Law and Order

Fall River Drunk Driver Nearly Kills Several People, Waves To Man Filming Him On Tik Tok While Swerving Across Highway In 4 Towns Before Being Arrested In Tiverton


Here’s a video from Fall River we were tagged in on Tik Tok showing what is clearly a very drunk driver doing the Ted Kennedy shuffle all over the highway as the guy filming him followed him through 4 towns.

It’s really nothing more than luck that this assbag didn’t kill someone. He was swerving back and forth between the breakdown lane and the passing lane without seeming to notice, and at no point did he even attempt to drive in a straight line. This was an extremely close one:

He was so plastered he waved at the dude who was filming him.

The remarkable part is that Fall River Fauci actually seemed to be concentrating on the road and wasn’t distracted or texting.

He was just a special kind of white girl wasted.

Props to the driver who called the Tiverton Police and arrested 60 year old Luis Dacosta from Fall River. He was charged with DUI of .15 or greater, which is more than twice the legal limit.

I don’t know what his blood alcohol was, but I’m willing to bet it was WAY above .15, and that this wasn’t his first time doing it. It’s just his first time getting caught.


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