Poor Behavior

East Lynn Pop Warner Football Coaches Get Game Cancelled With Billerica After Storming Field, Swearing At Children


Things got a little brisk Sunday at a Pop Warner football game between East Lynn and Billerica, which had to be called early by the refs after coaches from East Lynn charged the field screaming and swearing in front of 9-10 year old children.

It doesn’t get more ratchet than this:

A bunch of grown ass man, acting like animals in front of the children and getting the game cancelled because they can’t behave themselves. Imagine how much of a loser you have to be to be that invested in the outcome of a youth football game? Awesome example they set for the horrified children watching it all go down.

They’re all literally sitting there watching it, and the kids from Lynn especially have to look up to these dolts as role models. This is how they have been taught to behave when they become adults. Great example they’re setting for the kids there. Anyone who thinks it’s normal to behave like this at a youth sporting event is a trash panda that deserves to be named and shamed. Especially this guy, who had to be held back and taken off the field because he couldn’t control his emotions.

Apparently this all started when one player from Billerica tackled a player from Lynn, in a tackle football game nonetheless. Now the kid is distraught over it because these losers from Lynn couldn’t handle it and charged the field after them.


I’d really love to name and shame Freddie Frisky Fingers:

If you know who he is feel free to message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook, or email [email protected].


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