Law and Order

Facebook Allows Sexual Predator Who Asked Chuck E Cheese To Let Kids Play Naked To Post Sexual Comments About Children On Page, Videos Masturbating To Porn


This is Chris Jacobs from Napa.

He’s a 66 year old man who was out on parole for stalking when he was arrested again last week following an investigation into inappropriate comments he was accused of making toward a local high school student.

The girl spoke to police Jan. 18 and reported that an older man contacted her at the bus station on Burnell Street on several occasions and made inappropriate statements to her, Napa police Sgt. Peter Piersig said.

“The victim attends a local high school and uses the city bus for transportation,” Piersig said. “The comments were flattering and he asked her to marry him. The victim told the man, subsequently identified as 66-year-old Christopher Jacobs, that she was a minor. Jacobs was undeterred and kept making advances toward the juvenile.”

The victim reported having to change her route and even missed school out of fear of coming in contact with Jacobs, Piersig said.

A Napa police officer reviewed available surveillance video and found footage of the suspected interactions, and when detectives viewed the footage they quickly identified the man as Jacobs, Piersig said.

According to police, Jacobs used to live by Napa High School and has a history of making inappropriate and explicit comments toward known minors.

“In one case, Napa Police were notified by a nearby Chuck E Cheese that Jacobs contacted them and suggested they have all the children attend nude while letting adults watch them,” Piersig said.

Jacobs has been arrested multiple times.

After identifying Jacobs as the man making advances toward the current victim, the police department’s camera specialist reviewed additional surveillance video.

“It was clear Jacobs arrived earlier and earlier before the victim and it appeared he was ensuring he came in contact with the victim,” Piersig said.

Officers and detectives watched the area but were not immediately able to find Jacobs, a transient.

Their luck changed Saturday morning when they came into contact with Jacobs at Motel 6 in Napa.

A year before that he was arrested during a standoff after attempting to be brought into custody for outstanding warrants for stalking and threatening.

Despite the fact that he has refused mental health treatment and has shown no signs of wanting to stop sexualizing children, a California judge still gave him low bail. To the surprise of absolutely no one he then violated a restraining order that another child had against him, and he was once again locked up. But a quick glance at his social media accounts could’ve shown you that this monster has no desire whatsoever to stop stalking and getting off to children. His page is covered with images of other people’s children, often topless, and often with his own disgusting sexual commentary.


On Instagram he posted that he has “naked kiddies” upstairs.


According to him he smokes meth.



He posted a picture of a young girl and said it was one of his “masterbatory fantasies.”


He posted another picture of a little boy who he said would show him his penis.


He has filmed himself cranking the carrot to lesbian porn and posted the videos on his IG.


And he lived across the street from Napa High School.

Usually child molesters like to keep a low profile, but this guy has smoked so much meth over the years that he basically advertises it to the world. Northern California is a great place to leave if you’re a sexual deviant who wants to openly commit crimes and never be held responsible for it. He’s not even listed on the sex offender registry, despite calling a Chuck E Cheese up and telling them to have all the children attend naked while letting adults watch them.  He wants to be a sex offender, but the State of California won’t oblige.

Sources also tell us that they’ve been reporting his Facebook and IG accounts relentlessly, but that these posts are allowed to remain up. Meanwhile we got kicked off Facebook because these posts were sexually violent towards minors.

This is one of those times where vigilante justice is really the only option. What else is the public supposed to do when the state won’t protect their children from an obvious sexual predator?



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