Poor Behavior

Durfee High School Televisions Hacked With Porn By Students During Lunch 


Yesterday in the cafeteria of Durfee High School in Fall River students while the kids were attempting to eat their lunch they were treated to some hardcore pornography on the television, after someone hacked into the school’s channel.

How on earth does this happen? These aren’t hacking masterminds we’re dealing with here. It’s a bunch of kids. The Fall River Public Schools probably have an IT department that exists to prevent stuff like this from happening. I’ve figured out how to stop getting porn bombed on YouTube but these geniuses can’t stop the whole school from getting porn bombed somehow.

A couple hours later the school sent out this message to parents.

“We are encouraging all parents to review appropriate use of technologies with their students”

I’m pretty sure this didn’t happen because parents failed to tell their children that it’s not OK to hack into school TV accounts and post porn. Perhaps parents should encourage the Fall River Public Schools to hire competent IT people who don’t let teenagers porn bomb the school during lunch. Just sayin.


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