Downtown Worcester Museum Uses ARPA Grants To Pay Gay “Artist” To Display Clip Art Porn Where Children Can See  


This is Nathan Manna from Sutton.

He’s a Holy Cross grad who double majored in Gender and Sexuality Studies and Theatre, and served as an intern for State Senator Michael Moore and Governor’s Council (people who confirm judges) member Paul Depalo.

In other words, he wasted a lot of money on a worthless degree, and the only way he can make a living is by using identity politics to establish political connections.

Nathan’s entire identity revolves around him reminding you that he’s gay, and he fancies himself an artist. However, almost every piece of “art” he produces consists of him posting naked clip art pictures of men, often in the act of fellatio, juxtaposed with images of Jesus or other religious symbols in order to create shock value.

This isn’t art, it’s just a horny man sharing his clip art fantasies with the world.

But Nathan is politically connected, and uses his sexual preference identity to cozy up to politicians like Senator Moore and Congressman Jim McGovern.

Obviously he is active in Democratic politics, which makes him useful to people like McGovern.

Basically everything he does revolves around the narrative that he grew up in a “conservative” town (Sutton voted for Biden by exactly one vote) and was the constant victim of homophobia, despite coming of age in an era where folks like him are celebrated like no other special interest group in American history.

He was featured in an interview with Worcester Magazine in 2020, about the struggles of being gay during COVID.


“The biggest theme I’m dealing with right now is the dichotomy of intimacy and loneliness, exacerbated by COVID-19. If you’re dating someone or you’re in a committed relationship, COVID restrictions may not have impacted you as much because you live with your partner. But, if you’re not dating anyone and all support systems, like the gay bars, are shut down — where do you find a sense of community or someone to spend time with?

Millions of people lost their businesses, people didn’t get to have funerals for their dead relatives, and our kids missed two years of school. But they had it easy in comparison to Nathan Manna because he couldn’t go to gay bars.

So basically he’s an untalented horny man who understands that by making his sexual preferences central to his core identity he can network with powerful, politically connected people, so long as he exclusively supports Democrats.

But his hard work paid off as he was recently paid by the Jean McDonough Arts Center in downtown Worcester to post his clip art collage porn on full display where people of all ages can enjoy it with him. I had to blur out the pictures, because there’s so many graphic images of erect penises penetrating all sorts of male cavities, along with pictures of Nathan naked, pleasuring himself to his own art.


He had to blur it out in an IG post, but it’s OK to display it a public museum where children can see it.

The grand opening was attended by Senator Moore, Congressman McGovern, and Worcester Mayor Joe Petty, and was paid for with publicly funded grants from the Worcester Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the COVID stimulus bill).

COVID was such an emergency that we had to use taxpayer money to make sure Nathan Manna got paid to make gay clip art porn and display it in museums.

While he was at Holy Cross Nathan further established his political credentials by becoming chair of the Worcester Youth Pride.

Because of course this man wanted to be around “queer youth” as much as possible.

The managing director of Jean McDonough Arts Center is Olivia Scanlon.

And as long as people like her are running our cultural institutions untalented folks like Nathan Manna will always be able to make a living posting gay clip art porn in museums.

The ironic part is that if Nathan Manna were just a straight guy looking to post pictures of himself beating it to guy/girl porn, he’d be looked at as a sexual deviant and no one would ever pay him for his work. But because he’s part of a “marginalized” group he’ll never go hungry again.

Check out some of his finest work on Jean McDonough Art Center’s Facebook page.


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