But why would he ask the girl to stop? He got off on the attention. It made him feel powerful to have a harem of young women look up to him as a God-like figure, instead of the father figure they really needed.
The woman also saw him driving around Stoughton with middle school aged girls in his personal car, and that he would pull up and speak with her and her friends while he was in his police cruiser.
Another former student told investigators that they saw a student sitting on his lap in a storage closet, but this woman never witnessed that.
Devine was also warned about the optics of a “scantily clad” student from the explorers program in his office.
Another student in the program said that he or she witnessed “hugging, kissing, and inappropriate contact in a closet” by the Farwells and Devine, and that they often used Devine’s pickup line of “come back and see me after you turn 18.”
Also, Sandra Birchmore may have babysat Matt Farwell’s kids.
Are we to believe Lisa Devine has no idea that the man she married has a long and documented history of inappropriate behavior with minors, and having sex with emotionally vulnerable women? She’s a police officer. They’re experts at sniffing out lies and bullshit. Are we to believe that she was just a naive pawn who applied for a restraining order against Tiffany Overstreet, received one, and then asked for it to be rescinded so that her husband could have sex with Overstreet in order to prevent her from committing suicide?
Seems like she should be under investigation as well.